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Chapter 1First Blood

It had been 4 years since I reincarnated, I still remember the sensation I felt, a painful twist, my first breaths and the feeling of what it was like to be a baby with intelligence of a 20 year old man.

I hadn't been able to see these new parents because my vision was blurry and my ears had to get used to the sound making every noise horrible to listen to.

I could feel the humidity in the air and the sound of rain falling as a thick fog surrounded my home, well " home ", it was an orphanage of cylindrical stone on several floors.

I was an orphan in this new life which made me cry when I realized it.

In this life I had dark brown hair with red locks covered in thin film with bangs and back hair falling to the lower neck, bluish green eyes with deep dark circles from lack of sleep, I had the skin on my bones due to malnutrition and I had my fingernails and the skin around that was torn off, seems my old habits were still there.

I had been given a brand new name which I found quite cool, I had become Orokana Hiku ! C 'was a really cool name !...well until I know that Orokana Hiku means stupid weak...I have to admit I took it rather badly and be angry for it.

Well, I was not always Orokana Hiku, before I was Yves Betto living in France and an introvert studying marketing and management, someone commonplace who had accepted his condition of being pitiful and who would not do nothing exceptional in his life.

Are you wondering how I died ? simple, I spent way too much time on the screens, I was in my room with my vision blurred from sleep as my eyes hurt and I struggled to stay awake to finish my raid on WoW in trying to kick that goddamn Kil'Jaeden ass.

In the end, my body let go and I died when I couldn't even think, after I reincarnated and spent the first two months in denial with having minor mental disorders before recover because I had a desire for survival and the prospect of a new life with the benefit of intelligence.

The language I learned was Japanese, didn't ask me how another world can have this language, all I know is that for an old french guy like me, this language was a nightmare whatsoever to write or speak but I managed to overcome it quickly which earned me an impressive look from some members of the orphanage, I would like to go see my old self and show him that finally, Spanish is not so hard and beat me out of his mouth, when we want we can.

I looked around where was the canteen which was just a room with white cylindrical walls and benches without chairs, I ate the weak grayish porridge on my plate, I devoured it while I felt its cold and sticky texture and the foul taste entered my mouth, I sincerely think that even shit tastes better, don't ask how i know the taste of the shit, i prefer not talking about that.

I forced myself to swallow it as I felt the ball coming but I grabbed my neck and began to choke myself to swallow the porridge , finally I managed to finish my "meal" as I breathed heavily and tears began to fall from my eyes.

" Hoy ! it looks like the little shit still act as a princess "said a voice I knew well, I turn around and see Toru who is supposed to be the" chief of the orphanage "even though he's just a 4 year old kid like me, he has black hair spiked back with a very long nose and is taller than me, his "friends" or should I dive his minions behind him chuckling.

I look at him tiredly which he noticed and started to get annoyed

"Do you dare to challenge me ?! I will finish you !" He said taking out what appears to be a rusty tip of a knife which made me react, I got up and put myself in a fighting stance which could only be qualified as an insult if I faced a real fighter.

" AAAAAAAAAH ! The bully named Toru was holding his rusty knife tip as he ran towards me.

" So predictable " I thought to myself, maybe I was a coward, a coward and a pain scared person in my previous life, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be afraid of a 4 years old child.

When he was close to me, I move to the right and crotch him so that he falls to the ground and cuts his hand on his own.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH " he screams crying as I grab the tip of the knife and look at him, my mind begins to daze and my hands shake as I hold the rusty knife, I realize how weak he is and how I can decide his life.

I look at him then look at the tip of the knife before swallowing, he wouldn't have survived Kirigakure for long anyway.

Huh ? Didn't I tell you that ? I happen to be an orphan in Kirigakure during the Bloody Mist era, nice right ?

I discovered it a few months after I was born when I heard the name of the village, at first I thought the people talking were just Naruto fans but it seems not. I might as well tell you that I cried a lot that day, which resulted in a lot of beatings and starvation for a day.

Since that day, I have been training my chakra which is in good quantity because of my Uzumaki blood, I know it because of the red tips of my hair, the clues were subtle i must say.

I approach Toru as my bladder is about to let go from the stress, I can feel my saliva every time I swallow, I also feel my heartbeat quicken as my body trembles.

