
Is It Wrong To Use Forbidden Magic In The Academy?

In a world where magic exists in various forms, Lam Hoffman, a seemingly ordinary student at Calleimus Academy, harbors a burning ambition to rise to the top. He challenges all kinds of magic, believing them to be inferior to his own. "Elemental? Unique? System? Familiar? Summoning? Anti-magic? Those magics can only mimic a fraction of what I'm capable of. Behold my magic, the greatest one to ever exist!"

Lehnav · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Calleimus Rumble

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual Calleimus Rumble! Where Freshmen will compete in magical duels, and the winner will earn a coveted spot in our prestigious Dragon Class!"

"I, Joan Loue of the second-year Chimera Class, will be your announcer for today's match. I'm so excited to see what surprises this year's freshmen have in store. After all, this is the only time students can showcase their best magic."

"Let's not waste any time, folks. It's time for our first match!"

"First up, we have Martin Douglas, a promising elemental mage ranked 67 out of 596. he's certainly can't be underestimated."

"On the opposing side, we've got Rumi Ordel, an extraordinary magician who commands plants. Now that's some formidable magic! Ranked 79 out of 596, she's definitely a force to be reckoned with. Keep your eyes peeled!"

With just a quick glance, it might seem like the fire magician has the upper hand, but based on what I observed during previous tests, the plant mage appears to be holding back her true power.

Oh, they've already begun.

The fire mage is throwing fireballs blindly, while the plant mage is barely dodging his spells. She hasn't unleashed any of her magic yet.

That look... Ah, she's analyzing him. She must be waiting for him to use all of his magic.


But how long can you keep this up?

"What's happening here?! Rumi Ordel still hasn't used any of her magic. She's just dodging all the fireballs, but it looks like Martin Douglas is starting to lose his patience!"

"Ah, look at that! Martin seems to be changing his approach. Is he casting a different spell now?!"

Idiot! By casting a long-duration spell, he's giving the girl an opening.

"Wait! Rumi Ordel isn't going to let Martin Douglas finish his spell. She's launching a counterattack!"

Vines and roots burst from the ground, quickly wrapping around the fire mage's legs and hands.

He's panicking, He's not even finishing his spell. He's done for.

The vine wrapped around his neck, choking him. He tried to struggle, but it was useless.

And just like that, he tapped out.

"What an incredible opening battle! Despite being lower in rank, Rumi Ordel emerged victorious over Martin Douglas!!!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, with one person shouting "We love you, Rumi!" from the stands. Blushing, she waved back to the crowd.

Well, she's not half bad, but it's definitely a one-sided match. She's lucky her opponent is such a big moron.

"Wow! The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement. Our first match was truly impressive. But don't tire your voices just yet, ladies and gentlemen, because our next bout promises to be a display of honor! It's a clash between swordsmen, where pride and chivalry take center stage!"

"On one side stands Bartholomew Maviz, ranked 34 out of 596. He hails from the esteemed Maviz family, renowned for their swordsmanship in the kingdom, particularly their famous sword style known as the Sea King Style!"

"On the other side, ranked 15 out of 596, we have a mysterious contender from a family unknown to many. Claiming to hail from the Far East, he goes by the name Kabuto Tsuginumi. Despite his enigmatic background, he has astounded all by passing the tests with flying colors, emerging as the dark horse among this year's freshmen!"

I've heard that the Sea King Style is quite formidable. However, there's a common problem with passing down such styles: they're often believed to never quite match the prowess of the original bearer.

Now, that other guy. His aura is distinct—it's the aura of someone who has stared death in the face. His stance and the way he holds his sword show no concern for his opponent. It's not confidence or arrogance; he simply doesn't see the one in front of him as worthy at all.

"Oh, look at that. The two swordsmen are already in their stances, staring each other down."

I see. It seems like it's going to be a short battle after all.

Those gazes...the winner will be decided with just one move.

It's a battle to determine whose technique is superior.


I'm finally here. My very first battle in this academy.

All those years of hellish training—I'm going to show them my peak.

Alice, are you watching? Just wait for me. I'll be by your side soon, and I'll fulfill our promises.

I can feel my blood rushing, my heart pounding. Focus. Unleash your sword and show them what you've become.

"Let the battle begin!!!"




"Sea King Style, Sixth Move:

"Phantom Blade, Second Shadow:"

"Blue Shark Thrust!"

"Winter Blossom Ghost."


The clash of metal filled the air, leaving the audience wide-eyed and silent, completely stunned.

At a quick glance, it may seem like a flicker of light, but upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that it's their aura, a manifestation of their sword style.

A ghost against a shark huh?

Seconds feel like eternity with those two swordsmen standing back to back.

