Jace (our mc) has died to a severe case of truck kun or so he thought he mysteriously wakes up to find himself in the holy grail of nerdom the star wars universe oh yea one more thing this sassy lady keeps asking to integrate into his soul. (I’m sorry for any discrepancies in the lore this is my first time writing a light novel and I would take and advice critical or not thank you and don’t forget to vote yer power stones.) (P.S first time writing any kind of novel i NEED tips)
A young man named jace was sitting at an expensive oak table staring down at a tablet that was playing a certain movie with a certain spaceship with a certain space ninja.
*bzzzzzt bzzzzzt* a phone that was ringing was almost missed by the young man as he was so absorbed in the movie he was watching, picking it up he saw it was his best friend Darrick answering he heard "hey dude I just got invited to a party you wanna be my plus one?"
"Ummm sure" jace responded out of curtesy more than interest, he had always been a quite boy that kept to himself through the sixteen years of his life.
Darrick his best friend had been an out going boy who in opposition of Jace who was considered a genius had been let us say less than average.
on their first day of high-school they had been sat next to each other and seeing as how Jace was a good listener and Darrick was a good talker they became friends.
Grabbing his bag and putting on his thin jacket over his thin wiry frame Jace trotted out of his door into the bustling street walking down a few blocks till he was parallel with Darrick's house instead of walking the half a block to an intersection he decided to j-walk as he was in the middle of the four lane road he heard a horn honk loudly to his left spinning his head he saw a semi barreling down the road right towards him.
"oh dear" he said his mind going blank as he saw the truck quickly gaining ground on him.
He tried to run but his body moved as if it was in molasses. Realizing he would not make it out of the way he stood there thinking that the last words he where going to say where oh dear, what a stupid way to die. Just as the truck was going to smash into him everything went black.