I put the tip of the knife at stomach level where I wouldn't miss hitting a bone and squeeze in as best I can as it struggles.

After several tens of seconds he drops dead with numerous stab wounds to the body, I stand up and watch my trembling hands covered in blood, I vomit the entire contents of my stomach onto Toru's corpse as I drops the knife and falls on my butt shaking.

" Like this ? it was...so easy "I said as I realized how easily I could take someone's life.

I turn my head and see the matron Yua looking at me with a smirk as she approaches, her footsteps echoing in the canteen as all the children are silent.

The matron Yua was probably a former user of Kenjutsu whenwith the calluses on her hand, she seemed to be in her thirties and was 1m80 tall, she had black hair styled in a single braid deposited on the right, gray eyes as well as a scar that stretches across the chin and had the same clothes that Nono Yakushi and had a ring with Kirigakure symbol on the left index finger, she had all the face and body of the perfect mom except that it was far from to be the case and this dressing was only here to fool the childrens of the orphanage.

She put her left hand on my head and took the tip of the knife with her right hand before motioning for me to move forward, which I did, we both stood in front of Toru's mutilated corpse, she put the knife to her throat.

" See, that's how we kill quickly, next time, aim for the jugular " she said showing how to slice a neck.

She looked at me and I mechanically nodded to signify that I understood what she had shown me while my mind was blank and recorded the information that Matron Yua had just given me.

" I expect progress from you, " she said with a soft smile , letting go of the piece of knife and leaving.

I regained control of myself and looked around and saw all the kids looking at me with different feelings which was fear, disgust, contempt and mischief.

I was shaking and feeling their many eyes on me as I walked out of the orphanage slamming the door and walking into Kirigakure with hands covered in blood.

Civilians walked away while the shinobis did not care, that sort of thing happened every day Kirigakure, kill at a young age was even encouraged, it was disgusting but I knew that could not do anything.

Kirigakure had a particular architecture, the village is composed of several cylindrical buildings, the office of the Mizukage being the largest and the largest. Most of the buildings have vegetation on their roofs. It was constantly in thick fog as mountains surrounded it, it was a very different village from Konoha I had thought the first time I visited it, damn you bad luck you didn't do me reincarnated during the Konoha 12 era in Konoha.

After several minutes of walking I finally arrived in a forest corner where I landed on a tree, after holding back during all this time, I began to cry all the tears in my body reducing my cries to the maximum which gave instead of squealing from me.

I had killed someone, I had murdered him and I had been congratulated by the matron Yua, I had become a monster and I had defiled myself.

I had become a member of this village filled with bloodthirsty lunatics.

I finished crying and wiped away my tears with the dirty clothes I was wearing, I posed in a meditation position and closed my eyes to feel my chakra.

From what I remember from Naruto, the chakra is the energy used to use ninja techniques, it is made up of physical energy and spiritual energy, physical energy improves by improving one's body while l spiritual energy improves by working your mind like doing meditation, it is imperative to work these two energies to increase your chakra, if I remember correctly there is a third energy called natural energy allowing to enter the fashion wise.

I began my meditation as I felt a calm within me and my muscles relaxed and I felt the chakra flowing through her body through my chakra network.

I meditated for a while and opened my eyes to see that it was night which surprised me.

"The time really flies meditating" I exclaimed to me again, it was the typical reaction I had in each meditation , I was not the kind of person to concentrate.

I honestly didn't care to go back to the orphanage, many children lived on the streets and formed gangs to eat better, the only reason I stayed in the orphanage was because of access to the academy at 6 year old, i have to prepare myself to the death fight for becoming genin, it's fucking unjust its only civilian who have to fight to death but i suppose they don't want lost their precious kekkai gekkai user and already formed shinobi.

I started doing push-ups and different exercises which was extremely comfortable because doing this stuff at 4 years old was really horrible and even impossible.

But the point is, in this world, it seems like children develop much faster either physically or mentally which is how Kakashi became Shinobi at the age of 6.

The night was cool as the rain had stopped and I continued various exercises alternating between spiritual energy training and physical energy training.

I knew I could never remember all the information in my head so I took a knife and started marking information in French on an easily spotted tree, I was extremely happy for the simple reason that my dysorthography was gone as I enthusiastically jotted down the information on the tree.

