
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 6 The Fate of Dawnville 2

It soon started raining.

They found some people in some houses and saved them. When they were done they left some soldiers with the people to guard them. Iris, Levi and the rest of the soldiers with them started running to the place where they heard sounds of battle. They passed the Palace and market,and the various guilds in the city, and as they got closer to the city gates they stopped running and looked ahead, their mouths wide open as they an army not too large facing the army of Dawnville. But what shocked them were the other soldiers there. They saw seven men wearing bloody dark purple armour that was emitting a faint purple light, they had purple braces with silver ends, thick shoulder pads and knee pads, with a breast plate down to their abdomen, the armour looked heavy, and it felt powerful, they all could feel power from the armoured men that they couldn't explain and they subconsciously took a step back, they all had helmets on except one with a bald head and a bloody scary looking scar on his right cheek, the wound looked very fresh, he held a long purple spear taking a fighting stance against Iris' mother

"m,mo,mother" Iris said as he saw his mother with her silver sword that was of intermediate tier, she was on one knee, she wore a silver chest piece over her white shirt which was now stained with blood, she had iron braces on her hand and black boots with black trousers stained with blood and sand.


The men in dark purple armour were standing over hundreds of soldiers dead on the ground as blood flowed on the ground like a river mixed with the rain, general Riker was on his knees trying to get up but he was kicked down, and captain james and captain Cavil tried fighting with one if them but james got stabbed with a spear in his chest by one of the men, and Cavil was beaten down by the other. My mother stood up, sword in one hand, dagger in the other, the dagger flew from her hand, and I could barely keep up with it's strikes but the bald man against my mother blocked every strike from the dagger, my mother ran ahead while he was distracted by the dagger but he effortlessly blocked every attack with his spear without breaking a sweat, but my mom was getting bruised all over her, but she held on and kept fighting.

"attack, save the general", Captain Levi shouted, waking us up from our fear, Levi drew his sword and led his team to general Ryker and james, while I drew my sword and led my team to my mother. When we almost got to where she was, one of the men in purple armour jumped and landed in front of us, and as captain Levi and his team got close to general Riker he screamed at them,

"GET BACK, LEVI GET THE ROYAL FAMILY GET OUT WE CAN'T WIN THIS" general Riker screamed as he was kicked down by one of the men in purple armour who he was in battle with, he also held a spear. Captain Levi stopped running and gritted his teeth, not knowingwhat to do.

"you should surrender, " the man said to levi and his team "look at your general," the man said picking up an already weakened general Riker by the neck with his left hand and held his spear in right hand "that is what happens if you don't surrender" the man said. General Riker struggled and levi ran ahead with his soldiers behind him, but before he could get any closer, the man held up the spear in his hand and swung horizontally, and a purple slash was produced and it hit captain Levi and the more than fifty soldiers behind him they were blasted at least twenty meters away crashing into buildings and dead bodies and some were even knocked out. Levi tried to get up but he was still disoriented from the attack and he probably had some broken bones. The man lifted his his spear and stabbed it through general Riker's heart, he pulled out the spear and let Ryker's lifeless body fall to the ground.

Meanwhile the man with a spear in front of me and my team stood there like an immovable mountain,

"surrender quietly and you may be spared" he said looking down on us, I was afraid, we were all afraid but, I gripped my sword tightly and ran towards him, the man looked at us, lifted his spear and scoffed, "humph, wrong choice" he lifted his spear and swung it horizontally and a purple energy came out of it right at us, we already know what that kind of attack can do,

"get down" I shouted, but some of us didn't get down on time, for those of us who got down in time the purple energy passed over our head, but for those too slow to duck, they had been blasted away, some knocked out cold others dead from the impact and some getting up to join the fight. Immediately after the first strike, the man came at me, holding his spear without both hands he brought it down on me, my eyes widened and I rolled to the side and stood up, one of my soldiers went to attack him from his right but he just turned around and kicked him in the chest sending him flying, until he crashed onto some other soldiers, another came but he swung his spear and hit the soldier in the head with the bottom sending his dead body flying away, I got up and ran at him from the side but he noticed me and thrust his spear at me but I stepped to the side, but he swung the spear over my head and I ducked, he pulled the spear back and was about to strike again but a soldier came at him from behind swinging his sword, but he raised his arm up and blocked the attack with his braces, he pushed forward and the soldier fell down, another one came forward but he just decapitated him with a swing of the spear like it was nothing I ran and swung my sword at him but he just raised his other arm and blocked it with his brace, he pushed towards me and I fell on my ass, he brought his spear down on me but I rolled out of the way rolled backwards and got up on one knee, dirt on my face and my head, I was about to run at him again but then,....

"aaaahhh " I heard a scream, looked back and saw my mother on the floor, the tip of the bald man's spear in my mother's abdomen, she was bleeding as she held the spear stopping it from going any further.