
Isekai legion

Satou is a 16-year-old boy, since he was a child he was always a lover of anime, manga, in short, a high-level otaku lover of war games, one afternoon he was returning from school and when he arrived in front of his house it exploded Leaving him disoriented, remembering that his mother and little sister should be at home, he ran to the burning ruins, unfortunately in his heroic attempt he falls victim to fate. A new world will open for him. Do not miss it, non-stop conquests, unpredictable enemies, the occasional cliché scene and a bit of romance without deviating from the action.

Marcos_Antonio_1795 · Andere
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28 Chs

Cap#14 looking for a Dragon and finding a job

Well, I'm home now, it's lucky that the houses come furnished, although for what they cost we should stop even automatic doors.

Leaving that, now I should start looking for the little lordragon, according to her father she is similar to him, smaller but with the same sky-white color as him, come on, it can't be that difficult to find a Dragon inside a city .

As the girls were not there I went out again to look for clues, I visited the central park of this part of the city, then I went through some of the shops that stood out, for some reason the people did not have a very animated face, thinking about it I do not think I had I've seen no one laugh in this town since I got here, it's weird. I kept exploring, laughter is not seen, but slaves abound.

Satou: wait, isn't that?

The nobleman who stood out in the auction where I bought Elizabeth is walking with three girls tied by necklaces, if I remember correctly he said he was the prince's subordinate, apparently he was referring to Lican, I mean, he is the only prince I have met so far.

I continued on my way without giving it much importance, that's where the inspiration came to me, if you want to look for information, go to a bar.

I asked around a bit and found a bar where most were soldiers in armor, I paid a few rounds and they were already counting how far they hid the coins so their wives wouldn't find them. Discovering that the army had captured a dragon specimen for a while, that it was said that when it grew it would be an enormous force, which if demanded before it happens could be totally controlled once its power reaches its maximum, some said that it was in a fortress near the city, others that in the military sector of the residential area and finally in a large coliseum that was in the city, I passed the necessary distance from the first two places and did not detect anything, in the third I did not see anything nothing, but it was weird, it was like looking at a void on a map, as if something covered my perception, and it must be something strong since I put a lot of mana into it.

I approached the coliseum, it is surrounded by several guards with golden armor, they must be paladins, they told me that this was their attire. I jumped over the coliseum, collided with a barrier, which dispersed upon touching me, it seems that the immunity to robbery magic works like this.

Apparently they noticed the barrier, I feel the paladins entering.

I kept walking, in the center of the coliseum there was a Dragon with gigantic shackles that emitted a gray aura, I approached to release it, it fulfilled the description that had been given to me.

When he was about to remove the first shackle, the paladins and another person arrived.

???: You shouldn't be afraid of death if you've entered here.

I turned to see a young man in his 20s, in golden armor.

Satou: good night, I got lost looking for the bathroom.

???: (—_—). That is all you will say, although I recognize that you must have a little strength to have crossed the barrier, you must know that being here is going against our King.

Satou: what a beautiful night, there are many stars.

???: Could you stop hesitating me, although it may not seem like it, I am the blood general of the Kingdom of Castia.

The young man lost patience and drew his sword, it shone in various colors, you could see several runes on his blade.

He launched to attack, I dodge the first blow, the truth is that he is a general who earns his title, barely and I was able to dodge it despite my statistics.

General: Not bad. I have an offer for you, if it's this wretched dragon you want, I'll give it to you, as long as you join my army.

Satou: seriously you offer me that.

General: As a member of the Army you will have power and position, you could become a noble if you do enough." His strength is enormous, I see no training or skill in him and he still dodged all my attacks, he is much more valuable is this dragon, after After all, there is little chance that we will be able to tame him. He heard that an unknown entity arrived in the Kingdom, it could be someone from his family."

Satou: I accept, what would be my salary?

General: huh? You accept, well... well, it would be 2 white golds a week.

Ñooo, but what kind of salary is that, if I knew beforehand I would become a paladin, it's not that I need the money but that's 2000 gold a week.

Satou: perfect, I'm Magnus, a pleasure.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was night, I camouflaged my face a little with illusion magic so that if someone who had seen me, agents had taken me, they would not give away my new hobby, acting as a soldier.

This will be fun.

Sotou/Magnus: If you don't mind, release the dragon.

General: Of course. It's a deal. RELEASE HIM.

the paladins sang something around the shackles and they opened, the dragon woke up, well do freedom try to hit the paladins, now telepathy is a skill so I can use it in addition to his father with his daughter.

Satou / Magnus: "your father is waiting for you on the outskirts of the city, go with him, he will explain everything to you"

He didn't answer me, he just sniffed at me and he flew away, how obedient.

General: I'm surprised at the respect that dragon has for you.

Magnus: Let's say I get along with someone you know.

General: As you say, now if you don't mind, come with me, I would like to formalize his entry into the royal army.

.he took me to a room where there were several soldiers, he gave me a uniform that I really like a lot, apparently I have a rank called Captain General, as I remember it is the same as a 4-star general, what a thing, I am at the top As soon as I arrived, he continued explaining to me. I will be under his orders, also like every Captain General I will be given 1000 soldiers for the tasks assigned to me, I can also deliver them or do whatever I want with them as long as they do not threaten the Kingdom.