When day came and the sky over the village turned gray again, I was already exhausted and breathless, I stood up and started walking as I felt my stomach growl.

I already knew it was inevitable, to survive I had to steal and rummage through the trash cans, I had to be extremely careful, the hospital was not reserved primarily for Shinobis and civilians had to pay a large sum of money to have access and be at the bottom of the list behind the Shinobis.

Injuring myself meant almost certain death and if I wasn't dead well I would become a starving civilian on the streets, I swallowed my thoughts and imagined various scenarios ranging from beggar to male prostitute which disgusted me, I wanted throw up but I had nothing more to release because I had already vomited everything up when I had killed Toru.

I walked slowly through the filthy and filthy streets of Kirigakure covered with mist, there were prostitutes, tramps and children rummaging in the trash cans.

I was currently in front of a civilian bar, I had originally planned to go to the red light district but the thought of being raped kept me from going, who knows what kind of sex freaks exist in the red light district.

I crouched down and used a broken bowl with holes founded on the floor to pretend to be a beggar as I hid my sharp pebble by placing it under the broken bowl.

I waited several hours to see a person come home alone being drunk enough to be easily robbed until my victim arrived.

He had just stepped out of the bar and looked like a wealthy old man who was completely penniless, my breathing quickening the moment I saw him as my grip on my stone tightened and my pupils grew slightly larger.

I looked around and saw that I was not alone, a few children of all ages were there, some seemed in a gang and others were solo, they were all in dirty clothes holding various improvised weapons and were all focused as well than me on the old man's flight.

I get up up and followed the old man with the others, some stepped back because intimidated by the look of the gangs and not wanting to risk their lives. I continued to move forward despite my stress and deep discomfort.

I gripped my sharp stone extremely hard as I saw the old man venturing down a dark alley with no one as the gangs and a few other children rushed in to assault him.

The scream of the drunken old man resounded but nobody cared because it was an everyday scene, it was the old man's fault for not respecting the rule to always stay on guard and be aware of his surroundings.

The old man was already dead with various traces of lacerations, broken bones and other horrible wounds, several 1000 ryo bills from his pocket which everyone and myself looked at greedily before we all looked at each other. others because we knew what was going to happen, it was now that the deadly battle was about to begin.

I really thought we were pitiful we kill each other for a few thousand ryo when a genin could get them by doing D-Rank missions although I think Kirigakure D-rank missions must be different from Konoha or you have to catch a cat and fix a fence.

Some had already started the battle and others planquaient wisely waiting for the opportune time to bludgeon the cost of using the latest alive, I am part of the waiting group.

The gangs and the few rare children clashed as three of us including me hid.

Some tore off flesh with their teeth, others used improvised masses to crush the skulls of others, one of them with a working knife and appeared to be the leader and quickly had his eyes gouged out by another child who appeared to be 8 years old and had stuck his fingers in his eyes before being beaten to death.

The fight continued and soon the bodies piled up and the survivors were 2 seriously injured gang members, they didn't even look at their dead comrade as they were probably just a team from a bigger kid gang.

I stared in disgust at the gaunt, shredded bodies covered in blood as I was only slightly used to this brutality.

It was then that the other two hiding behind bins attacked the two survivors who tried to defend themselves in vain, finally they both died screaming.

The remaining two then began to fight, one had a large stone covered in blood in his hand and the other had what appeared to be an iron pipe covered in blood.

The first used his stone but failed as the other ducked and slammed a powerful pipe into the left side of his chest which shattered his fragile bones.

The child with the pebble screamed in pain and swung his pebble frantically around and around but the other dodged his movements and attacked from further away because his pipe had a better range than the pebble, after many blows attributed to the stone. Bust, the child with the pebble succumbed leaving the last one exhausted as he advanced to collect the tickets, he crouched down to take them and that's when I took my chance.

" It's now " I said to myself as I rushed forward and said nothing, I wasn't like those morons who scream in a surprise attack or when they attack.

I slit the back of my opponent's throat but it only left a superficial cut, he grabbed my who was holding my sharp stone and squeezed it tight which made me drop my weapon, he lifted me and threw me on a wall which made me cry out in pain as my vision was stunned from the very slight head shock.

" Confronting a 7 year old when I was only 4 years old was maybe a little bit haughty " I thought as I got up and put myself in a position similar to Bruce Lee even though it was only one rough version based on my memories.

