
Frontier town (18): Convocation

Cheng Huaiqian's small pile of trophies was moved to the center, and the two of them looked over one by one:

[Strong Fist (white top grade): Powerful and heavy, strong and soft technique.]

[Wrath of the Desert (white top grade): Strength +1 after wearing this ring]

[Smart boots (white middle grade): Agility +0.5 after wearing]

[Antidote (white middle grade): has a good detoxification effect.]

[Riding skills (white middle grade): better master riding skills and improve the ability to control the mount.]

[Crossbow (white middle grade): the attack power is greater, the rate of fire is faster, and the range is longer. Thirty arrows are replenished every hour, and one arrow is automatically added every two minutes. The number of arrows cannot exceed the upper limit.]

Two antidotes were dropped, as well as a bottle of white medium-grade wound medicine.

The flying squirrel boots that Xia Ruize got before were given to Cheng Huaiqian, and now Cheng Huaiqian gave the smart boots that he had gotten to Xia Ruize, and gave Xia Ruize an antidote and the ring strength increasing wrath ring that he wore before.

Xia Ruize watched the pair of boots that the two exchanged and was speechless, Cheng Huaiqian put a ring in his hand, followed by Cheng Huaiqian's hand. He said frankly:

"I don't mind you helping me put it on."

Xia Ruize rolled his eyes unbearably, turned his back and began to count other items, leaving Cheng Huaiqian behind with a laugh.

The items dropped by the nine big barbarian leaders brought all-round improvements to the two, from weapons to armors, from techniques to skills, and medicines, which immediately increased their strength by a large margin.

Not to mention the white gems, poison gems, Mongolian sweat medicine, white low-grade wound medicine and antidote, white low-grade hidden arrows, and even black powder that were released by the barbarian leaders.

[Hidden Arrow (white low grade): A hidden weapon with less power. Can assist climbing.]

[Black powder: extremely sensitive, flammable and explosive.]

In addition, nearly forty elite barbarians contributed fifteen bottles of recovery potions to the two of them, as well as four space stones. The large amount of recovery potion made people feel safe, and feeling that life was a little more secure.

[Space Stone: The income system space can add one cubic meter of storage space.]

The appearance of the space stone was really surprising. The two tried to put a small black stone the size of a fingernail into the system space. Sure enough, the number on the box representing [Space] on the watch changed from 1 to 2.

With their thoughts, they could also feel that the storage space of the system had become larger. The space equipment was too practical. There were four space stones for each person, each of which expands the storage space of the system to 3 cubic meters.

Finally, the most common barbarians had contributed a lot of bandages, drinking water, food, sesame oil, etc., although they did not have a grade, they were very practical.

Especially the sesame oil, combined with the black powder dropped by the small leader, could make up for a big explosion in the style of a real man in minutes.

Just as the two were enthusiastically counting the spoils, a slight noise came from the gate of the tower hall:

"Strong, strong man…"

The two turned their heads at the same time and saw that the middle-aged chef did not run away, but knelt at the door and leaned into the hall to look at them. With a horrified face, he squatted and asked: "You, you killed all the barbarians....?"

When an outsider appeared, Cheng Huaiqian's gentle expression receded immediately. He got up and walked to the middle-aged chef and asked:

"Are there still Daxia people living in Bianlu City?"

When Cheng Huaiqian, who was tall and cold-faced, stood up and walked towards the chef. The chef was so scared that he crawled back two steps subconsciously. Then he realized that these two strong men were Daxia people, friends and not enemies, and sighed with relieve. He stopped his actions and replied:

"Yes, there should still be."

The chef's uncertain answer caused Cheng Huaiqian to frown, staring at the chef coldly, which brought unlimited pressure to the chef. In addition, he witnessed the two men single-handedly solve the barbarians in the entire camp. In the chef's eyes, these two people weren´t much different from Killing Gods, especially Cheng Huaiqian, who was taller and bigger, with a terrifying aura.

So, at first sight Cheng Huaiqian frowned and expressed dissatisfaction, and the chef quickly continued to explain:

"We have experience in avoiding barbarians. More or less, people will survive."

"Go, find a way to summon all the people who are still alive here as quickly as possible."

Seeing the chef trembling, his eyes filled with hesitation and resistance, Cheng Huaiqian snorted coldly:

"According to reliable sources, the barbarian back up army will arrive in Bianlu City tomorrow afternoon and completely occupy Bianlu City. If you don't want to die, you'd better come here to gather."

The middle-aged chef was surprised by the news, and subconsciously looked at Xia Ruize, who was more friendly and accessible in his eyes, to verify. Xia Ruize didn't know what Cheng Huaiqian's plan was, but knew that it was right to cooperate with his teammate, so he nodded and confirmed Cheng Huaiqian's statement.

At this moment, the chef was completely desperate.

