
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 46 Dine With The King

They left early. They were outside the palace gates and there was only a single dwarf stationed outside, it did make them wonder, how confident was the head family of Jordan to not station any guards outside their palace.

"We need an audience with the family head"

Kara said to the dwarf while he sat on on a chair with a cup of .... Tea maybe, in his hands as he took a sip from the cup.

"And who are you to seek an audience with the king" the dwarf asks, Kara fidgeted, " i am-" but a voice interrupted her before she could answer completely.

"Don't worry their with me" master Dimas said as he walked up to them.

"Master Dimas" Iris exclaimed, "a pleasant surprise"

"The king isn't one to receive unknown visitors."

"We had to try, " Kara said.

"I know. That's why I set up a meeting with you and the king."

"When we left yesterday?" Levi Levi asked.

"Yes, ofcourse I spoke with the elders first and we agreed to help you, even if just a little " Dimas replied.

"But why?" Kara asked, "why help us, you barely know us"

Dimas smiled "let's just say your story touched me. But I do hope I am not helping the wrong people, after all i only heard your side of the story. This doesn't mean news of what's been happening in other continents, nameless or not hasn't reached here. It just means that I'm trying to be a bit cautious."

Iris squinted his eyes, " hmm"

"Anyways let's not wait anymore time then, let's get a move on." The dwarf didn't bother asking further questions, he knew who Dimas was, he opened the gates and Dimas walked in with the trio. They walked on a stone path with green grass on both ends of the path. They saw some men dressed in armor, some servants taking clear of plants. They got to a stair case where two male robed figures sat with a small shed built above them while they played a board game. The men noticed the visitors and one of them stood up.

"Aah, you are here early master Dimas" he said, "and with more visitors I see, anyways, come along, I'll inform George of your arrival" They went with this strange man who dared to call the king by name. They were led into a hall with a round table at the center and several men sat around it in robes or casual clothing and conversed among themselves. The robed young man led them through this hall, through a corridor and they met a wall in front of them. But almost immediately a rectangular shape formed around the wall and it slid down into the earth like there was no wall there in the first place. the room was a bit smaller, nothing notable about it. Several feet away from them was a man sitted cross legged in brown robes on the ground. He had black short hair, no facial hair and he sat with his eyes closed. The room was empty. He seemed to be meditating.

"George, Dimas Wit is here"

The robed man said.

"Hmm" the man on the ground, grunted "I know. You may leave." The robed man nodded and left.

"Your majesty," Dimas said and bowed, Kara and the others bowed also.

"I sense your chakra." King George Galanis said with his eyes closed still. "It is wild, like an untamed fire blessed. Are you fire blessed?"

"No, I'm not. I'm water blessed." Iris answered with a small frown.

"Are these the children that moved you Dimas?"

Dimas nodded. The others looked at Dimas, then George, then they exchanged glances.

"Don't worry I can see very clearly." He slowly stood up abd dusted his buttocks and legs. "come with me, this is something we should talk about over wine and food." They walked behind him as he led them through another door, they got to a garden where food was served already. There were several chairs around the table. " Take your seats join me, eat. You can't talk about a serious issue on an empty stomach" they say down, they were a bit skeptical but Dimas assured them that it was fine, so they sat and ate with the king.

"Go ahead, tell me the purpose of your visit. " King George said as he took a sip of wine.

Dimas placed a hand on Kara's shoulder. She took a deep breath and spoke. She told him about the war taking place in the seven kingdoms currently, and about how it has affected the cities and villages negatively. She told him about their mission here to train and gain allies.

"What about you with the wild chakra, you really should learn to control your chakra, even the state of your Qi is.... Anyways why are you here, don't tell me you're here because of your duty to your dead king?"

"And what's wrong with that?" Levi asked a bit annoyed.

King George raised his head and turned to Levi "You are here because?"

"Of a promise I made to my king, and to a friend." He replied

King George gave a sly smile, "don't tell me you've fallen for the princess you swore to protect,?" Kara, Iris and Dimas turned to Levi who had a poker face on.

"Ofcourse I'm only joking" king George said, "now to more serious matt-"

He was interrupted by man in simple brown uniform, it's the same fabric as the one they saw at the Georgalis Elemental Academy.

"Sir" he said as he bowed "the beast is back and it's proven to be troublesome"

The king sighed, "go ahead, tell the others to try and restrain it and to make sure it doesn't reach city walls, I am on my way." The man bowed and left.

"The beast is back, I thought you killed it last time?" Dimas asked,

"No no, I only pushed it back, it retreated" king George replied.

"Don't tell me you had trouble with a mere tri-head quaker?" Dimas said with a sly smile.

"Ah ah ah, don't cross that line Dimas. I was half asleep when fighting it."

Dimas snorted, "let's hope now you're fully awake.."