
Chapter 164: The search, I think!

The search, I think!


Before I arrived at the penthouse, he was waiting, standing still crossing his arms downwards beside his black Range Rover, dressed in black.

I dropped down from the car then walked towards him as we shook hands briefly as we walked into the penthouse meanwhile I held a file on my left.

I sat on the sofa then I poured some wine into my glass looking up to him.


  "Yes boss, what can. I do for you, it'd be done within a snap!" He saidp

  "That's why I contacted as soon as I could. Take a close look at this," I handed the file to him as he screened it circumspectly then turned to me

  "Vanessa Tinkers!" He smiled faintly "The newest journalist in AZ and TVS, sir?" He asked for my confirmation

  "What do you know about her ass?" I asked then took a sip from my drink

  "She's only been in Miami five months ago, would leave in roughly two months. I'd do the rest of the job to feed you more detail!" He debriefed

  "I want to know every single thing about Vanessa in the next three days. Who she sees, her phone records, her frequencies...every little, common and seldom information about her, we have a lot to handle. Get it done, BJ!" I said as he nodded affirmatively then turned to leave, I added.

  "Not even my father should find out about this search, it lies between us alone!"

  "Count on me!" He assured then walked out of the penthouse. I entered the room. I walked to the closet then I preferred then i leaned close for an eye then pressed the button on the wall as the bricks on the walked demarcated then I entered into the armory. I stood still staring at the weapons, I took shotgun and a pistol then walked out of as the bricks automatically conjoined as though it was impenetrable.

I headed to my car and put the guns into the booth, I knew that security personnel wouldn't be on the lane i'd be taking so I took that chance. 

I drove home. I arrived the house, I took the guns along heading to the private living room. I took away the family portrait then I leaned for another eye scan as the save opened. This particular one was only to my discretion because of the ammunition in it, and two other saves that Gianna and others didn't know about. I placed the guns inside the locked it back to normal, I hung the portrait.

I really made a mistake leaving the gun Gia used to threaten the household, you its own exposure. It was there for emergency but her intentions violated its purpose.

I walked out of the living room as the secretary called.

  "Yes?...I'd be right there, gimme twenty minutes more...ok then!" I hung up.

As I walked down the stairs, Jane was waiting for me with a tight smile on her face.

  "Good day sir, I did not know you'd be home early! I would have come earlier!"

  "I'm for something actually, how are you?" I drew closer pocketing my hands

  "I'm fine. I hope you are..."

  "Of course!" I snapped "Er...I'd like to relief you off work Jane, its very important!"


  "No Buts! Its an order! I'm kinda working on something so I'd need to do this alone, else I would be risking your life!"

  "I get it but don't you think that I could help?" He persisted

  "Absolutely not, its gonna be a dire one. Jane, I need to do this alone to get what I want, I need to find my family. I don't want to go into much details but I hope you respect this decision I've made!" I stated almost sternly

  "Ok! I trust your biddings, sir! I guess I'd be waiting on your call, just in case I've got to do something!" She added

  "Thanks! Here's a check," I brought out a check then handed it to her as she accepted staring at it shockingly. "I hope it serves you for the mean time, take care of your family and if there's anything else, call me!"

  "Ten thousand dollars is a whole lot of money, its 100 times too much for a pay off!" She said

  "Do as you please, my dear!" I rubbed her on the shoulder "I've got to go, see you soon!" I smiled at her then walked away, she was tearing in joy and excitement. I did not wait to see her next reaction, I drove away.


  "I'm sorry father, I had to work on some pending! Really important!!" I took off the suit top then hung it on the hanger adjacent as I sat adjusting my black neck tie. He was reading through an A-star magazine. He closed it to pay attention to me.

  "I've not been here for long." He snapped "i don't understand why we have to wait for WATSGLAM representative to arrive before we proceed, I have a lot to work on than wasting my precious time!" He blurted like he's been pissed by someone.

