
Initial Fantasy

Disclaimer: This is an R18 story, or rather is rated that to give me freedom for writing. Any and all characters and settings are fictional, and all actions committed in the series are to not be taken seriously.

hocusbound · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Road Ahead: What is Left Behind

"I have a plan," Veru spoke up as I stared at him, still in his embrace. It was strangely comforting... Man... He's really grown some muscle since we were kids... I shook those thoughts from my mind, trying to focus on his words, "...see, apparently your mother was saved by her kingdom from the recent war. It seems she was on death's door but managed to say you were still alive. Obviously I couldn't say anything about the rumors... sorry."

When Veru looked down apologetically I shook my head and smiled, "No! I-It's fine I understand. Um... so are they searching for me?"

Veru seemed relieved and continued, "Yeah... they've been at it for two years now apparently. I heard rumors that they know it was Shade. We can probably use the secret paths to escape tonight," Veru gently grasped my hand, causing my cheeks to burn slightly, "I've done so much for you already... I'm sorry for making you indebted to me... but I want to help you."

I couldn't help but let out a giggle, "You don't need to ask permission to help me, silly~," I prodded his nose with my free finger. It caused him to blush some. I held in the urge to tease him more, "You know... Master will know where to find me..."

"I'm sure if we can get a hold of your relatives they will have the power to protect you!" We were whispering but I still put a finger over his lips.

"I-I get that... but Master is a very very smart man..." I trembled... remembering my most recent punishment did not help me gain any confidence. It was like he had a hold on my neck and was choking me whenever I thought about disobeying him. All the bravado I had before had vanished. I looked down defeated, slowly fidgeting with my collar, something I had grow attached to by now.

"Lavi..." he just hugged me and tried to comfort me. He could never persuade Master to avoid punishing me... he was bound by the same fate as me after all. Master's word was final.

Damnit... you're 30 years old man! Some young ass person like this shouldn't be any trouble!

I trembled, frustrated with my own powerlessness. Tears started welling up so I hugged Veru tighter.

"Ah... um... we'll figure something out... alright?" Veru whispered to me softly, I nodded a little and gripped his shirt some...

If only I was in my old body... and wasn't some teenage girl who can't defend herself... not to mention... that day is coming...

The say I was thinking of was my 16th birthday, officially I was 3 years younger than Veru. But in this world you turn an adult at 16... not 18 like my old world. However Veru told me that some families celebrate adulthood at 18 instead. This birthday would mean Master would have me start servicing him and the others... before talking with Veru about escaping, what was on my mind was persuading Master to wait 2 more years... maybe by then I could prepare my mind a little more... eventually Veru and I had to stop cuddling... as much as I pleaded for him to stay he said he was on morning patrol.

I don't even think he thinks of it as cuddling... hmph... I shook my head, I need to stop these girlish thoughts. Right now... I need to persuade Master.




"Hyaggh! Nnghaaa!" Male and Female screams echoed through the underground dungeons we had in our base. I winced every time the sound of a whip cracked, or when someone's blood curdling cries for help were never answered.

"What brings you here Laven? I thought you hated being down here." Master approached me as I looked up to him, hands tucked neatly in front of me. He made sure to drill etiquette into me... sigh...

Maste- err... Gyreti Hysong was a tall man, buff too. Around 6'4 he towered over me and Veru, Veru was a humble 5'10, meanwhile I stopped just short of 5'4 at 5'3. I was still growing of course but... mostly in two other areas.

"..." I stayed silent, following my harsh lesson from last time. Master likes to be in control, and obviously I am meant to be controlled.

"Good girl..." He pet my head, it stirred a sick feeling inside of me... that feeling only grew stronger when I closed my eyes, "...you may speak." He finally said after pampering me maybe a tad too long.

"M-Master... I-I N-Nnh..." I winced as another scream rang out, "...I wanted to... ask you something," I tried to look up at him with those puppy dog eyes Fioru told me worked on men. But what met my gaze was a cold, calculated glare. It sent shivers down so deep it reached my very soul. It took every last bit of willpower left to not let my legs shake. If I showed any ounce of fear he'd...

F-Focus... Henry, or Laven... or... damnit!

