
chapter 26

when i asked form the local about the village name is ramanagar . Then I and subhadra goes in the village, it was time period were jai and viru's first fight was over.

when I was entering the ding host detected that a main plot about to happen in "junooniyat" serial. Then I said to system take their, then I also said this to subhadra. after that with help of portal we reach time were jordan mother saying about the wrong work done by jahan. " like he implicated jordan send him to jail and they both played a game were trophy was ilahi ".

Then I clapped in between jordan mother word about jahan was a bad person and ilahi don't marry him. jordan mother said who are you? I said I am your nameses pujniya jordan ki maa. jordan mother what are you saying, tell the purpose of saying this.

Then I said you are one who send your child to jail.

jordan mom laughed and why I do that because you want to full fill the wish of your son to marry ilahi. jordan mother for that i have many ways to do that why I do this type of things. so you do not admit that this your plan to cancel the marriage. then I have to show something. then I said subhadra to show them the vedio.

Then vedio was started in which it shows that jordan saying to his mom a want to marry ilahi, then another vedio shows of jail were she was saying about she was the one send to jail because this was plan.

After seeing this all of them was shocked, then I said your dadi, chahi also helping jordan mother to do this, they wanted to restrict you to singing. This looks like insult to them.

After seeing this ilahi slapped in the face of jordan mother said I will marry jahan no one can stop me form this.

Then I also want to say that accident that happened to your father was planned by this three woman. And i also want to tell you about your mom, ilahi first startled then asked were is my mother, your mother is fine but he cannot come to you because of your dadi what done with her.

ilahi what she done with my mother? then I said your mother also sing well like you, but this doesn't liked by dadi she give him some medicine by which her voice become like a crow. when she told your father he doesn't sympathies with because he had good imprason of your dadi.

after many days of torture she left you with your father and left this cure house were she cannot sing.

By listening this both father , daughter and jahan saw his dadi said your are one who behind all the problem of mine. then his father said now onward I doesn't have any mother and brother, I will live this house after the marriage.

Then I said to jordan mother you go to jail sympathise with your son. this marriage will happen.

After the jordan mother left, jahan came to me and said thankyou brother tell me what your name my name is sonu and she my better half subhadra.

then I said let's start the marriage, after the marriage over I will tell you something about you mom and dad past how can you resolve this.

marriage completed in very happy moment.

( living room)

ilahi father said to his own mother because of your backward thought we have broken like this you also coluded with other harm your child and grand child. form now on I have only one relative which is my daughter, you stay hear do anything but if ever bother with my child. then what will happen you will pay the CONCIQUEN.