" Li-Listen ! I'm just doing this to survive and feed my little sister, I'm so-sorry, "he said stammering then charging and swinging his iron pipe, I dived to the right and picked up my sharp stone.

I took a large amount of dust and dirt from the floor and rushed towards him while dodging his pipe before sending the dust mixed with the dirt in his face, he stepped back and tried to brush the dust off his face as he was growling and he was blinded and I took the opportunity to hide under a corpse and camouflage myself with blood.

He finally managed to remove the dust and dirt then looked around to see that I was nowhere, he held his hose as he searched the place and the corpses with a worried look in case I popped up in one fell swoop, which was exactly my plan.

I waited as I was under several stacked corpses, he slowly approached where I was and reached out to lift his hand as I stepped out and aimed at his chin strap as Matron Yua had shown me.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! He screamed as he swung his hose which brushed my left hand and left a few marks, my stone penetrated his chin strap, while he was still inside, I moved the stone open wide the wound leaving a great flood of blood from the neck of the 7 year old who screamed in agony which hurt my ears as I watched in horror as he struggled and screamed at death, his eyes were wide with tears mixed with blood was flowing from his eyes.

After a while he collapsed to the ground dropping his pipe, his corpse lying in a pool of blood with the others, I approached his corpse and saw a locket made of scrap metal, I grabbed it with trembling hands and opened it to reveal the photo of the boy I had just killed with an undernourished little girl wearing a patched up dirty yellow dress , dirty and wild brown hair, nonetheless she had a smile as she took a picture with her tall brother, to take this picture the boy probably had to spend a lot.

It was then that the realization came to me, I had killed another person in cold blood for a meager booty but above all, I had left a little girl without a family while she was waiting for her big brother, she would die of horrible way be it from hunger, sickness or even wound infection, she would probably get raped and the only way out financially if she survived would be to become a prostitute in one of the low-cost brothels of the red light district.

The moment I realized this, I began to deny the fact by telling myself that it was every man for himself but deep down I knew I was just rubbish, the fact that this village spreads the law of the strongest. doesn't mean I can deprive someone of their only family and treat it like it's nothing, I was just an asshole, a little shit among the countless in this rotten village.

It had only taken me two years to crack and become like the other people in this village, I had become a bloodthirsty madman ready to kill for a few coins, no matter how much I refused the fact could not hide the dark truth, I was just a shadow of the old me.

I was starting to hyperventilate and suffocate , after several minutes I managed to calm down.

"I can't save his sister but I would remember what happened as proof that this murder was important to me" I thought as I left with the 9 thousand ryo bills each which were covered in a few stains of blood because of the deadly struggle.

I went and found me in a shopping street or circulating passers civilians, beggars, and other prostitute, I stopped at a food stand dirty with questionable hygiene means, the cook looked at me with undisguised disgust me seeing it covered in blood but saw the money I had and let loose a " Tsk ".

" What do you want ?! He said with venom in his voice which made me tremble and looking at me like vermin which was not so far from the truth.

I pointed at the 4 yakitori and weakly gave the money then took the skewers before leaving and quickly devoured them, I did not have the luxury to savor because I had to eat quickly before having them stolen.

I ate the yakitori telling myself that lives were the price to pay so that I could enjoy the kebabs, the taste made me cry because it has been a year since I had eaten good food, I had not had right only to the grayish porridge of the orphanage.

I kept the wooden sticks from the skewers to use as an improvised weapon for later, I walked through the buildings and the mist to finally arrive in front of a cylindrical building with a sign with an "orphanage" mark on it with the symbol of Kirigakure.

I walked through the doors while I was still bathed in the blood of my "enemies", the children I passed stepped out of my way and had faces marked with fear which made me squeeze my little hands. children.

I continued walking until I met the matron Yua who smiled when she saw me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"It seems you have passed the stage of prey" she said with a triumphant smile contrasting with her usual gaze which was cold and distant, it was said among the children of the orphanage that she only smiled at those with a potential to be a powerful shinobi.

The matron Yua saw that I did not answer and decided to come forward which made me step back, she grabbed my hands and placed something inside before closing my hands , the object looked like a small package with edges prickles around, it was quite strange . She gave me a smile that was both affectionate and mischievous.

