
Is lovin' you a risk?

WARNING ⚠️ Slow burn book Did you forget about me so soon?....... I told you it was a mistake, I didn't mean for any of it to happen?.... Catherine said in a frustrated manner. You didn't mean for it to happen but you finance did. He said with a smirk........ ............................ Catherine is innocent, strong-willed and a tad emotional. She is a beautiful and loving lady, up until she was used as a tool of exchange by her fiance and was bitterly betrayed by her cousin(Chloe). She sacrificed her dignity, freedom and other rights to seek vengeance and take back her father's company, which was in possession of her uncle and under the mercy of her disloyal fiance. She agreed to a contract marriage and found herself entangled in a stream of emotions. Battling love,death and lots of drama, find out if she loving Kelvin really is a risk worth taking. I Agree.....she said as he turned around What took you so long.....He said with a smirk I had to think about it......She answered Let's get married........He said

Ivy_Rafatullah · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 Break Up

Petrol Station

No baby I didn't, don't you always tell me you love me and can do anything for me. I just needed your help to seal the deal with my uncle, you can't imagine how much I love you. Benson said shamelessly. Wow, baby. Catherine said in a sarcastic tone.You have done me such a huge favour you son of a B***h.You are such a big loser, you don't have any other way to seal your stupid deal so you had to sell out your fiance. Catherine said in an angry voice.

Catherine calm down and try to understand, as the future daughter-in-law of the Black family, you have to make a few sacrifice and you have to contribute to the success of the family. Do you understand? ....Benson said with no hint of remorse in his voice. I want to break up. Catherine said plainly.

What?!. Benson asked not sure of what he jus heard. You heard me son of a B***h, I WANT TO BREAK UP!. I never want to have anything to do with you and your useless, miserable, pathetic family. Catherine watch your mouth!....Benson said angrily but quickly change his tone. But baby, calm down you can't just break the engagement. Benson Gold, I hate you I hate your gut, I never want to have anything to do with you.

Catherine if you break off this engagement, I will make sure your father's company goes bankrupt, I give you my word on that. But if you stay with me I will forgive you and pretend none of this ever happened. GO TO HELL!. I said as she hung up on him, she the sat on a bench and cried her eyes out.

A few minutes later I stood up and wiped my tears. I still have to think of what to tell Uncle and Aunt when I get home. I picked up my purse and left the Petrol station.


A particular black car was parked at the other side of the road and the person inside was calming watching the scene. Kelvin left the hotel with the intention of looking for Catherine but when he found her. The state she was in it was better she solved her problems herself.

Smith Mansion

Catherine knocked on the door of the mansion.

knock..... knock.

The door was opened by a young slender fair skinned lady. She looked a little like Catherine, she had a black shoulder length hair with black eyes. Look who finally decided to come home. Chloe said in a mocking manner. Catherine looks at Chloe and walks in, the moment she walked in the first thing she heard us the loud yells of her aunt.

You shameless girl...where have you been?. I thought you would never come back here again after breaking off the engagement between the two families, but look at you just as shameless as your mother. Maria said as she walks towards Catherine. Catherine walks pass her like she was not the person Maria was referring to.

Daniel look at this rude and ungrateful child. She doesn't even appreciate all we have done for her since her parents death. She went on and destroy our only source of becoming rich....Maria said frustrated. Catherine's uncle, Daniel who was sipping wine in the living room finally spoke. Maria dear, you don't have to stress yourself over Catherine's engagement. They are a couple, they are bound to fight and gave misunderstandings.

Catherine ran up the stairs, went inside her room and locked the door behind her. She then sat on the floor resting her back against the door and cried. Sob Sob, none of them cared to ask what happened to me?. Didn't they notice my disheveled look?, they are all selfish.

In-between her sobs Catherine heard a knock on the door and quickly got up, she wiped her face clean as she opened the door. Catherine?. Her uncle was the person at the door. Uncle Daniel, come in. I need to speak to you....come have your sit. Daniel said as he gestured her to sit as he also took his seat.

Catherine dear, I don't want to know what transpired between you and Benson, I just want you to end you fight with him. In relationships there are always ups and downs and don't be surprised when one if the bad days is too unbearable, but you should never quit on your loved ones. You have to try you possibly best to mend your relationship with him. so I want you to pick up your phone and apologize to Benson.

I won't call him. Catherine said stubbornly. Do u want us to go bankrupt?. We all know that your father's half dead company is still alive because of your relationship with him. The moment you break off your engagement with the Gold family is the moment we go bankrupt. You are just as self-centered as your father!.... Daniel sighed before he continued. Catherine dear, think about it if your engagement with Benson gets called off, we will be in the streets In no time. As Daniel said this he stood up and left the room. Catherine sat on the bed and sobbed even harder.

I can't be selfish, I have to consider my father's company.

The Next Day

Catherine woke up and didn't go downstairs for breakfast, nor did she for lunch. She finally came out if her room fully dressed with swollen eye. She left the house and stopped a cab. She then gave him the address to Benson 's mansion.

She has finally decided to apologize to Benson and mend her relationship with him. The cab stopped in front of Benson's Mansion. She came out of the cab and payed the driver. Thank you, she said to the driver politely.

Catherine input the pin to the main gate of the mansion and entered. When she got to the door of the mansion she brought out a key from her hand bag and opened the door. She went into the living room and went in the direction of his room when she saw no trace of him in the garden, kitchen or study. When she got to the door of his room she was shocked to hear moans of a lady.