
Integrated Comics: The Rise Of Mutants

In the world of comics, Mutants who have superpowers are extremely miserable. Lynn who travels in this world became a student of Xavier Institute with the ability to create Spells(Magic). Apparition, Avada Kedavra... Glacier Spikes, Fire Storms... Fire God Slayer Magic, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic... True mirror image, Dimensional leap, Time freeze... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying Spells(Magic), and he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world to make humans and mutants coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase their right to speak! Where does their right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money on the left and power on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create Oasis, a virtual reality world! Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1247401.html

DreamStolen · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Project Proposal For Saving Mutants

In the office, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Lynn's words were too simple and rude.

Even with Professor X's demeanor, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"You...don't agree with my philosophy?"

The student he had high hope for and had been teaching for ten years didn't recognize his own philosophy. He suddenly felt extremely heartbroken.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable anger: "Do you think Magneto is right? Mutants can only survive if all humans are wiped out?"

"Of course not."

Lynn shook his head: "No matter what, at this time, mutants were only a minority group, and the vast majority of mutants can't ignore the destructive power of various high-tech weapons, and with a very small number of powerful mutants, we could not directly wipe out all human beings."

"So, unless our strength is overwhelmingly strong, we would never be able to succeed."

Professor X was a little relieved by these words.

But he also became more and more puzzled: "In this case, why do you think that I will lead the mutants to perish?"

Lynn sighed softly.

Of course, the plot told me.

"With all due respect, Professor, licking a dog will never be respected. You can't get true friendship just by giving in blindly."

He looked at Professor X's old face and said seriously: "Professor, you are too flattering and tolerant to humans. The peace gained in this way essentially puts the future of mutants on the goodwill of human beings..."

"This is like a castle in the air, illusory and dangerous!"

To be honest, Professor X is an indispensable spiritual leader in the group of mutants.

But he is definitely not a qualified leader!

More importantly, he has considerable limitations in thinking!

Perhaps because of being an intellectual person, he actually thought that if he showed kindness to human beings, he could gain human friendship.

But he didn't realize at all that this was a war!

It's a war between mutants and humans, between X-Men and Magneto!

The former is a struggle for the survival rights of two species.

The latter is a battle of ideas.

Anyone who has read the history of the Dragon Kingdom knows that in these two situations, the blood flowed like rivers!

Victory leads to life! To lose is to perish!

How can there be a third result?

And what about Professor X?

He has defeated Magneto several times before and after, but he has never killed him. Not long ago, he defeated the Brotherhood of Mutants at the Statue of Liberty (X-Men 1). He just handed over Magneto to human officials and locked him up.

Of course, this can be explained by the fact that he needs Magneto's presence to make humans feel threatened at all times so that they will cherish their friendship with mutants more.

Then what about Jean Gray?

For the students in the academy, Professor X has always taught everyone not to be afraid of their powers but to learn to accept, master, and control them...

But he has never tried the Phoenix Force in Jean Gray.

Instead, he simply and rudely sealed the power of Jean Gray!

In the end, Phoenix Force was abruptly suppressed!

This is outrageous!

"False? Dangerous?"

Professor X didn't understand the ideas of Eastern culture, nor did he know Lynn's inner thoughts.

He just frowned while waiting for Lynn's further explanation.

"That's right!"

Lynn nodded: "Professor, have you ever thought that even if one day, humans really coexist peacefully with mutants, then those politicians, careerists, and chaebol groups...will they stop developing weapons against mutants?"

"This is impossible!"

"It has nothing to do with good and evil, but human nature!"

"Mutants have a powerful ability, which makes human beings extremely insecure, and no one wants their own life and death to be in the hands of others!"

"So, it's good that they can't still develop weapons against mutants. But once it is developed..."

"It will be the day when humans will completely wipe out the mutants!"

"And by that time, mutants who lack vigilance will only perish faster!"

Lynn's words are resolute and confident, and every word is sonorous.

Professor X looked at Lynn in surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect such a profound and meticulous analysis would come from a student who had never left the school.

Over the years, he had imagined the future of mutants countless times, and he broke his heart for the mutant group.

So he had to admit that what Lynn said was actually very reasonable!

Even he, himself, hadn't thought about this possibility...

It's just that in the current situation, it's challenging for mutants to even survive!

Where does it need to be considered when it was so far away in the future?

"Lynn, you make me very surprised!"

He took a deep breath, and in a trance, he felt some kind of leader's temperament in the boy who was not yet turned eighteen years old in front of him.

With this vision alone, all the teachers in the school are far inferior!

This student cannot be treated with common sense at all!

"I heard that you like spending time in the library. It seems that you have really learned a lot of things over the years..."

Looking at Lynn's young and determined face, Professor X sighed deeply: "As you said, mutants are a minority group after all, and there is a long way to go if we want to change our living environment. The path I take may not necessarily be right..."

"But it is precisely because of this that I, the X-Men, and the new generation of mutants like you are needed to work together, isn't it? "

"You are leaving the academy now, do you just give up and sit back while watching the situation of mutants get worse day by day?"

Lynn was taken aback for a moment. Then he laughed.

"Professor, I didn't say I will give up."

Now that he has traveled to this world and is a mutant, Lynn doesn't want to be someone else's prey and live in fear for the rest of his life.

As early as he entered Xavier's School, he had already started his own plan.

Then with a snap of his fingers, a stack of A4 papers appeared on the desk out of thin air. On the top cover, a few words were written "Project proposal for Saving Mutants"!

Professor X's eyes trembled violently!