

''Do you have everything? Do you have everything? Your hoodie? Your special pillow? Your inhaler? Backup inhaler? Backup backup inhaler?'' Michelle asked.

''Yes mom, I have everything I could possibly need'' Calister answered.

''Okay, you have my number just in case something happens make sure you call, okay?'' Michelle said

''Mom, it's just 3 days, what could possibly go wrong?'' Calister said frustrated

''Never say that, because when you do things are bound to go wrong'' Michelle said with a scared look on her face.

''Sure, can we go now? Or I'm going to be late'' Calister said

''Oh right, sorry come on let's go''


''You ready son?!'' Jacob asked in a loud voice

''Yeah, I'm coming down now!'' Mikey said equally in a loud voice

''Be quick'' Jacob said. A few minutes later, Mikey came running through the stairs

''Hey, be careful. What is that?'' Jacob asked when he saw Mikey holding something

''Oh, it's for Cal', this right here is the backup of backups''. Mikey said with a proud smile on his face

''I don't really care, come on let's go or you'll be late'' Jacob said totally not impressed

With the smile wiped off his face, Mikey answered ''Right''.


''Sally honey, come on, why do you even need makeup, you're 14?'' Jessica asked confused

''Yeah, I'm 14 and also the most popular girl in school, I need to always be beautiful. By the way, I'll be down soon'' Sally answered

''Fine, whatever. Just make it quick okay?'' Jessica replied

''Sure'' Sally said

''Ugh, what do I do with this girl?'' Jessica said under her breath.


''Gwen you ready?'' Mark asked

''I think so… mom, how do I look?'' Gwen asked

''You look perfect sweetie, you've got this okay, shoulders back, chest out, chin up, and look straight ahead, I believe in you, sweetie'' Ella said giving a bit of confidence to the very shy daughter of hers'

''Okay, oh my gosh I'm going to be late, come on we got to go'' Gwen said and dashed to the car.

''Bye sweetheart, we don't want her to be late now, do we?'' Mark said

''Absolutely not, go, bye'' Ella said and shut the door after pushing Mark out of the house.



''Bye baby'' Michelle said

''Bye mom'' Cal' said and left


''Bye son'' Jacob said

''Bye dad'' Mikey replied


''Bye honey'' Jessica said

''Bye mom'' Sally replied


''Bye sweetie, remember you got this'' Mark said raising a fist

''Hehe, thanks bye'' Gwen replied and left


''Cal', over here'' Mikey yelled while waving his hands in the air. Noticing Mikey, Cal' walked over and stood next to him

''Hey…'' Cal' said

''Are you ready for the best 3 days of our lives?'' Mikey asked not even looking at Cal' but at the bus in front of them.

''I'm not sure… kind of'' Cal' answered

After hearing, Mikey finally looked at Cal' with shock on his face ''kind of… did you literally just say 'kind of' to me?'' Mikey asked looking at Cal' like he was a stranger

''I mean… it would be nice but… I don't know'' Cal' said

''haa… you're just nervous, tell you what… you're going to get in the bus, go on this trip and relax, okay?'' Mikey said putting his hands on Cal's shoulders

'' Alright.'' Cal' said, then there was silence with Mikey probably daydreaming about the trip, the silence didn't last for long though as Mikey suddenly gasped.

''What!?'' Cal' asked in a hurry

''Over there…'' Mikey answered still shaking

''Where?'' Cal' asked searching in the direction Mikey was pointing to.

Suddenly, Mikey calmed down and smiled like a fool with a love-struck look on his face ''Sally''


''Ow… dude'' Mikey yelled after being hit in the head by Cal'

''What do you mean 'dude'? I should have done a lot more'' Cal' answered in fury

''Fine, sorry'' Mikey said still rubbing the back of his head

''Get on the bus right now'' Cal' said

''Bu-'' Mikey wanted to refute but he was quickly shut down

''Now!'' Cal' said

''Fine'' Mikey said getting on the bus followed by Cal'.


''Gwenn!'' Sally yelled as she ran towards Gwen

''Hey'' Gwen said as Sally got to her

''I brought a lot of things, we're going to have so much fun'' Sally said excited

''Isn't this trip for educational purposes?'' Gwen asked confused. Gwen is actually a new transfer student so the traditions of the school is still new to her.

''Oh honey, do you really think this trip is for educational purposes? Of course not, it's made for fun, to help the students relax and clear their minds, so your goal for this trip is to have as much fun as possible, do you understand now?'' Sally explained

''Yes'' Gwen responded

''Now, come on let's get on the bus and get this journey started.


''Okay kids, put your seatbelts on… that's what I was supposed to say as your teacher, but I'm not the students' favorite teacher for nothing, so I'm going to start with… who's ready for this trip!?'' Tyler said hyping up the kids.

''We are!!'' the kids screamed in response

''We are headed to a park and yes I mean the woods, it'll be just like camping except we stay in a hotel not in tents… are we ready to start this trip or what?'' Tyler said

''Yes!!!'' the kids yelled in unison

''Let's go!!'' Tyler yelled back


''Okay, let's go. How you doing Jeff?'' Tyler asked referring to the driver

''Good, I don't think you were supposed to hype the kids up like that'' Jeff said

''I'm not, I'm going to be in so much trouble… let's hope the kids don't go overboard, huh?'' Tyler said

''With that speech, I would go overboard'' Jeff replied smiling

''Well shit, I just set up a red flag, didn't I?'' Tyler said

''Yup, haha you're screwed'' Jeff said laughing while starting the bus.

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