
The dream!

Every young man's childhood dream was to become a pokemon trainer, That was my childhood dream too. Hi! my name is Bradden, 19 years old from this time, and I will share my childhood experiences.

I was naive to the world when I was 3 years old, learning the language, enjoying every childish moment, I was born in Siregent Town, a small village town in Hoenn Region, near Ever Grande City. I remember, when I was running on the grass fields playing with my younger brothers and younger sister and with dad's pokemon. It was very fun, once the clock reaches 3 pm in the afternoon, we go to the backyard of our house and play there until it was dark. It was fun!

Dad's pokemon from that were; Garchomp, Marshtomp, and Stoutland, They are very friendly to us even sometimes we play too rough on them hahahahaha. Dad was a Pokemon Conservationist; what I knew about his work, is the rescue of wild pokemon from poachers and threat them until the time they recover and he releases them back to the wild. He was very dedicated to his work that he even put his life on the line many times.

I remember one day when he was almost gone for a year due to his work, His passion for his work is very applauding, I want to be just like him, I want to be in his footsteps, Chasing that goal; I started knowing things about pokemon. When I was at school, I take time to read books and notes about pokemon and their habitat.

I was 14 years of age when dad took me to the Pokemon Trainers Recruitment Center, this is the first step in that dream, I must be a pokemon trainer first before becoming a pokemon conservationist. I had mixed emotions during that day, I felt excited and as well as nervous.

As I entered the function hall, there I saw a lot of teens, just like me, aspiring to become pokemon trainers. We went inside in an office we're dad meet up with his friend, his name was "Burgh", who happens to be a pokemon researcher in the city.

He took me to the recruitment room where I will file my form as a trainer, afterwards, He let me choose my starter pokemon, Hoenn Region Starters are Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip.

Treecko is a small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Treecko's hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. Its stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach resembling a pouch. Treecko has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes that it uses to sense humidity. This ability allows it to predict the next day's weather.

Treecko is rarely found in the wild and is more common in captivity. However, when in the wild, Treecko lives inside overgrown forests. It makes its home in tall trees and will attack anyone that comes near its nest. Because of its territorial nature, it is known to be the protector of the forest's trees. Treecko is known for its calm and collected personality. It will never panic under any circumstances, even when faced with a bigger foe.

Torchic is a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back. A male Torchic will have a small black speck on its rear that is not present in females.

Somewhere in its belly, this Pokémon has a place where it keeps a flame. This internal flame causes Torchic to feel warm if hugged. When attacked, it will shoot fireballs of 1,800 °F (1,000 °C) at its foes, leaving them scorched black. It dislikes darkness, as it cannot see its surroundings. Torchic will follow its Trainer with unsteady steps. While Torchic is rarely found in the wild, it is known to inhabit grasslands.

Mudkip is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. Mudkip has a large head with a bluefin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks. By using the fin on its head, Mudkip can detect changes in air and water currents as well as bodies of water. Its fin can also point in a certain direction, as seen in the anime. Mudkip is capable of moving or crushing boulders larger than itself. Its large tail fin provides powerful acceleration to propel it through the water.

According to its Pokémon Ranger browser entry, Mudkip is a very docile Pokémon. Mudkip is more commonly found in captivity, though it can be found in swamps and other wetlands. In the wild, it sleeps by burying itself in the soil at the water's edge.

Those three presented are very awesome! but since I must only choose one It will be a tough decision. I can't choose because I like them all, After a while, As I observe those three pokemon. It seems that Treecko is such a loner, Torchic is very active and Mudkip was calm and happy.

I made up myself that I will choose a starter pokemon that has the characteristics of being cheerful, active, and gentle that will boost my confidence as a newbie pokemon trainer. I see the potential on Torchic and Mudkip to be my starter. Dad advises me to choose Torchic since it was very active and very healthy. I made it up, I choose Torchic as my starter, I know it will be a great partner to me.

