

Hey, this is basically my diary story where I am just going to write down what happened every week and how it might have made me feel. Also as you read each sentence keep in mind I am not always typing after the event occasionally I will put everything down as it happens. Therefore even I won't know what happens next.

After I post this section I may edit it as the diary has more parts that may need to be addressed as my life continues. I will update on any edits. Each part of the story (a week) will be released on Monday a week in delay as then I can have time to got through to make sure everything is how I want it with no mistakes and possibly more depth.

ⓘ swearing and violence may be involved as well as possible eating disorder triggers and more which I don't know about because it haven't happened yet ⓘ

For privacy reasons I will be changing names around. But this is the diary of a thirteen year old girl with a mental disorder "misophonia" which I am looking to get a diagnosis for. I currently identify as omnisexual. Also I have an identical twin sister who will appear quite often.

Some days may be extremely boring so they might not have a lot to them but other than that I hope you enjoy the diary of "Amy Wallace" this diary will span over a few months

I do have some rough home life so if that will trigger you I recommend not reading this as fights may be documented in this, if you still wish to continue don't worry too much as I will be adding trigger warnings to any entry's that feature triggers.

People you should know

Alice = my girlfriend

Isla = my identical twin sister

Sienna = Isla's best friend

A few things before you go in to have a bit of back story.

I just dropped my phone in water a few weeks ago by it started working again so it's fine


I just stopped taking laxatives


My house has recently been extended and I am moderately wealthy. However the extension has not been decorated yet or have any furniture.

Me and Alice got together on November 12 2020

Really hope you enjoy. Nothing is going to be fake or upped in intensity. Other than that enjoy the rest.