That's how we finished, we agreed to a time and place tomorrow where the rank and the d soldiers will be officially handed over to me, as well as 4 white golds to take care of them.

It will be fun to lead an army like this, I already have one but it's not the same, the golems are perfect, it's fine or there are problems, I would also like to teach military tactics.

He almost forgot, he came to this city on a trip, and by the way to beat up the King, although well, I'm not in a hurry, if something happens when I see him I'll give the prince a military slap in the face, even his teeth are going to come out marching and Ready, when I get bored I'll make a mess.

I'm already home, apparently everyone is here, but something smells strange, it's food.

Lilian: Welcome Satou, I'll prepare dinner for you.

There is God, who knows that.

Satou: that's good.

Lía: please sit down, now we'll bring it to you, while you have this tea.

I give myself a taste.

Satou: pgfggggffffff, this has salt instead of sugar.

Elizabeth: hehe, sorry it was my mistake, look they're already here with the food.

Fence first impression, I hope the food doesn't kill me.

(20 minutes later)

Well, it wasn't too bad, except for the salad with sugar.

Lilian,lia,Elizabeth: how was it.

Satou: he was very rich.

Lía: that's great, we put in a lot of effort.

We finished cleaning to take a shower and go to sleep, today they also accompanied me in the bathroom and in bed, seriously, I'm going to enter them soon.

In the morning we had breakfast, I told the girls that I had work, they were stunned.

Once in front of the Palace I put on my uniform, I looked like an officer, the armor was simple but luxurious, the guards treated me with respect when they saw my outfit, I was escorted to the throne room, I was three times older than the Lilian's father.

???: entering the room the new candidate for Captain General, Magnus.

I thought the position was already mine?

I suppose that if he is the king and I am a member of the Army I have to kneel down, I don't care, then I make him eat dirt.

King: get up, at the suggestion of my blood general, grant him the position of captain general, but first he must show that he is worthy of it.

Two people came out from behind the King, a woman and a man, the woman seemed to undress me with her eyes, it was interesting, but chilling.

King: you will face one of them, if you meet his expectations you will be accepted.

Things were heard coming from the guards around saying that poor me.

Magnus: when we started.

Bodyguard: today I have no desire to listen to blood, I'll let my partner take care of it.

We were guided to a wide courtyard, we were given wooden swords, we were at the ends of the courtyard. Neither of them was in an attack position. As I wanted to make a good impression I jumped in, to my surprise we collided swords in midfield, the exchange paid off, it was good. And his speed was above everything I had seen so far, although it will not reach my level, it was impressive, for several minutes the encounter continued, the swords were full of cracks, I threw a bad blow and took the opportunity to throw a direct blow to my face. He stopped a few millimeters, after receding the applause alley, one of the soldiers mentioned that it was the first time that someone showed to be on the level of Marci, the dragon swordsman, besides her brother.

Marci: My King, I have a request.

King: It is the first time, I will grant it to you.

Marci: I want to have a child with this man.

All: "(0_0)" huh? Heeeeeee?!!!!!

Even I was speechless with what he said, the king seemed not to breathe.

King: y... you y... you're fine.

Marci: yes my King, my wish is to unite my blood with that of this man.

Magnus: W-wait, I'm already engaged.

I had to get out of that, it wasn't a lie after all, it's not like I want to have a child right now, another one.

Marci: in that case I will be willing to be his concubine, my only interest is to have a child.

Looking at her, she's not bad at all, good body, pretty face, it wouldn't hurt at all, hehe, in bed, five is better than four.

Her brother placed a sword to my neck.

Magnus: I wouldn't mind, you are quite beautiful after all, but I'm not really interested in having a child right now, more in practicing the process.

Marci: As long as we have some in the future I wouldn't mind helping him with his practices.

That would be very seductive if I didn't say it with such a cold voice, her brother didn't look like he was going to chop my head off at any moment.

Under the sword by order of the King, he was in the ships, they gave me the title and the rank was put on the shoulder of my uniform. When he was going out.

Marci: future husband, I want to have the child as soon as possible, from now on you will sleep with me every other day to achieve my goal.

Magnus: Are you sure?

Marci: yes, tell me right now which is my room in the Palace.

Don't judge me, I'm a Virgin and in this world I don't want to die being one, so THIS IS MY CHANCE.

Magnus: Yes, indicate me.

Although he tried to avoid it, I'm quite nervous, and I feel that a miranda stabs me in the back, with my perception I can see someone behind that wall drawing a sword, surely it is his brother.

I was taken to a beautiful room, it was well decorated, it was luxurious but not excessively, he pointed to the bed, at that moment there was a knock on the door.

Soldier: General Marci we have sighted a small army north of the border, according to the Watcher it was an unknown group from the central part of the continent.

For some reason I was startled, he told me that he would be out of town for two days. He got out and left with the soldier. Shit, my golden opportunity, he'll be back, I swear that if someone does anything to him, even touch him, I'll erase his country.