
Infinite Holy Lord- Start from Hogwarts

Become Tom Riddle just after getting Hogwarts admission letter. Awakenen Infinite Holy Lord System and get Body of Holy Lord and 12 divine powers along with Immortal Yin-Yang Army at start along with Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 1). Infinite Immortal Soul. 2). 12 Divine powers & Holy Lord Form 3). Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 4). Immortal Army 5). Infinite World Space. 6). Chat Group 7). Dimensional Travel *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work.

Fantasy3104 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

5. Increase in strength and Arrival of Dumbledore.

"My lord do we need to report to our superiors. If done then it will cause a lot of commotion than today."

"Not for now, You can do whatever else you want anyway no matter where you are you can alway come to me or listen my orders because my immortal domain. If there is anyone willing to become my servant then I'm too happy to accept him or her, even your family can be included and even generations can be included. Everything depends on you, Anyway one day this world will only have one country 'Holy Kingdom' and it's your honour to become one of its elders come report your name and family"

"Subordinate is Wilson Fisk. Has a daughter 16 years old whose name is Kitty and wife jessica."

"Good, Good come on from now on your daugher will be my first personal maid and can become head of all personal maids. Even can become one of concubines in harem and guve you a stable position in kingdom. Now go and calm down everyone and explain your superiors everything that happened today as an accident. Also come with your wife and daughter tomorrow"

Hearing this wilson couldn't help but blush as he became captain he had already understood how powerfull lord was and no one can escape charm of immortality and he can become immortal together with his wife what else does he want. As for lord having harem and all, it's not his right to question. He nodded quickly and left.

Due to addition of 8 soldiers and one captain his strength has increased by 13% and including increses in overall physique is also not small. Dragon body length has increased to 10 metres and human form strength soared to elite auror level while dragon form full blow also increased but not much .

Just when police officer and his team left a team of aurors and an elite auror arrived who happened to see tom in this for form and pointed out their wands tom who was still leisurely.

"Come with us otherwise don't blame you mudblood troll. For causing such commotion and if you fight back, you'll be put into Azkaban."

Hearing this Tom couldn't help but laugh at thier ignorance. Now his defence has also reached enough to continuously resist full blow of any kind of professor level attack in this form not to mention dragon form, although small compared to other dragons but strength is still at top level. Even Dumbledore has to capsize in gutter if a fight happens. As for sealing, noway this world doesn't have magic or technology to seal him.

"Several wizards look this is my Hogwarts admission letter, if you don't mind wait for Dumbledore to arrive and confirm it, anyway he was going to come tomorrow and I guess this old guy must be on his way."

They saw an incredible scene the troll looking golden scaled creature turned out to be just a 11 years old little wizard when they saw letter and him transforming back, which gave them quite a shock.

Just when stubborn auror captain was about to say something they heard, "You guessed correctly tom, but can you explain us something about this."

After tom explained everything that happened he said again, "Well old guy since you're here I'll not waste time, I'm a pure blooded descendant of Slytherin and son of Merope Gaunt, as well as a pure blood golden dragon of east, if you don't mind come with me", "Oh and you nine guys too come with me as a witness to history."

Soon tom began flying and came to sky above his room in full view of neighbourhood and aurors and Dumbledore which shocked each of them as flying without any externnal help is already difficult not to mention being a 11 year kid and that too without a wand and spell chanting.