Song Even her father is aware of Ji Yoon's aspiration to become a major star, as she must continue the large family business. Ji Yoon blamed herself for her parents' deaths in an aircraft crash and buried her dream deeply, but the three friends who ended up helping him find a road that her could not find. The light of her lost road appears to have been found when she meets Park Yoon Ki, but she must accept the truth that if one of his wings is broken, Ji Yoon will begin to question her course when she is halfway through.
Soo Young was perplexed as she walked that morning since she had still not located three of her pals.
"God, oh God! They are where?" Ji Yoon, Soo Young murmured, seeking to make eye contact.
"Why didn't he pick it up? Aissss! Ji Yoon, hurry and get it "and then attempt to complete it. Call Ji Yoon once more.
You didn't hear your phone ring, Ji Yoon, I said. Hae Yeon chuckled as she said. Ji Yoon became aware when the comic books were aimed at him, which quickly caused Ji Yoon to die. Obtain a phone.
"Heyy! Why don't you pick up? It is so loud! "Suran snapped, yelling for JI Yoon to take Soo Young's phone.
It's from Soo Young, I said.
"Since it's from Soo Young, don't accept it; just let Soo Young get angry and start yelling at all of us," the speaker commanded.
Suran squinted her eyes at Ji and murmured, "Hmm don't tell me you forgot that it's Soo Young's birthday today," as Hae Yeon gave her a blank stare.
Ji Yoon leaned on Suran's shoulder and whispered, "I think I understand what I have to do.
"You guys, why is it so infuriating! You didn't even return my call, Soo Young exclaimed. the person who just arrived on the balcony of the school.
Suran questioned, "How do you know we're all here?
"I'm sure it's because you and Ji Yoon like not to come here, while we all like to," she said. While setting her breath, she declared, "Soo Young is here.
Ji Yoon remarked with a flat expression, "Soo Young, we have something to tell you. I will speak for Suran and Hae Yeon to say this.
JI Yoon's attitude, which is different from normal, and her little eyes, which are staring fiercely at Soo Young as if she were looking at her cause Soo Young a suffering, are beginning to confuse Soo Young as well.
What would you like to say, A? Soo Young questioned in fear.
"We were quite upset with you because, when you spoke to Sung Jae earlier, you seemed to disregard us and pretended not to see us. What do you think we are, anyway? When you're in difficulties, only your clown will make you smile." Ji Yoon lost control and startled Soo Young.
Ji Yoon, I'm really sorry; I truly didn't notice you.
"We don't need your apology, and not even your tears will make us feel bad for you in our hearts," she said.
"Ji Yoon, this is not how I ever wanted to be! You're my friend, and I've thought of you as my family; punish me how you see fit." In front of her three companions, Soo Young said.
Naturally, Soo Young feels bad because she did the right thing, but also because Ji Yoon, Suran, and Hae Yeon were passing through her without her knowing it and without her doing it on purpose.
You don't comprehend our motivations, do you? Ji Yoon remarked.
He keeps hugging Soo Young and says, "Because today is your birthday."
Suran shook Soo Young's head and said, "Happy birthday, Soo Young, happy birthday—yes, happy birthday—to you, I'm sorry to upset you.
Soo Young begins to blush shyly as a result of crying in front of her friends. She opens her arms to request a hug from all three of them.
"How about we have some fun and celebrate today?" Hae Yeon stated.
Ji Yoon responded, "Ah, that's better. Besides, I'm too lazy to learn today."
Did you like studying for so long? Suran said, causing everyone to start laughing. People chuckle.
"It's alright. It's time to leave "Added Soo Young.
They eventually decided not to waste any more time and immediately left school.
Again, I'd rather ditch.
The four of them were accustomed to skipping class and leaving school at the appointed hour. The lesson is that they share a common history and painful experiences of growing up in a broken home.
However, Soo Young lives in a simple, well-equipped family, and her parents frequently argue in front of her. After a fight, either her mother or father will frequently strike Soo Young.
The former Soo Young has changed; she no longer takes pride in her parents and only enjoys getting her feelings hurt. Soo Young comes from a simple, well-equipped family, but her mother and father frequently argue in front of her and frequently hit her after a fight. It is healed.
Both Suran and Hae Yeon share the same fate, are from wealthy families, and are purposefully choosing a bad path because of their parents' divorces. Suran views her parents' divorce as the ruin of her life, and Hae Yeon sees her parents' divorce as the end of all of her hopes.
As for Ji Yoon, she was the only heir to her family and was born into a very respectable family among the nobility. However, Ji Yoon's wonderful life was turned upside down when both of her parents perished in a plane crash.
Ji Yoon can now find satisfaction in the scars she wants to heal by becoming the troublemaker that everyone and the students at school despise.
Suran questioned, "Are you sure you're going to blow up fireworks now?
"No, I won't turn it on until it is completely dark." Ji Yoon responded as she continued to play the match she was holding.
"Are you returning home?" Hae Yeon enquired.
My mother is getting remarried tomorrow, therefore I don't want to go home for a few days," Suran stated.
Soo Young remarked as he tried to wipe away her tears, "I also don't want to go home, today is my birthday, but my parents to forget the day they just had a quarrel and beat me, thank you for what you offered me today."
What do you say? We're your friends and we'll always be there for you. Ji Yoon said as he hugged Soo Young.
What if I pass away someday? Ji Yoon, Suran, and Hae Yeon all turned to look at Soo Young when she asked right away.
They don't understand what Soo Young is saying, they think it doesn't bode well for them, and Ji Yoon is getting ready to light fireworks at the pier as it grows dark.
"Ji Yoon—Get moving!"
Ji Yoon lit fireworks and instantly hurried to her buddies.
Soo Young captured the moment with her camera as the fireworks started to light up the dock's ceiling. It was yet another priceless memory she shared with the people she regarded as her own family, one that she worried would soon come to an end.
Suran asked, "What are we going to do now?"
"How about we go out and have some fun tonight?" Hae Yeon answered and shot her three companions a strange glance.
They give a serious smile and begin to consider a fun activity in the neighborhood.