520 Perfect date - day 3 (collapse)

It was evening, sun was dipping below the horizon. Sarah and Aiden are not paying attention to the sunset. They didn't leave the bedroom. They got food in the room and two of them would feed each other while cuddling between steamy sessions of love making. If this is a scene from cartoon, there would be pink hearts floating everywhere.

Aiden noticed that it's late for his romantic evening plans, but he will just move them to next day. Sarah is happy, and he is enjoying as well. That is all that counts.

Aiden frowned when he noticed that she is not wearing the engagement ring.

"Oh, I was afraid I will lose it in water…", Sarah casually said as she stretched to reach the nightstand and put the ring back on.

He relaxed a bit, but he was still displeased that she removed it already.

Aiden went to shower, and Sarah said she wants to be lazy in the bed for a bit longer before showering.


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