  "Please calm down, I'll talk to the secretary right away!" I said politely, keeping it professional. I dialed on the intercom and held into the receiver. "Could you ask about WATSGLAM, can't keep waiting."

  "Yes sir, he'd be here soon please!"

  "Let me know after 10 minutes!" I hung up then turned to my father "He'd be here soon!"

  "Why not! You don't go about keeping your directories while you flex out there!" Father quarreled

  "You can't blame either of us! This meeting is suppose to hold by 3pm and its barely 02:35." I answered defensively "Dad, whatever it is that you got going on presently shouldn't be my problem."

  "Don't forget that I own all this glory..."

  "No, I do now, which means you work for me now!" I almost yelled, father and son with a high voltage of anger.

  "Don't be stupidly naive, I made your ass sitting on the throne like a king!" He fired back

  "And who's taking away that fact?" I asked "You've acting different towards me lately but don't expect me to stay silent although it!" I stated "We just gotta wait for some minutes then we kick start it!" I added

We remained silent turning away from each other, he turned to the magazine while I turned to my phone as a message popped up.

     *Hey baby, can we meet up for dinner*

             *I think its great idea*

I sent to Nessa as she texted again

    *Deal! Have a good day! Love you!!*

             *You too, Ness!*

I sent then dropped the phone the desk as father broke the silence.

  "Kareem?" He called in a cool voice then I looked at him "You can't get angry at your Dad all day!"

  "I would if it's necessary, besides we are here for business right?" I stayed sternly

  "I agree with you but we could discuss before WATSGLAM arrives. Yeah?"

  "Anything but not about my family!" I snapped

  "Well, its about that!..."

  "I don't wanna hear it..." I interrupted

  "You've got to listen Kareem, you wouldn't go thru this alone!"

  "But what did you expect, that I'd come running to y'all like I always do?" I questioned "I'm gone past that stage, I don't have to run to you every time I need some help. Y'all said before so I'm only acting upon it!" I explained

  "I know we said that because we thought that..."

  "Dad, let's not talk about it. Please?"

  "I'm concerned and worried over my daughter in law and grandchildren." He persisted

  "No Dad, you don't need to show that sympathy shit.  You also don't have to embarrass me before the world..."

  "Like what?"

  "Like shooing me out of your damn territory? That's embarrass, I did not that you'd do that to me!" I stated heartily. He was silent in guilt

  "I was angry, that's why! You tried to hit my wife..." He reminded but that was wrong information.

  "He hit like twice then I stopped the other coming around me. I can't tolerate the both of y'all hitting me like a child. I deserve some respect regardless."

  "Kareem, you don't expect me to be cool with what you did."

  "Well, it won't happen again if only the both of you mind your business. I'm an independent man, I can handle my problems."

  "Let me help you find them..." 

  "You had the chance but I really can't tell what came over you, you bashed it." I snapped nonchalantly

  "What cake over me? And what came over you with the new chic on your block? That TVS girl?" He asked

  "It doesn't bother you, does it? Its my life, Dad!" I tried to convince him

  "Your family is out there, somewhere!" He reminded, he was getting tensed up.

  "Let me live my life for God's sake, i need my space. Y'all should stop prying into my life you know, is that so much to ask?" I almost yelled

  "Talking about you is prying? Don't even talk to me that way Kareem, i'm your father don't forget!" He yelled. I rubbed my face downwards but slowly then I sighed.

I turned to the intercom as it rang then I answered.

  "Just let him already!" I hung up "He's here, we should start now!" I said coolly, arguing with my father would only worsen the situation.

  "Why not!" He shrugged as the representative walked. It was 02:58pm.

  "Really?" Father asked him

  "My apologies, Khaleefa's..."

  "Put some respect on that name huh, you can't keep us waiting like we don't have things to catch up with..." Father complained

  "Its almost three o'clock..." I chimed

  "Yeah just shut Kareem, o know that!" He said to me then turned to the representative.

