
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 20 Adira Blade

Chris Blade, one of the Spears of King Steven, Kingsland elite soldiers, and brother to king Steven rode on a horse in front of a carriage leading the way. He wore his usual full body purple armor and helmet. His spear was in one hand while he held the reins with the other. Tied to his hand was a rope that extended downwards, and on the other end was a woman with a messy appearance, her hair blonde like king Festus', all she had on was a dress that was torn all over, she had injuries all over her body and tears in her blue eyes. The carriage was red and black in design and had the symbol of Kingsland on both sides of the carriage.

There was a guard in full body armor leading the horse by the reins as it pulled the carriage, and behind the carriage were over a hundred soldiers, most of them on foot, almost a hundred were on horses. All wearing intermediate tier beast armor.

The gates of Curtis opened and Chris led the soldiers through the gates. They got into Curtis and filled the streets. When they got into the city of Curtis there were people peeking out of the windows of their houses but afraid to come out, there were some bold ones who opened their doors just a little bit to see the intruders, but when they saw the banners in the hands of the soldiers their eyes widened with realization and fear. A few guards, soldiers of Curtis, walked up to Chris and bowed. One, which seemed to be the leader, stepped forward and just as he was about to speak a slightly high pitched feminine voice was heard from the carriage.

"It's getting hot in here, aren't we at the palace yet" the voice asked,

"No Princess Adira " Chris answered. "Ugh someone open this door before I die from the heat" the voice which seemed to belong to the one named Adira shouted.

The guard driving the carriage got down from his seat and opened the doors to the carriage and a young lady stepped out.

Adira Blade, the youngest daughter of king Steven Blade. A formidable young woman with a commanding presence. 21 years old standing at a petit five foot 5 inch. Her obsidian black hair tied up in a sleek top knot, secured with a golden hair piece. She dons on an armor, crafted from sleek dark red material that accentuates her lithe figure while offering maximum mobility.

She wore a dark red fitted breastplate that offered protection without hindering her agility. The breastplate is adorned with intricate engravings depicting patterns of lightning striking. Her shoulder armor is made up of sleek curved pauldrons that mirror the style of the breastplate with golden accents on the edges of the pauldrons. Her arm guards, crafted from the same material protect her forearms they had the same engravings depicting lightning striking.

Adira Blade stepped out of the carriage with a fan in her hand. "Come on uncle let's go on foot, i am tired of sitting in one place. Plus, I'm having cramps."

"Sigh. .. very well Princess Adira" Chris responded and got down from his horse. He tugged the rope connected to Princess Sarah's hands.

"We will lead you to the palace," the guard said. They followed him and got into the palace.

King Festus was on his throne, he was worried. His wife sat beside him on a smaller but similar throne. The guards outside opened the door, first the guard leading them stepped into the room followed by Chris, Princess Sarah and Princess Adira. When king Festus and queen Felicia saw their daughter, their eyes widened with shock. Tears rolled down Queen Felicia's face, but king Festus held himself together. They both got up from their seats and king Festus walked up to Chris. Princess Sarah looked at her father and mother with tears in her eyes.

"Father.. mother" she said in a weak and cracked voice.

King Festus turned to face Chris "Welcome guests from Kingsland, you must be tired from your long journey come with me to the dining room I have prepared a feast for you."

"My king is dissatisfied with your actions." Chris said to king Festus, "wh-what do you mean err "

"Chris. You can call me Chris"

"Sir Chris. I tried to apprehend King James, but he forced my hand. I had to fight him"

King Festus pleaded. "And the boy ?" Chris asked.

King Festus looked down in shame and fear "Well. ….. h-he escaped. He killed my son, my soldiers reported that he was blessed by an elemental god, he could manipulate water."

"Hmph. Excuses." A feminine voice said. King Festus turned to the girl standing beside Chris with folded hands. "And who might you be, my lady?" King Festus asked politely, afraid to anger an unknown person.

"You are all incompetent, I don't know why father sent me here, I'd rather rule at the Crimson palace, or Nivia, but noooo 'you are too young and inexperienced' " she said in an attempt to mimic her father's voice.

"I-i- I'm sorry. Rule." King Festus asked worry and fear evident in his voice,

Chris looked at king Festus and said in a firm domineering tone, "This is Adira Blade, youngest daughter to king Steven. She will now rule Curtis in our King's stead."

King Festus was filled with fear, "I'm sorry but I - I don't understand. Have I offended his majesty in some way?"

"You will step down from the throne and publicly announce her as the new Queen of Curtis"


"Wow," Levi said surprised, "they could improve on their teamwork and manoeuvring tactics, but that was amazing. Kind of like us during our hunting days huh" levi said with a smile

Iris nodded, "Yeah. There might be a village nearby, come on"

They walked out of their hiding place with Levi's arm on Iris' shoulder. Ajax, Pete and Nora were cleaning their weapons when they saw Iris, Levi and Kara walking out of the forest towards them. They picked up their weapons. Iris and his gang got closer.

Iris waved, "Hello, excuse me please."

Ajax stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"We are travellers," Iris responded. "We got lost. Is there a village nearby where we can get a place to stay the night."

Ajax looked at them with a frown.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked.

Iris frowned. "Look, if you don't want to talk we'll be on our way. Come on Kara." Iris started walking away. But Ajax put his hand on his shoulder.

"Look, we are kind of the patrol guards for the small village up ahead and we don't want anybody bringing trouble to our village." Ajax said to Iris. "Where are you coming from?"

Iris frowned even more, "look, if yo-..."

"Dawnville" Levi responded, interrupting Iris. "The army of Kingsland came and,... we're some of the only survivors left."

Ajax frowned, then smiled. "You must have travelled a long way. Come on, I'll lead the way."

Levi smiled back, "Thank you"

Ajax turned to Pete and Nora, "come on guys let's get going we have guests."

Pete tied up the legs of the boar and put a stick through the ropes. He walked behind Ajax as he held the legs behind and Ajax held the other legs front. They followed a cleared path and soon they started hearing noises from afar.

"The village must be close by," Levi said.

Ajax nodded, "by the way we never introduced ourselves. I'm Ajax "

Nora waved, " i'm Nora Calydon,"

"I'm Pete Calydon, " he smiled.

Levi smiled and waved at them, with his free arm, " I'm Levi Armstrong, This is Kara,.. err Armstrong my sister."

Iris looked at them " I'm Iris Wit."

Ajax, Pete and Nora stopped abruptly. They exchanged glances. "Sorry, did you say Wit?" Ajax asked,

"Yeah, Wit. Iris Wit. Is there a problem?" Iris asked, confused.

Ajax turned to face him," Yeah, well my name is Ajax Wit"