
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 44 A challenge

" why are there so many students gathered here today?" Kara asked, "they're much more than yesterday"

"Well young miss, they are all gathered to watch your friend fight one of t best 2nd year students in the academy."

"Wait, did you say best student?" Levi asked,

"One of..." Dimas replied,

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Levi turned to Iris, Iris stared at him with a nonchalant expression. "We've certainly faced foes worse than a spoiled brat."

Levi released a slight chuckle, we certainly have, haven't we?" He said patting Iris on the back.

"Well, kick his arse man, don't embarrass the captains of Dawnville, right princess?" Levi said to Kara and she turned her face away in shyness, but she did smile and it wasn't one of sadness, rather it was one of joy and a sense of fulfillment in knowing that they have come so far.

'they must be really confident in his skills' Dimas thought to himself as they got to the staircase. He presented a uniform to Iris, it was the same type that Solomon wore, light blue. The three elders were already seated. Solomon Georgalis stood a corner with a group of other students who seemed to be his friends.

"We are gathered here today to witness a match between two water ability users. Pay attention as this is a fight between two great fighters, you should learn from this." As Dimas addressed the students Dimas laughed lightly, " he's just an outsider I can handle him" Solomon said to his friends,

"But I heard he's a Wit.." one of his friends said, "hmph, he isn't a true Wit, from what I heard," Solomon replied,

"What do yo-"

"Solomon Georgalis 3rd son of Georgatou Georgalis, step forward,"

Their discussion was interrupted by Dimas. When Solomon heard his name, he walked up to Dimas with a smirk on his face.

"Iris Wit come forward" Iris walked up to Dimas. He and Solomon stood opposite each other.

"As we all know Solomon is in his 2nd year advanced class." Dimas said "and Iris has uhh.." he quickly beckoned on Iris to come forward, "how long have you had your abilities for?"

"Not more than five months " Iris said while scratching his head. Dimas' eyes widened in shock when he heard that. He quickly regained his composure. "Iris has been training on his own for five months and has come here to learn more from our prestigious academy. There will be no killing, no serious injuries. Go all out but have restraint. You may begin" Dimas said and left them in the middle of the field. The other students went away and sat in high seats to not be caught in the cross fire.

"You've not even had your abilities for a year and you want to fight me. Hahh, give up now while you still have a chance."

Iris took a few steps back while adjusting his sleeves. He put both feet together and stood upright with his right hand forward as though holding a sword, then sword of water formed in his hand.

Solomon moved his hand and water swirled around his hands and a spear formed in his hands out of water, the spear condensed itself until it froze. Iris was shocked and so were Levi and Kara.

Solomon waved his hands and a wave of water formed underneath his feet lifting him off the ground as he slid towards Iris. He moved fast and threw the ice spear. Iris dissolved his sword and moved out of the way, he put his hands out and the ice spear changed form. It became fluid and Iris sent it back at Solomon but he caught it and it became ice again.

Iris frowned, 'that was faster than Derek,'

"You are strong" Iris said to him,

"Hah there's no backing out now" Solomon said and spread out his hands forming multiple ice spears and sent them at Iris at the same speed he sent the first one. Dimas watched the fight with a strange glow in his eyes, he was ready to jump out and stop the fight any moment he felt it was getting out of hand.

Iris raised his hands and spun around creating a dome of water that spun continually, and when the spear made contact they were repelled, Iris cancelled the dome and propelled him self upward with water under his feet. He shot up like a gyser, spun in the air and performed an axe kick send an arch of water vertically down on Solomon. Solomon moved and a rectangular ice dome formed around him, when the arch hit, it had little effect as the dome only had a crack in it, Solomon moved the dome walls, controlling them, he sent the dome walls at Iris like giant shards of glass, Iris was quick on his feet as he easily dodged the first few, the last one came very fast and he couldn't dodge it in time. He held out his hands and stopped it, then he disassembled it turning it into tiny water bullets.

When the other students and the elders saw this they were surprised.

Iris moved his hands and made more, he then condensed them, then he fired. Solomon didn't bother, moving away, he spun around creating a very thin transparent dome of water that looked like it could pop at any second. Then he clasped his hands, and chakra evidently flowed from his body into the dome causing it to glow slightly.

When the water bullets came in contact with the dome, they.. ... They sunk in and disappeared. "Nice technique,"Solomon said, "but this is where I end this."

Almost immediately, the water bullets that had disappeared into the dome, reformed and flew at great speeds towards Iris.

He spun around creating an even bigger and thicker dome than the last one, repelling all the bullets. Iris got down while the dome was still up, and placed both hands on the ground.

"Uh oh, now that's just overkill." Levi said, which earned him a glance from Dimas, "what do you mean?" Just watch.

In a few seconds the entire area was covered with water, about a five foot deep flood. Solomon stepped forward and stretched his hands out repelling the water and creating a dry area for him to move, but that's when giant water tentacles grabbed onto his hands and feet restraining him, he tugged at them but they refused to budge. He then moved his hands around creating ice blades they sliced through the tentacles freeing him for a moment, but that's when he noticed Iris coming at him, he moved his hands and made a wave, sending Iris rolling away. He controlled the waves, they swirled and wrapped around Iris freezing him in place. Solomon formed an ice spear, aimed at Iris and threw it. Almost the same time, Levi, Kara and Dimas jumped out.

Dimas appeared in front of Iris and caught the spear, while Levi and Kara had their swords at Solomon's neck..... ....

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