
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Chapter 10 Dawnville gets help

"They've arrived" a guard ran inside the shelter screaming, "the envoy of Curtis are here".

The guard ran to Captain Levi, "Get a hold of yourself soldier" Captain Levi said "go on, tell the others to get ready," Levi said to the guard,  the guard nodded his head and ran away to do as he was told.

"Come on Iris, let's get going" Levi stretched his hand out to Iris, Iris took it and Levi helped pull him up.

"We are the only Captains remaining, we've got to stick together" levi said, and they started walking out if the shelter, on the way Levi told one of the guards around to inform the king of the arrival of the envoy from Curtis.

When they got outside they saw that most of the bodies have been arranged and buried, but the smell of blood still lingered in the air. They got to the gates and they Saw an army approaching. It was an army of one hundred soldiers, with carriages and large caravans pulled by horses. Most of these horses were wild horses, basic tier beasts that are several times stronger and faster then normale ones.

The king came out of the shelter with the Queen and princess, to meet the envoy, the representative sent by the king of Curtis in his place.

A young man of about twenty years rode in front on a hors. He had long blonde hair that reached his shoulders, wearing light blue armour that appeared to be at the basic tier. A sword rested by his waist in its scabbard. When he reached the gates,where Iris stood alongside Levi and the king, He came down from his horse, walked towards the King and bowed slightly. "Your majesty" he said,

"Crowned prince William, you're the envoy?" The king asked surprised, he walked towards prince William, with arm stretched wide.

"Yes it's i uncle James" William answered with a smile,

"My boy you're all grown up now" the king said with a smile as he pulled William in for a hug.

"the last time I saw you you were barely my height and look at you now boy, towering over me" the king smiled.

The king led prince William into the shelter.

"I didn't expect your father to send you," he said after sitting down.

"He didn't send me, I volunteered when I heard what happened, and from the looks of it it's worse than what was said in the letter you sent. " William said as he looked around with a frown on his face, "what exactly happened, from the look of everything, most of your soldiers died. How did you survive, why didn't the army secure their victory, " William asked with curiosity, the king looked towards Levi and Iris who had his hands folded, he sighed,

"Come on now is not the time for this, let's start moving, there's no doubt that a larger army is coming to secure this place and acclaim it, and I don't want my people to suffer anymore" the king said to William, while avoiding his question.

"Alright uncle," William said and turned around facing his soldiers, "alright everyone let's start loading up". 

They moved fast, in a few hours they filled up the caravans, and stated moving. The royal family had a separate caravan for them, with crowned prince William acting as their personal chauffer. Iris and captain Levi led the remaining soldiers that weren't injured on foot. They rode for an entire day, while taking some in between breaks to rest, when it was getting close to night time they looked for a place to camp, they found an open space in the forest they were in and set up camp, they assigned some soldiers to take watch while others go and hunt for beasts that they could cook and eat, it took some time to hunt, but when the soldiers came back, they came with four dead deers, they skinned them, and roasted them then shared it to every one of the people, there were no left overs as this was for the more than two hundred people.

Morning came, and they started moving again and after a few stops, they got to the gates of Curtis. As they got closer the guards at the gates had gotten report that the crowned prince is close, even before they got close to the gates, there were various check points and security was tight, even when they got into the city, the streets were almost empty except for a few shops.

"It seems the entire city is on lock down" Levi said to Iris, while looking around, they were in front walking beside the Prince as he rode the horse and he overheard what Levi said.

"It's all because of the tyrant of Kingsland" Prince William said with anger in his voice, "father has increased the security around the city, we want to be prepared for anything, first Nivia, then the Crimson Sect and now Dawnville " the Prince had a solemn look on his face.They got to the city hall, and dropped the people of Dawnville there,

"Accommodation is going to be a big problem" Levi said with a frown,

"Don't worry I'll talk to my father about it, for now this is the best we can do, I'll assign guards to help with the creation of a small settlement, maybe with tents for a start."

"Thank you." Levi said.

The king of Dawnville got out of his tent, with his wife and daughter, "Your majesty, let me take you to my father" Prince William said with a smile. King James nodded.

Iris and levi helped the people get settled in, they set up some tents with the help of the guards assigned to them by prince William.

"Aren't you okay Iris, you should rest a bit," Levi said to Iris,

"You should rest too" Iris replied, Levi sighed.

"I know you're worried about me Levi but don't worry I'm okay. These people of Dawnville need our attention right now" Iris replied with a smile.

this chapter took alot outa me. the payment for my stress is one comment and one share.

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