In the early spring, the barbarians came to invade the second-tier towns like Bianlu City. It was originally a very strange thing. Not to mention that the barbarians used to leave on the same day and ran away when they grabbed food. They made a swift fight as quickly as possible and did not give the border army an opportunity to stop it.

But this time the barbarians openly camped in Bianlu City, and they looked like they would not leave. He thought that the two strong men had solved the barbarians, and they could finally relax. Who would have thought that the strong men would say that there were still barbarians who would come?!

God, what was going on?

The chef reluctantly got up and stumbled to a big drum on the side of the tower. He mustered up his courage and beat the big drum according to a specific rhythm, three times in a row.

In the silent night, the sound of drums spread throughout the small town of Bianlu, and the surviving city residents were awakened instantly from deep or light sleep, carefully distinguishing the drum sound, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Peace drum! Did the barbarians evacuated?"

"How is this possible, how can the barbarians evacuate at night in this dark sky?"

"Huh? The safety drum is followed by the convening Drum? Who on earth is playing the drum, and what is it that convenes everyone to do?"

"Could it be that someone was forced to beat the drum by the barbarians? Otherwise, it would be too strange!"

In the cellars and secret caves everywhere, the surviving Daxia people whispered and talked about it. They couldn't figure out how anyone would beat the safety drum in the middle of the night to tell the people in hiding that Bianlu City was safe.

Even more couldn't figure it out, why did they even beat the convening drum in the middle of the night? Under doubt, some boldly people simply walked out of their hiding place and went to the entrance of the courtyard to probe the situation outside.

Fortunately, the chef also knew that the information he delivered through the drums was too unbelievable. So, without Cheng Huaiqian's urging, he found the gong1 after he had beaten the drum, and then he banged the gong in the streets and alleys of Bianlu City, letting everyone gather at the North City Tower.

Someone poked his head out quietly and stopped the chef who was passing by:

"Chef Wang, it turned out that you played the drum? What's the situation?"

"The barbarians have been killed by the strong men. The strong men are going to save us now. Go to the North City Gate and listen to what the strong men have to say!"

The chef's voice became hoarse, but he did not dare to delay. Whether it was Xia Ruize or the terrifying Cheng Huaiqian, in his eyes they were all powerful and capable people. It was not surprising that they knew something in advance.

Although he was afraid in his heart, the chef chose to believe them.

Hearing from the chef that all the barbarians in Bianlu City had been resolved, the city residents didn't believe it until they had the courage to go to the north gate to check the situation, and then they were frightened by the barbarians on the ground.

Although they didn't see the strong men in the chef's mouth, such a scene was enough to prove that the barbarians were really solved, otherwise the barbarians would not be silent.

This scene was too shocking. The people in Bianlu City who were hiding did not hear any movement of large-scale battles. Everything was silent, were barbarians resolved?

Soon, the news spread throughout Bianlu City, and surviving city residents appeared one after another. Some came with the whole family, and some more cautious families only came with a representative, ready to understand the specifics. Ready to talk about the situation.

All the city citizens who had gathered only dared to surround the outside of the barbarian camp, did not dare to go in, let alone climb up the stairs of the tower paved with barbarian corpses.

Until he turned around in the city, the chef who was shouting hoarsely came back, everyone surrounded him and asked what was going on.

The chef looked up to the tower and shouted boldly:

"Strong man, all the people in our city have gathered here!"

Following his words, the more than two hundred surviving city residents at the scene looked at the top of the tower together, and then they saw that under the light of the lights, two men walked out of the tower, standing in front of the tower, looking down.

The city residents were looking forward to seeing more heroes, but after waiting for a long time there were only two, and they couldn't help but look at the chef again.

"It's them! I saw it with my own eyes, they killed all the barbarians!"

The chef eagerly explained. After the explanation, regardless of whether others believed it or not, he ran to the front and asked carefully:

"Strong man, my, my son, he…"

"Your son is in that yard. Go and bring him over."

Cheng Huaiqian pointed to the nearest courtyard, and the chef rushed to save his son.

Cheng Huaiqian didn't care about the chef's eagerness. He repeated to the people of Bianlu City who had gathered downstairs and were still full of confusion:

"Tomorrow afternoon, the barbarian army will arrive in Bianlu City and completely occupy Bianlu City. If you don't want to die, you'd better leave Bianlu City and evacuate southward."

Cheng Huaiqian's calm words seemed to drop a huge bomb in the crowd, which instantly blew the crowd to a boil.

"Really? There are still barbarians coming? What to do, what to do?"

"Even if you want to run, where can you go?"

"What the hell is the border army doing? How come so many barbarians come in?"

The people in Bianlu City below were noisy, but they didn't dare to question the two people on the tower. They were very aware of the horror of the barbarians, so they knew more about what kind of powerful characters could solve the barbarians.

Under the agitated mood, the people of Bianlu City had a heated discussion for a while, and then the various voices gradually became lower, because Cheng Huaiqian on the tower had been staring at them calmly. They all looked up at the tower, wanting to hear what the strong man would say?