

Henry is an orphaned boy from a "royal" family who hasn't seen the world with his own eyes, he finally gets the chance to gain experience and shape himself to be a good person but elnot all experience is good in this world where chaos could let loose anytime he must find a way to survive Arthur's not (I couldn't for the life of me find a cover that would be click ait for the man of culture out there but this is a good novel please give it a read and let me know what you think) Disclaimer I don't own the cover picture and I have no rights for it

The_Sad_one · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Forgotten who I am

Sitting at the end of a large room, a huge green snake that filled half the room layed layed it's head on a man's lap. The man stroked the snake's head as he looked at three youths in front of him.

The man looked to be in his early thirties, he had black hair that was spiked upwards. He was wearing glasses and had manly facial features with a small beard growing on the side. He was sitting bear chested and his lean muscles were compact with power. He sat crossed legged with his red taikwando shiny pants.

The three small youths, two boys and one girl sat together reading a book together. All three of them were of all high beauty, they were handsome/beautiful by their own right and they seemed to be in their mid teens.

*Boom* *Bam* *Boom*

"What now?" the man thought annoyed as he looked at the door. The snake on his lap raised it's head and opened it's eyes with red pupils, it coiled up and tuned it's gaze.

"Who dares? The man got up and extanded his arm, a door that was flying his way stopped in mid-air.

The room inside the castle seemed to be cut off from the outside world because if one looked outside through the windows they would see a sunny view. It was only after the doors got destroyed that the man was able to see in what state the castle was in.

"Huh, it's you. Shouldn't you still be in the training grounds? " The man's angry expression turned into a confused one. "What are you doing here?" he asked out loud.

"Tommy you bastard, you think I wouldn't know huh? Well now it's time for you to deal with the consequences of your actions" Uncle Hue said as he made his way through the door.

"Calm down, I don't know what your even taking about" The man responded, he knew that the other part was angry and that the other party could get violent at any second. So he tried to avoid a confrontation.

"Fuck off with that, I know you opened my safe and took the augment book. Now hand it over or should I take it from your cold dead body" As soon as Uncle Hue said that, his aura changed back to an angry one, cold gusts of winds came out. The room got coated in a layer of ice.

The large snake around the man quickly moved and protected the kids from the spreading ice. The youths inside were shocked by this.

"Your pushing it" Tommy responded with gritted teeth. "You'd go this fare just for a book" The man responded once he felt the overwhelming killing intent fill the room.

"What is happening here" Multiple figures appeared in the room. Some of the figures wore ninja outfits , while others wore armor. A group of elders wearing red robes appeared besides the man. Every figure in this room had a terrifying aura, they had all seen their fare share of fights.

"Do you plan to get in my way" Uncle Hue responded to the old man wearing a robe.

"Ancestor Hue, why are you doing this?. Surely there's a way to solve this without violence" A wrinkled old woman wearing a robe spoke up.

Standing behind his uncle, Henry didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his situation. Just like the other guards in the room he didn't know whether to fight or just watch the big fish fight, he didn't know if he's help was even needed. Everyone in the room was ranked while he was a normal person.

On a serious note though, Henry was surprised by the old ladies words. He didn't know how old his uncle was, he knew that he was older than 200 since he fought alongside kento but he didn't know the exact number.

With the introduction of mana, humans through practice and cultivation extanded their lifespan. The oldest a person has recorded to have lived was 500 years, nothing more and nothing less. No matter what methods were tried no one seemed to live past this number

"I don't have to explain myself to you" Uncle Hue responded to the woman. "Are you not going to return my holy stone" Uncle Hue said as he shifted his gaze to the man at the end of the room.

"Uncle Hue if you don't mind me asking, what is it that you want from the patriarch" Vlad the man Henry had meet at the hospital asked. He was clad in armor like always.

"Why don't you ask your patriarch" Uncle Hue responded, his words caused everyone to look at the man.

A woman wearing a leafy green dress appeared besides the man at center. The woman was beautiful and seemed to be in her 20s. As soon as the woman appeared, the snake uncoiled. The children quickly ran to the woman.

"Take the kids away from hear" The patriarch spoke to the woman.

"Dear, what is going on" the woman asked. Seeing the man not responding the woman took the kids and left.

"Do you really wish to fight your own family" The man asked while starring at Hue. He ignored what the others were saying.

"Wait, things don't have to get violent. Patriarch please explain to us what is happening" a woman in her 40s spoke up. Everyone nodded when they heard what she said.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the patriarch sighed and got lost in his thoughts.

"Enough, I don't have time for this nonsense, you seem to have forgotten who I am" A spear appeared in uncle Hue's hand and armor all over his body.

"shit" seeing this everyone cursed in their hearts and got ready.

The temperature in the room dropped and a layer of frost appeared everywhere. Uncle Hue swung his spear diagonally and a blue wave came flying out. The blue wave hissed and the air around it froze.

Vlad appeared in front of Uncle Hue with a large shield blocked the attack. A few figures extend their staffs and Multiple lights enveloped vlad. The frost on his armor and shield slowly disappeared.

"Please don't do this" Vlad looked at Uncle Hue and said.

"Do what you must vlad" Uncle Hue twirled around his spear and disappeared. He appeared infront of vlad ready to swing. An old man with a sword appeared in between them and blocked the attack.

"Hue do you think what happened 50 years ago is gonna happen again. You actually went against your own family for the Lotus family". The old man spoke up, his small head didn't look right on that huge armor as if someone had cut up two pictures from different magazines.

"How dare you use my name without putting honorifics" Uncle Hue shifted his gaze towards the old man.

"You don't deserve it, if you leave now we can forget about this but if you insist you'll have to forgive us later for not showing kindness" The old man spoke in a magastic tone not that he didn't have the right to, he was currently the strongest in the Dikta family

"Hmp" Uncle Hue drew back his spear and attacked again, this time his attack had more power. Uncle Hue's spear cut the sword in half, the spear continued and left a diagonal cut on the man's armor.

Uncle Hue drew back his weapon and prepared to attack again. Vlad reached out his hand and grabbed the shocked old man and pulled him back, they both appeared a few meters away.

"Attack" The Patriarch shouted.

Everyone raised their weapons and multiple rays of lights launched towards Uncle Hue and Henry. Each ray of light carried it's own special power.