Eventually, one of them stood upright, sheathing his sword.

The other fell to the ground unconscious.

"W-what just happened? It was so fast, my eyes couldn't keep up. It was here, and then it was there, but in the end, Kabuto Tsuginumi emerged as the winner!!!"

The crowd erupted into triumphant cheers,

a. The professors and instructors, usually composed and reserved, couldn't contain their excitement, their faces lit up with delight as they witnessed the exhilarating battle before them.

"Absolutely astonishing! What a battle we just witnessed, ladies and gentlemen! The intensity, the skill, the sheer determination displayed by both competitors is nothing short of extraordinary. I must say, I've been commentating on duels for years, but this one, this one will be remembered for ages to come."

"Now, onto our next battle! On this side, we have the first son of Baron Ingenhousz! For generations, they've been known for producing wind magicians with exceptional talent and capabilities. Ranked 37 out of 596, presenting Kleinnnn Ingenhouszzz!"

"On the other side, we have... well, it seems we have Lam Hoffman, who unfortunately didn't score in any of the tests, landing as one of the top two lowest ranks in the exam."

As I walked into the arena, the crowd greeted me with laughter and boos.

"Oi oi, isn't it a bit cruel, this draw?"

"I thought the last match was fast, but it seems this one is going to end even quicker."

"Well, well, well, at last we meet. How does it feel to be deemed as trash? After we're done, you'll be lower than a dump."

"Funny how the pig is talking about dumps. Don't you eat that every day?"

"Argghhgggh! You're a dead man!"

Filled with anger, Klein immediately begins to chant, but I can see through it.

"Wind, heed my call. Like a raging storm, shred my enemy to piec—"

"Jocus(Trick): Pedis Jokeri (Joker's feet)"

Before Klein could even finish his chant, I pulled a little prank on him. Immediately, he slipped and fell on his butt.

He tried to get up but failed, tripping over and over as if the ground was made of butter.

"Oi Klein, stop playing around!"

"Yeah, finish this quickly. We want to see the next match!"

"Graaagghh! I can't stand up! You! What did you do to me?!"

"Do you like my magic? It's funny as hell! Hahahahaha!"

Once again, he tried to conjure a spell, pointing it towards me while still struggling on the ground.

"Gaaaahh!!! Wind, heed my call. Like a raging storm, shred my enemy to pieces!"

"Wind blade!"

The sharp blast of wind rushed towards me swiftly.

"Heh, Goetia(Sorcery): Nulla(Null)."

The gust of wind instantly dispersed into nothingness.

The look on the Klein's face was priceless. His eyes bulged and his mouth hung open as he saw his magic evaporate just like that.

Refusing to believe what he saw, he threw a few more wind spells at me, only for me to nullify each one.

The audience watched in shock as I effortlessly dispersed each of his spells. Gasps and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the crowd. Even the professors, usually reserved and stoic, exchanged glances of awe and curiosity.

"Where's your mouth, pig? Did you swallow your tongue? I thought you said you wanted to end me."

The arena fell silent, tension thick in the air. Klein, still struggling on the ground, looked up at me with a mix of rage and disbelief. His face turned crimson with anger and humiliation.

"You... you trickster! I'll show you!" he spat, attempting to gather his strength for another spell. But his efforts were in vain. Every incantation he tried to utter, every spell he attempted to conjure, dissipated into thin air before reaching me.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted, stepping closer. "For someone who comes from a renowned family of wind magicians, you're pretty disappointing. Maybe all that 'great talent' skipped a generation, huh?"

Klein's face twisted with frustration. "You... you'll pay for this! My family will make sure of it!" he shouted, but his voice lacked the conviction it once held.

"Yadda, yadda. Someone should really shut that filthy mouth of yours."

"Ventre nefastus, ore tamen gratus; tam dulcis melle quam amarus desperatione. (Poisonous for the stomach, yet a treat for the mouth. As sweet as honey as bitter as despair.)"

"Magick Prohibitae(Forbidden Magic): Dulcia Beelzebub(Sweets of Beelzebub)"

His gut puffed up like a balloon, and weird little bumps started poking out, creeping below his skin.

He muffled for help, his words starting to slur. Slowly, he crawled, reaching out toward the audience.

In a grotesque finale, he couldn't suppress it any longer, and a torrent of insects erupted from his mouth—centipedes, crickets, spiders, and roaches—swarming over his entire body in a nightmarish display.

As the swarm of insects enveloped him, Klein's screams were drowned out by the horrified gasps of the audience. Some spectators recoiled in disgust, while others covered their mouths in shock.

Eventually, the swarm of insects began to disperse, leaving Klein lying on the ground, panting and trembling. 

He cried like a baby, curling into a ball on the ground.