
In One Piece, with a Mythical Zoan fruit...

[dropped] In a world filled with endless seas and mysterious islands, our hero, Kai, finds himself standing on a sun-kissed beach. The Grand Line, with its countless tales of pirates, treasures, and incredible adventures, stretches out before him. Kai scratches his head. "This... isn't my world," he thinks. Back home, 'One Piece' was a story, a manga. Here? It's reality. But there's something else. A power surges within him, unfamiliar yet incredible. The "Human-Human Fruit: Model Hanuman." He had read about devil fruits, but experiencing one? That's a whole different adventure. Now, Kai's got two things to figure out. How to use this amazing power and how to navigate through the twists and turns of the Grand Line. With friends to meet, battles to fight, and secrets to uncover, his journey has just begun. Join Kai as he sails the seas, discovers his new strength, and dives into a world where every day is a wild, action-packed adventure.

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45 Chs

Abandoned village

The path Nami had pointed to led the crew to an old, seemingly abandoned village. The wooden houses were worn down by time, their roofs caved in and walls moss-covered. A haunting silence permeated the air, with not even the chirping of birds to break it.

Luffy, his curiosity piqued, nudged a nearby door open. A cloud of dust erupted as the hinges squealed in protest. Inside, there were signs that people once lived there - tattered curtains, broken dishes, and old toys.

Chopper, nervously inspecting a toppled chair, whispered, "Do you think something bad happened here?"

Robin, her eyes scanning a faded painting on a wall, replied, "It's hard to say, but it does seem like this place was abandoned in a hurry."

Kai, picking up a dusty old journal from a wooden table, blew off the layers of grime. The pages revealed scribbled writings, but time had faded most of the ink. He muttered, "This could've told us something, but it's too worn out."

Sanji, looking around, noticed an old well at the village's center. As he approached, a sudden gust of cold wind made him shiver. "This doesn't feel right," he murmured.

Ussop, clutching his bag, gasped. "Did you hear that? It sounded like whispers!"

Jinbe, ever the calm one, advised, "We should be cautious. We don't know what lies ahead or if there are any traps."

Zoro, with a smirk, teased, "What are you all afraid of? Ghost stories?"

Brook, with his usual cheerfulness, said, "I'm a living ghost story myself!" He then paused, "...or am I a dead one?"

Franky gave a hearty laugh. "Come on! Let's explore more. There might be cool things around!"

But as they delved deeper into the village, the feeling of unease only grew. The shadows seemed to move on their own, and the very air felt thick with tension. The crew had a feeling they were not alone.

As the crew ventured further, they reached the village square. An old, grand statue stood tall in the center. It depicted a warrior, wielding a majestic sword, with a plaque at the base that read, "Protector of the Lost."

Luffy, ever curious, touched the statue, and suddenly the entire square was bathed in a soft, mysterious glow. From the statue's base, ghostly apparitions began to emerge - spirits of the village's past inhabitants.

Nami screamed, clutching her Clima-Tact. "W-what's happening?!"

Brook, trying to make light of the situation, remarked, "Maybe they've come for a bone to pick with me!"

The spirits didn't attack, though. They floated around, their faces marked with sadness. An elder spirit, distinguishable by his long, flowing beard, moved towards the crew. "Thank you," he began, his voice echoing, "for waking us from our eternal slumber."

Robin, ever the historian, asked, "Who are you? What happened to this village?"

The spirit replied, "We were once a prosperous village, protected by the mighty warrior whose statue you see. But a dark force swept over our land, cursing us to remain trapped in this form."

Kai, eyes wide in realization, asked, "The Mysterious Letter? Was it about this curse?"

The elder nodded. "We sent it out, hoping someone brave would come to free us. We need your help."

Zoro unsheathed his swords, determination in his eyes. "Tell us what we need to do."

The elder spirit explained, "To break the curse, you must gather three sacred gems scattered across this island. Only then can our souls find peace."

Sanji, lighting a cigarette, said, "Looks like we've got a mission, guys."

Luffy, his fist clenched with determination, shouted, "Let's do it! We'll break the curse and save this village!"

The spirits, hopeful for the first time in ages, cheered them on as the Straw Hat crew set out on their quest.

The crew split into teams to find the sacred gems quickly. Luffy, Sanji, and Brook headed east, with a riddle hinting at the gem's location.

"Beyond the woods, where sunlight gleams,

Under the waterfall, the gem it dreams."

As they entered the thick forest, the air turned cool and dim. Birdsong echoed, and distant water sounds hinted they were on the right track.

Suddenly, Brook played a soft note on his guitar and whispered, "Waterfall ahead." They then saw the cascading waters, shimmering in the daylight. A cave lay beneath the falls, hiding a secret within.

Sanji, trying to peek inside, spotted a shimmer. "The gem!" he exclaimed.

But it wasn't going to be easy. Guarding the precious stone was a hulking creature, an intimidating fusion of bear and fish. Its emerald eyes locked onto the trio.

Without hesitation, Luffy roared, "Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" His rubbery arm stretched out at lightning speed, aiming to strike the creature right on its head. But the beast, agile and alert, swerved its massive form to the side, evading the initial blow. Its emerald eyes glinted menacingly.

The ground trembled as the beast retaliated with a swipe of its colossal claw. Sanji, quick on his feet, shouted, "Sky Walk!" He launched himself into the air, narrowly avoiding the creature's onslaught.

Brook, not far behind, summoned the cold from the deepest part of his soul. "Cold Soul Slice!" His sword became icy blue, and he tried to slow down the creature with a chilled strike. While it did momentarily freeze a part of the creature, the immense heat it emitted soon melted the ice.

Luffy, observing the beast's tactics, decided to take it head-on. "Gomu Gomu no Gatling!" He bombarded the creature with a series of rapid punches, each connecting with a resounding thud. The beast staggered but held its ground.

Sanji, seeing an opening, called out, "Diable Jambe: Grill Shot!" Flames enveloped his leg as he descended, targeting the creature's back. A scorching kick landed, making the creature roar in pain.

However, the beast wasn't done. With a powerful thrash of its tail, it created a shockwave, knocking both Brook and Sanji off their feet. Luffy barely managed to grab them and stretch out of the way.

Brook regained his composure and strummed his guitar, playing an eerie tune. "Soul's Lament!" Ghostly figures emerged from his body, attempting to distract and scare the creature. While it was momentarily confused, Luffy and Sanji planned their next move.

"Brook is giving us an opening!" Sanji whispered.

Luffy nodded, "Time for a combination attack."

Sanji charged up with flames spiraling around him, "Diable Jambe: Rotisserie!" He started spinning rapidly, creating a vortex of fire.

Luffy grinned, "Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" He stretched his arm, grabbing onto a high tree branch, and then launched himself into Sanji's fiery vortex. As Luffy spiraled with Sanji, he shouted, "Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk!" His fist ignited, combining with the fiery power of Sanji's kicks.

The two, now a swirling inferno, crashed into the creature with explosive force. The impact caused a massive explosion, shaking the forest around them.

As the smoke cleared, the beast lay defeated, its once fierce eyes now dimmed. Luffy and Sanji, slightly charred but triumphant, gave each other a victorious fist bump, while Brook played a triumphant tune in celebration. The way to the gem was now clear.