" I'm so proud of you...what's your name ?" She asked as she tried to be comforting, she probably wanted to become a mother figure to increase my attachment to the village, unfortunately for her I was a 20 year old counting my two lives, any child would have been fooled but i'm not a child.

" ....Hiku " I replied and she was surprised that someone has a first name like mine, it is not always that you meet someone covered in blood whose name means "weak".

"You did well Hiku" she said before kissing me on the forehead as I was paralyzed with fear, for me kissing deceptively affectionate was more like a kiss from a shinigami, she congratulated me on killing, I wondered what was wrong with these people but I realized it was the village that made her be like this, she would probably be a different person if she hadn't lived in the village of the bloody mist.

I regained possession of my trembling body and opened the palms of my hands to see that it was the gift that Matron Yua had given me.

I looked wide-eyed at the gift I had been given, it was a ninja senbon pouch with six senbon, I was really scared seeing them but I reasoned to myself by saying to myself what an advantage I had to have them, I could practice but I would also be targeted because everyone would see the ninja pouch attached to my body and the few kids will want them to train.

"The bitch ! she gave me a poisoned gift ! it is a test to see if I am competent enough to master the senbon but also to keep such an object without having it stolen from me or being killed"I thought as my face showed a fierce rage, after a while I calmed down and decided to go take a shower in the collective showers of the orphanage while keeping the pouch with me and throwing the sticks which would no longer be useful to me now that I had senbon.

I undressed myself and went to take a shower, the showers were soap stocks and dirty towel with a mirror behind, to look for water there was a water cannon that is was operating and propelled by water on your body covered with soap.

I saw my body in front of the big mirror and I saw my body, I was undernourished with yellowed body parts, my body was so thin that my bones were visible, my hair was wild and covered with blood stains because of the fighting.

I took soap and spread it all over my body and in my hair, I rubbed a lot to remove the stains, after a while of rubbing, I saw my skin come off and felt a painful tingling but nothing serious, I activated the water cannon and put me in front receiving the powerful shot of very cold water on my body which cleaned me completely but also causes me pain because of the force of the cannon.

After several seconds the barrel stopped on its own so as not to waste water as my body did not have a drop of soap left on it, I exhaled and inhale as I lightly bit my hand so as not to fall inconscious because of the thermal shock.

Finally I recovered and I took back my clothes which were a patched up brown t-shirt and jeans with holes, the orphanage did not provide shoes and therefore we could walk on glass waste or sharp bits of soil of earth and stone while walking in Kirigakure which can cause great injuries to the feet and lead to death from infection of wounds.

I tied the senbon ninja pouch to my waist and went from the showers to a moldy wardrobe where no one was going, opened it and settled in before falling asleep hoping to survive one more day and keep my senbon.

I woke up in the cold and moldy wardrobe while fresh air was shiver my skinny little body, I yawned being used to this feeling because it's the one I had every morning for 3 year, since I had learned to walk I had seen this empty and moldy wardrobe in a secluded corner of the orphanage where no one was going.

I opened the wardrobe being careful that no one spotted me, before I didn't care if we found where I slept, but now that I had a precious object which was the senbon and its pouch I had to do be careful in case someone kills me in my sleep to take them.

I moved slowly and looked at the clock to see that it was already noon, I rushed when I realized it to arrive at the canteen and see the children eating the grayish porridge that was served to me by a member of the staff from the orphanage, I hurried to eat it and force myself to swallow it as a group of 3 kids pointed at me or more specifically the ninja pouch around my waist, they looked dark and mischievous on the face, I looked at the other children in the orphanage and he looked down with a look of fear upon seeing me, seeing me brutally killing Toru had apparently deeply marked them which I sighed in pity as they would not survive long in this. town.

I got up from the bench and walked out of the orphanage as I felt the three kids following me with a greedy smile on their faces.

"There will be no mercy for them" I thought to myself, these three kids aged 6 each wanted to kill me for their own greed, I could have pity and sorrow for shinobis like Haku or Pakura but the fools seeking only to satisfy their thirsts for desire would have no mercy on my part, they will only be one of my future many victims.

I took a turn and plunged into a damp forest corner covered by the rough with a few puddles and mud.

