
in the university


Beniei · Teen
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Alicia opened her mouth to first of all say thank you but before she could,the boy turned towards her with a smiling face showing off his cuteness.

"C'mon let's go sit over there" he offered before walking towards the table.

Alicia without hesitation followed,they walked towards a table at the top left corner of the room, close to the wall,the boy took the chair backing the wall while Alicia took the one facing him and backing everyone else.

Alicia's hood was still generously covering her face and as she sat down,she was quick to open her mouth. " T-thank you very much for this,I really appreciate"

"No sweat" the handsome boy replied before attempting to focus on his meal when Alicia removed her hood to eat.

The moment their eyes met,the boy gasped and his spoon fell back into the plate,his eyes filled with disbelief,his face registered with shock as he gazed at the beauty before him. She was the real epitome of beauty and perfection,her face a work of art molded and crafted by heavenly gods,her features delicate and innocent,her skin smooth and unblemished and her sea green eyes which seemed like he could forever get Lost in them.He couldn't help but get smitten by her blinding beauty.

Alicia sighed as she tucked in a strand of her hair across her face,she knew that look all too well,it was one in which anyone who got to see her face for the first time made. Alicia heard the boy mutter some words under his breath so she looked at him and that was what finally broke the boy's trance.

"S-sorry about that" he apologized still looking at her with dreamy eyes. Alicia shook her head and the boy was quick to stretch out his hand. " I'm Ryan Ken,300 level Architectural department" he introduced

Alicia let out a kind smile before accepting the handshake. " Alicia Lawson,100 level theatre arts"

"Ohhh" Ryan smirked. " I love theatre arts"

Alicia once again let out a small smile before she began to devour her cookies cause she was hungry as hell. Even though she had started to eat,Ryan still couldn't get his eyes off her face,if someone had told him that a beauty like this existed,he'd never have believed. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming and freaking hell! He wasn't, she was real,she was damn real.

The reason Ryan had actually paid for her was because of her lovely girly curves,she had such a nice shape and though she was wearing a baggy jean and a hoodie,it still wasn't able to conceal her voluptuous curves one bit and also she had such a nice smell and a lovely aura that he felt drawn to but had Ryan seen that face earlier,he would not only have paid for her but he would have carried her tray as well and ushered her to her seat cause pretty girls like this ain't supposed to be stressed at all..

Ryan soon found himself smiling like an idiot as he gazed at her looking dazed,he definitely wanted to come closer.

Alicia although could feel his hot piercing gaze on her but decided to ignore it because she was used to it and had somehow developed an immunity to it and as far as she knew,no boy could give her a hard time just by staring at her.

After a minute,Ryan blurted out. "A-are you real". He asked looking doubtful

"Mmm" Alicia looked up at him still chewing her food " how do you mean" she asked before her swallow.

"I mean are you real,like you sure you're not some mythical or magical fairy who has come to life" he said with a straight face,he was definitely serious about his question and not trying to rizz her.

Looking at his face and the doubt in it, Alicia couldn't help but let out a small laugh naturally revealing her dimples and her milky white teeth that finally got Ryan drooling.

"Believe it or not I'm real" she said before she continued her dish. Ryan didn't say anything else as he started to focus half of his attention on his food,the other half remained on Alicia.

After a while,he looked at the snack on her plate. " Are you sure that would be enough for you" he asked

Alicia looked at her food and she wanted to say a big no because this food couldn't even serve as an appetizer for her but then she didn't want to look greedy on the first day like this so she could only nod her head positively.

Ryan nodded before returning his eyes back to his food,he started to eat as he tried his best not to stare at her and act natural but damn! he couldn't , not when a ravishing beauty was sitted right across his face like this.

Usually,girls were the ones who fell head over heels in love with him in this campus because of his good looks and jovial personality but then it seemed the table had turned now and he would be the one to fall in love now.

They both quietly ate their meal with Ryan's eyes on her every now and then. When his meal was halfway,he stood up excused himself and walked straight to the counter, Alicia's eyes didn't bother following him because she thought he was perhaps heading to the restroom so she continued on her heavenly tasting snack which was small but yet tasted so amazing.

A few minutes later,Ryan returned with a take away bag packed with meals inside and placed it besides Alicia causing Alicia's head to whip up at him as he walked back to his seat.

"W-what for" she asked innocently.

"Well you could save yourself the stress of coming back down here in the evening to get another meal for dinner and I know the utility rooms aren't available yet" he explained,but that wasn't the true reason,the real reason was because he didn't want her coming back here in the evening and spotted by a more handsome guy than him especially since he wasn't going to be in campus that night.

I'm new here guys, please support by dropping your comments on the story so far , creation isn't easy please support and motivate me with your comments and votes

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