"I-I'm so- E-Eep!" I saw the slightest twitch of his finger and I flinched so hard my body froze. S-Shit... that was two... no... no no... please... I looked up to see Master's glare, he knew from the very beginning... h-he knew...

"V-Veru h-had nothing t- SMACK!" I fell to the floor before I even knew what happen, before I could get my bearings the sound of jangling was heard and I was being choked, my teary eyes making it hard for me to see. But I knew where I was being dragged to...




How did he know...?

I couldn't see, I was blindfolded.

H-How.... How did he know?!

He had just finished binding my arms and ankles... I couldn't run...

H-How could he have possibly known?!

"M-Master... I-"

"You are such a smart girl... I knew this from the very first time I laid eyes on you," I could only flinch from how close he sounded to me. I could hear metal scraping and thudding noises, "Smart enough... that you even planned to escape didn't you?"

A chill ran my blood cold, ...how... could he... have possibly....? "M-Master I- WHACK! Hyaah!" Pain erupted from my back, getting a frightened scream out of me. ...that's... not the usual...

"I know what you're thinking... and you're right. I saved this punishment for when you thought you could get some power over me. Or even when you thought you could escape," WHACK! Pain erupted from my leg this time, I stifled a scream so it came out more like a squeak. Whack! It was softer this time so I didn't make any noise... H-He's playing same... game... "You're a good girl... but you aren't a true slave. For the amount of time I've raised you... you should have been throughly trained. So why...?" Master pulled at my hair, and lifted my head. However, a heavy pressure pressed against my back keeping me on the ground, "You feel my boot right? CRACK!" He must have hit the ground near my ear, "RIGHT?!"

"...Yes... Master..." I was breathing shallow, all I could think about was... was... The only way... to avoid... this pain... is...

I fell limp, "I... was wrong... Master... a slave like me... has no right to make... selfish demands from her... owner..." ...I can only hope that... this punishment ends soon...

I felt my hair get let go and my face hit the hard carpet. The blindfold was slightly loosened, but my eyes were oddly unfocused... like... I don't even deserve to take off this blindfold. I wish Master would tie it on... so we can finish... I need... to atone...

What was I thinking...? Escape? There is no place for me outside of my prison here...

"There... seems you finally understand," I was propped up and moved to his lap, he proceeded to pamper me like he always did after my punishments... that sick feeling was returning, but this time... it didn't stop growing. I... feel si-

BAM! "Boss! They've found us!" I was laid off the the side, I drowned out the rest of the noise, it didn't involve a slave like me... so why bother listening...? I watched Master run out of the room and lock the door from the outside. I was deep in the basements of the base... only Veru and the other slaves knew of this place. I was untied now... Right... Master... hadn't finished... I closed my tearstained eyes. I'll wait for him...




"...She's not dead is she?! You better be right about this boy! My sister would be devastated if we came all this way to find her daughter dead!"

Why am I... so light? Am I... being carried?

"Gyreti would never kill her! I promise... Lavi... come on..."

Veru...? Why... do you sound... so sad? Everythings... fine we'll be happy... if we just... obey.

My eyes slowly opened, the first thing I saw... was Veru's face. Then the ceiling of what looked like a covered wagon.

"What did that bastard do to my niece?! Damn Hysong!" Some older voice raged off to the side. Something about... Master?

"Lavi... what did Gyreti do to you?" Veru brought my attention back to him. But I couldn't mister a response. I'd betrayed him... but... I'll have to say it's for the best. Right...? I reached up to my neck, only to feel nothing there. The rough skin on my neck was the only thing left of the collar.

"...huh?" I didn't understand, "Where is my...?" I slowly began to sit up but Veru held me down, "V-Veru...? W-Where's my collar...? Master will be angry if..." I was silenced when I glanced at him, his collar was gone too.

"Lavi... it's over... Shade was raided and everyone was saved from that horrid place. We're free."

"Free...?" I... didn't understand. I thought... I... I'd forgotten that... I wanted to be free for a second. What... what is wrong with me?

I started bawling into Veru, he smiled softly and just hugged me close, Damn him... Mas... Gyreti... he almost... hah... I didn't want to think about it any longer. I rested my cheek on Veru's chest would looking at the smoldering remains of what was once the Shade Outpost. Finally, I can leave this place behind... and lead a life. Veru and I can... finally be free.