  "My apologies!" He said. My father turned to me

  "What do we have today?" He requested

  "Check this out!" I said sharing the written documents.


I drove to the restaurant Nessa and I had been eating out in, I was late. In order for me to hold her down, to earn her comfortability and trust, I'd have to make her feel special. 

My instincts keep ringing some sort I'd message about her, searching for my family became impossible because there wasn't a clue left in tracks. I was later convinced that something had gone wrong, the more she persists on 'Justice for the Grand Cubs' parading her forums, I couldn't stop the perception from escalating. It was clear to me somehow that she was against Gianna for some reasons, if I'm guessing right b get intention is to keep Gianna and her history out of the country for her good. 

I've tried to convince people that Gianna and I have not had a reason crown Gianna as an abductor but it turns impossible because their perceptions had been tainted dark. 

People or almost everyone is against Gianna for what she did, I was, but I was fixated on getting my children back mot Gianna, I didn't want to think or regret anymore.

   "I'm really sorry for coming this late. These days I get too engaged at work, currently working on a new product so I got to put my all in it!" I explained as I sat

  "I know honey, it's ok! As long as you spend some time with then I'm fine!" She rubbed my hand softly then I smiled

  "So, what are we feeding on tonight?"

  "I was thinking about some chicken wings first....what do think about something later. What would you say?"

She said sweetly and high spirited.

  "And something bubbly huh!" I teased then we laughed. We looked happy, especially her. She was living the life she wanted I guess. I was the sad one and she was the brightest of all colors. We ordered some wings and began eating.

  "Tell me about your day?" She demanded "Did you get what you wanted? Was it worthwhile?"

  "Very! Not as bad as I thought, I had a meeting with Dad inclusive. Fire!" We laughed as i explained to her.

  "That's expected, big shots don't come easy. We strive for it, I know you'd make it gloom...I'm here for you." She assured. That was sweet, I liked the fact that she supported but I still had a lot of questions.

Nessa is a dream girl, I don't want to change swiftly, I'd wait for BJ's outcome then I'd stride on my final mission.

She leaned forward for a kiss as her boobies came into view a little, I accepted her gesture. Her lips tasted like the grape wine we were drinking on.

The way she was staring at me got me in the mood, I wanted to bang on her like the other day and I was certain that she wanted something from me too.

  "Wanna get down tonight?" I asked before I could even thinking it, I was getting horny. Oh damn, Kareem get your shit together, i said to myself.

  "I want you inside me tonight you know, I missed you already!"

  "Eat up so that we can get outta here!" I said rubbing her cheeks, she blushed.

  "Sounds like a good idea!" She smiled "We could leave right now!" She urged

   "Nah uh! I don't wanna starve before hitting on you!" I added flirtatiously as she smiled shyly

  "Someone might hear you, Jordan!" She said

  "Are you shy now? You weren't shy behind closed doors, what changed?!"

  "Oh man, I have to learn your art of being too direct!" She teased

  "Being too direct could get you gold, am I wrong?" I asked but I didn't mean it logically, I heard my interpretation attached to it.

  "I think I believe that, like digging my gold tonight?" She asked. She was trying to be flirty but I was indirectly telling her that I would do what she wants to find answers to my mystery, I was certain that she had a lot going. She was desperately doing something harmful, just a hunch.

  "That's smart! You think you got gold?"

  "Don't I?" Her smile faded away slowly

  "Of course not," I snapped with a straight face then she rolled her eyes in dismay "you got more than gold!" I grinned snuggling her nose as she blushed like a teenager "I was kidding!"

  "Jordan, its hard to keep up with you for real! I was thinking..." She began to explain them I interrupted

  "...that you're not special?" I looked into her eyes intentionally which caught her off guard, I held her right knuckle and placed a tender kiss on it. I bet she felt very special. "I don't regret having you around, there's this aura you carry along that's hard to explain! I guess in saying too much!"

  "Of course not, anything you say is never too much! I appreciate it!" She said. This woman is really cunning, right?