"HE HE HE !" laughed child 1 as his two friends were behind him giggling, I turned and looked at them with a fake shaking face...….well almost falsely because I was still terribly stressed to face three bigger children and stronger than me, luckily I had my intelligence to compensate.

"Give us the matron's gift ! A little shit you won't need "said Child 1, reaching out as I walked over and stood in front of him pretending to be afraid of him.

I suddenly took a senbon and stuck it in his throat before putting it back in the ninja satchel and running away as he struggled to breathe and his two friends abandoned him to his sad fate of a slow and painful death to chase me down and kill me for my senbons and the pouch.

I sank into the small wet drill as the other two continued to chase me, I had thought of using the senbon but didn't know where to drill or how to throw them, if I had managed to kill one of them it was because of pure luck.

After running for a while I came to a dead end, turned around as I was out of breath and saw the other two boys exhausted with a small smile.

" Did you think you could escape us ?" Said Child 2 while Child 3 cracked his hands, they both attacked at the same time.

I decided to go to the left, taking a senbon in each hand, my goal was to put out their eyes with it.

The first one came in front of me and gave me a light blow in the jaw, it hadn't done any damage because he was malnourished and had not trained his chakra unlike me.

While his guard was open, I took the blow and planted a senbon in his urethra then I removed it very quickly he began to scream in agony and wriggle on the floor urinating blood to death.

As I watched Child 2 struggling and dying from hemorrhage, Child 3 punched me in the left side of my face which made me fall to the ground and drop one of thee senbon who was in my hands.

He was currently about to kick me while I was on the floor but I rolled to the right and stood up as I took another punch in the arm this time I walked backwards to gain distance while keeping an eye on the child 3.

"I'm going to have to work the walk on the walls, the water and the leaf exercise if I survive" I said to myself, I had neglected to train my chakra control since I started my training there is 2 year, I had worked as a priority to increase my chakra even if I had a large amount because I was an Uzumaki even if it was only half, my chakra reserves were currently at high-genin level.

I saw child 3 with the senbon that I had dropped to the floor, he looked at me with a vicious smile and held the senbon like a Chinese chopstick showing his incompetence.

" Ok....at least he doesn't know how to use it " I said to myself seeing how he held the senbon, I knew how to hold a senbon unlike him thanks to what I had seen in the manga although 70% of what I know about the world of Naruto comes from Wikipedia and fanfics.

He rushes towards me with the senbon in front of him, he arrives in front of me and tries to stick the senbon in my chest but I dodge and push my senbon deep into the wrist of his left hand which was holding the senbon.

He gave a squeal of pain and let go of the senbon and I caught up with him then I rushed on child 3 who still has the first senbon buried in the wrist of his left hand.

I jump on him and he kicks me in the stomach because of the panic which takes my breath away, it made me back up and crash to the ground but I get up on the ground and I hold my stomach because I can't breathe anymore.

Child 3 tears off the senbon from his wrist in one blow, causing him great pain as I catch my breath. He looks at me fiercely as his eyes are bloodshot and drool trickles from his mouth to his neck with the senbon in his right hand.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAH " bellowed child 3 and rushed towards me with the senbon held like a kunai, I put myself on guard and prepare my senbon then run towards him as I slide to the left thanks to the wet ground as he is in front of me and lightly lacerates his right leg with the pointed end of the senbon causing him to scream while holding his leg with his left hand.

He quickly returned and tried to plant me is no good in the left eye but I dodge but gaining a little scratch just right in my left eye which made me wince.

" Fortunately it's superficial, I do not risk the wound becomes infected " I thought when I touched my wound while watching my opponent looking at me also.

I was just behind a seemingly deep enough stream and that gave me a hint as I looked at my opponent with a provoking smile which made him get even more excited and rush towards me with his head down.

I waited for him being ready, he came after a few seconds to hold on to me I put a head butt in his belly which cut his breath while I picked up the senbon covered in blood he had dropped, he was trying to back up but I grabbed him and held him over the stream with my little hands as he struggled.

He noticed where he was and started to panic more and yell at me pleas and words of apology which gave me a twinge of guilt but eventually I let him go dropping him into the stream as he stood. struggled in the fleet and drowned.

I huffed, it would only be one of the many days until the academy and I would have to face whatever challenges the village and matron Yua put in my way.

But today I survived.

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