
Incubus In Danmahci (rewrite)

(I wrote a fan fiction with the same idea a while ago but I horny wrote it and I think that I could do better this time around) This story is about some guy randomly getting transmigrated into the world of Danmachi he learns pretty fast that maybe everything is going to be alright anyway.

bananaphone · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

I had obtained a primitive system, though it could only tell me my most recent Status update from Loki and maybe influence some things to make me stronger, though perhaps it just notified me of the changes.

"Let's go to the cafeteria the others probably want to see you!" Loki interrupted my thoughts, I nodded along and put my shirt back on.

We made our way to my door and opened it, two shrieks sounded out and guests appeared in front of us. The two that fell were Tiona and Lefiya, the others were almost anybody important from the familia, Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Ais, Tione, and even Bete all were standing in front of my door.

My gaze shifted to the two that fell down onto the floor face first, a small chuckle escaped my lips which turned into laughter, which turned into more laughter. I was able to calm myself down and wiped a tear that was forming in the corner of my eye.

"What was dat for?" Loki asked me slightly concerned 

"I just thought of something really funny, that's it."

The reason I laughed so hard as I realized I had become a true isekai protagonist, harem of good-looking girls, some homies that won't steal my girls and a system along with other cheats. It was a funny realization for me. Everyone else moved on swiftly.

We had some food as I basically recounted my fight with Goliath deciding to not mention the Freya Familia giving a meaningful look to Lefiya and Loki to clue them in hopefully.

"I'm glad you home safe, but next time this happens, retreat, you don't want to bite off more than you can chew" Finn advised. I nodded at his advice in understanding and we continued eating and talking.

"It's been fun, but I've gotta check up with a friend real quick, see ya!" I advise the group as I take my leave, some nod some say their farewells back.

I hastily make my way to the abandoned church where Hestia resides, I hadn't been able to find her earlier and she has probably made some assumptions based on the fact that I've been absent for longer than expected.

I made it to the church fairly swiftly and opened the door, seeing nobody only a dusty and cobweb-ridden church greeted me with a decrepit statue of a goddess in center stage. Undeterred I made it to another door at the back this time knocking.

I heard two distinct voices muttering to each other on the other side followed by light footsteps. Hestia had a guest? I wonder who it is?

Just when I heard the footsteps stop the door in front of me swung open revealing an excited young … girl? What confused me was that this girl shared an uncanny resemblance to Bell Cranel from the show. She had shoulder-length white hair and crimson eyes that were similar to my own. Before this anomaly got the chance to speak I beat her to the punch.

"I would like to talk to Hestia, please." I silently urged the lady in front of me. My voice was low but it commanded respect.

"Sh-she's inside, P-please come in" she stutters out.

I take a couple of steps into the church basement and find the usually chipper goddess staring at the ground with concern plastered on her face.

"Hestia?" I call out for her attention. She breaks out of her thoughts because of my unexpected voice. She wordlessly got up and hugged me tightly putting her face into my rock-hard abs.

I hug her back with care and soon after hearing a couple of stifled cries. She releases me from for hug, those I do the same.

"Cain what happened, why weren't you there at all." Hestia began questioning.

{??? POV}

"Cain what happened, why weren't you there at all." Hestia began questioning.

Oh, so this handsome guy's name is Cain, just what did he do to make goddess cry like that!?

"Something happened in the Dungeon,.." Cain paused for a second, Hestia looked unimpressed by his answer.

Wow! Cain is an Adventurer by the looks of it, he is a very strong one. Wow, he is so cool!

"I was on my way to the 18th floor like usual" Cain explained, Hestia nodded along.

Cain is a strong adventurer no doubt I learned today that to get that far you have to be around level 2 which most adventurers don't get to reach.

"Suddenly the Freya Familia locked me into the 17th Floor, locking me in until I defeated the Goliath, and they weren't messing around either, Ottar himself was there!" Cain explained further Hestia gasped signalling to me that it was all true.

"Noticing I couldn't escape I decided to fight Goliath and emerged victorious, but it used to much magic and I experienced a Mind Zero that lasted for 5 days" Cain Finished explaining

No way! Big Brother Cain is super strong he was able to beat Goliath, I don't know how strong that is but all boss monsters are super strong. Not to mention Big Brother can also use magic!

"At least your okay…" Hestia sighed.

"Aren't you gonna tell me who this cutie is" Cain pointed at me, my face flushed. I stood too nervous to say anything waiting for Hestia to explain the situation.

"As I was looking for you I found Belle here trying to find a family, and he was willing to join mine." Hestia said, in my stead.

"I'm happy for you" Cain said as he put his hand up and patted the goddess's head. I noticed that Cain saw that my gaze lingered on the action.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay any longer, Loki gets uneasy when I'm not around." Cain says regretfully as Hestia also sighs in defeat I wave goodbye to my new and amazing Big Brother, not only is he strong and handsome, he can do magic as well and he is also part of one of the biggest Familia's. I want to be like him someday. I will stand next to him someday.

{Cain POV}

I noticed Loki starting to strip down into her underwear like she did last time, but unlike last her sexiness had affected me unlike last time, blood rushed to my nether regions as I kept a calm face.

Loki soon finished up her little tease and got into bed with me as I fell asleep.

{Loki POV}

As I finished getting into the bed Cain was already asleep, what surprised me was a bulge I felt in between his legs. I was excited.

I had finally made some progress with him, all of these attempts to get him to see me as more than a goddess have been paying off. It's only a matter of time before we do it for the first time.