After a couple of hours in the choosing section, we go to the area where they distributed our made Pokemon Trainer IDs, Poke Dex, and some Poke Balls. I scan Torchic in my Poke Dex to officially registered it to my Poke Dex.

The Pokédex is a handheld electronic encyclopedia device; one which is capable of recording and retaining information of the various Pokémon of the world. In order to accomplish Professor Oak's goal of a complete Pokémon database, the Pokédex is designed to find and record data on each Pokémon the Trainer meets. Pokémon are added to the Pokédex simply by encountering them in battle or, sometimes, by seeing a picture of the Pokémon. However, detailed entries are not recorded until the player catches the Pokémon, receives it as a prize/gift, or acquires it in a trade.

Dad told me to go out and catch my pokemon outside, I decided to head out and start catching my first pokemon. dad told me that he will go home and telling me that I must return home at 8 pm, I nodded and head out.

As I walk by, I see the real beauty of the city at sunset. So Eye-catching, the red-colored sun rays that struck the trees on the streets is amazing! I saw a lot of trainers also walking with their starters so I think it's good to walk with your starter. I called out Torchic.

"Come out buddy!"

"Torrrr .. Chicccc....""

I see that Torchic is very excited to walk, As I look at its eyes I saw happiness in it.

" Hey Torchic, I am your buddy, We will be best friends from now on. Okay?"


"Let's go, buddy! " We ran out to a nearby park to catch my first pokemon.

Finally, we reached the city park, It's Huge!

We saw many trainers catching pokemon, some chatting to each other and some just resting. I have seen a Pokemon and scan it on the Poke Dex.

Farfetch'd is an avian Pokémon that resembles a light brown duck with a white underbelly. It has a flat, yellow beak, brown eyes, a V-shaped black marking on its forehead (similar to a unibrow), and a three-feather crest on top of its head. Its wings are as big as its body and appear to be prehensile enough to substitute for hands. It has yellow legs with webbed feet and a stubby tail.

Farfetch'd is always seen carrying a leek stalk or spring onion. It carries this sprig in its wings but sometimes chooses to hold it in its beak or feet instead. Unable to live without its stick, Farfetch'd defend the stalk with its life. Losing it can leave Farfetch'd defenseless. Known uses for the stick include use as a weapon, nesting material, and emergency food source. It is selective about which sticks it will use and has been known to fight over good ones. Farfetch'd is found in temperate grasslands.

It was a Farfetch'd crossed the street so I throw a Pokeball, it hit it using its carried leek stalk, I was stunned, that was unbelievable...

I sat on the bench, I read an additional article about Farfetch'd on my phone. I saw that sometimes this pokemon is hard to catch especially he hits the Poke ball back to the person catching it or even dodges it. While resting, I saw another pokemon, it's on a tree, It is small and hard to recognize. I scan it and ...

Nincada is a small, whitish, insectoid Pokémon. It has a pointed snout, a thin stripe that dips in a V-shaped pattern between its eyes, and two whisker-like antennae on its face. Its eyes are black with green iris-like rings inside. As it is virtually blind, it uses its antennae to sense its surroundings. On its back is a pair of small, green wings. Its hind legs are white, but the forelegs are brown and have sharp claws.

The claws are used to carve into the roots of trees and absorb moisture and nutrients. Nincada builds underground nests at the roots of trees in tropical and temperate forests. It can occasionally live up to 10 years underground. It does not like sunlight, so it avoids it. Nincada is nearly blind due to living almost entirely underground, as such, it uses its antennae to see instead.

A Nincada! I throw a Poke ball and it dodges it and flies away... I'm so disappointed. It is really hard to catch my first pokemon... I sigh ... Torchic feels me and approaches me and comforts me.

"Chiicccc. Torchiiiccc.."

"Thanks, Torchic" I look at it and smiled. I feel relief everytime I saw its eyes; so positive.


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