

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

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1015 Chs

Ch 581 - The Job Offer

Sawyer couldn't stop thinking about Alex. Is he the kid I lost twenty years ago? How can I prove it?

"Sawyer, you can't rush into anything," Isaiah cautioned. "After so many twists and turns over the years, why can't you be patient?"

He sighed. "Let's talk about the Rumble Club. You don't know as much as I do about what's going on there. The older generation is passing over the baton to the younger, and the internal disputes are extremely fierce. Now, do you really think Alex can just step into the middle of that? No one will want to listen to you, and they'll think you're just acting in your own interests. So, try to relax. Take a step back and focus on yourself. As for a DNA comparison between Alex and Mrs. Jackman, I don't think it's a good idea."

You're nagging, Isaiah, Sawyer thought. But I get what you're saying.

"Fine," he said grudgingly. "I'll leave it for now and wait until the time is right."

"Yes, be patient for a while." Isaiah looked closely at Sawyer. "When Alex eventually goes back, he'll be a great asset for the Rumble Club, and then no one will doubt him. And besides, once you've recovered, you'll have the ability to protect him. After all, once word gets out about him, countless people will want to kill him." He paused. "You lost him twenty years ago. Don't lose him again now because by acting too hastily." He patted Sawyer gently on the shoulder. "You need to focus on yourself first, old friend."


Two hours later, Isaiah and his team once again confirmed Sawyer was recovering.

After twenty years of painstaking treatment, it had been Alex's use of the Harmony Technique that had finally been successful, and everyone was astonished.

Maryann rushed to the door and hugged Alex. She couldn't stop grinning.

Feeling uncomfortable, Alex coughed and pulled away. "Maryann, you know I have a girlfriend."

Maryann flushed, and she hurriedly let go of Alex. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy. You're not offended, are you?"

"Being hugged by a gorgeous woman? Why should I mind?" Alex joked.

"Typical man," she said, rolling her eyes, but she was still smiling.

Changing the subject, Maryann once again asked Alex to serve as the general manager at Robinson's Winery.

"I'll pay you ten million dollars a year," she said. "And twenty percent of the shares, which are worth tens of millions."

Alex is a rare talent, she thought. What can I say to get him on board?

"If you help me meet my family's condition, I'll give you fifty percent of the shares," she offered, hoping that would sway him. "No, wait, if I don't make it through these three months, I'll give you the whole company. What do you think? Will you do it?"

Alex gave her a wry smile. "It's an amazing offer, but I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Why not?" Maryann asked, disappointed. "Do you have a better job? Even if you do, that doesn't prevent you from being vice president at the winery."

Alex shook his head. "I work a lot; I'm really busy."

"That doesn't prevent you from coming to work for Robinson's Winery." She fluttered her eyelashes at him. "Is the money not enough? Then make me an offer, and as long as I can afford it, I'll accept."

Alex smiled. "It's not a matter of money."

"What is it then? Alex, I really want you to join us." Maryann's voice dropped to a whisper. "If you don't, I'll lose my last glimmer of hope."

How can I make him see how much I need him? she thought. I feel safe around him, and I know I can trust him. After all, he did save my life.

"You must promise, or I won't let you go." Maryann reached out and grabbed Alex's arm, scared he would leave her.

Many doctors were gathering, curious about the scene unfolding in front of them, and they began to chat.

"Are those two a couple?"

"She really is a beautiful woman."

"Yes, absolutely, and she's so kind-hearted. Alex is, too, so they look so good together."

"She should marry someone like him. She has good taste."

Overhearing their conversation, Maryann went bright red. That's so embarrassing! she thought. I really wish it were true, though.

After several interactions with Alex, she had realized he was ten times better than the so-called gentlemen she knew. Even the most outstanding members of the Robinson family were inferior to Alex.

"Alex, did you hear them?" she asked. "Everyone now thinks you're my boyfriend, so you can't abandon me now."

Then, in a last bid to make Alex stay, she said, "If you don't join my company, everyone will think you're heartless."

Alex frowned, not happy with her attempt to manipulate him.

"Maryann, I'm not fit to be a vice president, and I don't want to work for your company." He kept his expression blank. "I don't want to spend all day in a suit, socializing. It would drive me crazy. You don't know me at all if you think I'd enjoy that."

I already have plans with Debbie for our new company, he thought. I can't work for Maryann as well.

"Well, how about a compromise?" Maryann suggested. "If you can't work for me full time, leave me your number, and if we hit a major crisis, I'll call you. How about that?"

Alex sighed. "Maryann, if I get involved with your company, it will bring you trouble."

"Just promise you'll come if I need you," she said. "It'll make me feel better." She took his arm and looked up at him. "Alex, please, I'm begging you. I really need your help right now."

Her pitiful expression made Alex uncomfortable, and he decided to call her bluff and scare her off. "Okay," he said, smirking at her. "I'll join your company, but only if you let me kiss you."

"What?" Maryann gave a startled laugh, blushed again, and lightly punched Alex's arm. "That's outrageous! I want to recruit you, and you're trying to take advantage of me."

"I'm clearly an utter rogue, Maryann," he said, backing away. "Maybe you'd better stay away from me." He hoped she would be okay, and then she wouldn't feel the need to call him.

As Alex turned to leave, a shiver ran down the length of Maryann's spine. She didn't want him to go, because she got the feeling that she might not see him again.

She ran to catch up with him, wrapping her arms around him. "I haven't had a chance to think about your offer," she said breathlessly. "Why did you run off? Just give me five seconds to think about it. Okay?"