
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 6: Future Plans

'Oh, the Anbu might have detected my disappearance for a second. My observation can easily sense everything in Konoha, even the Root bases.'

'Interesting ...., looks like Mr and Mrs Yamanaka are doing... cough cough let's use observation haki for some other purpose.'

After a few more minutes of observing everything, he felt extremely bored.

'Okay let's plan first since today is a day off, I am free now and have the whole day to spend now, and I also had my lunch and rested in the system space. Now that I have power, should I interfere, take over everything, go rogue?'

'Nah, too much troublesome, and with Shanks's experience, nah too much work to do. And I wouldn't gain anything from it, I only have Naruto's memories, so I don't hold any particular resentment, still, the pot king is another case, don't know why but my hands are itching to slap him to oblivion'

'Another nutcase I hate in this series is Itachi Uchiha, that bastard annihilated his whole clan including children and even innocent civilians, and how in the hell does that thinking like Hokage and even a greater shinobi than I dialogue even come from, I call bullshit. I mean you can just get rid of Danzo and clan elders who wanted to rebel, or even just the elders who wanted to rebel when they lose their main fighting force, who in their freakin mind want to rebel, but no, I am a great thinker, I am a great thinker, I am a child who solved adults problems, that f*cktard'

'Anyhow, Itachi is Sasuke's problem not mine, as for my plans, I still doubt if my strength can be on par with people of six paths level. So for the rest two years I might just have the first part of the cultivation over with and then with conquerors merging to complete it, I guess until I reach shippuden, I can get the cultivation over with and achieve a breakthrough. We also have Urashiki, but I doubt that will happen, because of my presence, still if it happens, he can be my testing stone.'

'As for interfering with cannon, I guess I will look into it, with my observation, I did numerous white zetsu hidden in Konoha but let's let them be. I am confident in dealing with Nagato, but not Obito. As fast as I might be, that space-time justsu is just a headache. I might stun him with my conqueror's projection, but there is no guarantee. But still, that guy also can't harm me. Even then if I feel like it at that moment, I might do it. Yup, just be free, if I feel like doing something, I will do it, if I don't then I won't. As simple as that.'

'Now coming onto chakra training, yup I must start with that also, although taijutsu doesn't need me to do anything, still I want to look into the eight gates, at the eighth gate, they can even impress Madara Uchiha at six paths level. Guess I will ask for Guy's help later.'

'First practice chakra control to the extreme for medical ninjutsu, I know with Uzumaki physique and Nine tails chakra I might not need it, but on an off day, it can be quite handy even if it is not for me. Shanks does not help in this department at all.'

'After that, I must look into sage justsu and Rasengan and other S rank or A rank justsus. Well, basic elemental justsus won't harm me at all, and if used with armament haki, even those A ranks and S ranks might not harm me with how well my armament is cultivated. As for the attack, my hand-to-hand combat and sword mastery are already at S rank and beyond that level so no need for that much problem, just some area of effect justsus.'

'Ah, but I should also look for water and earth elemental jutsus and practice some water and earth nature transformation, now why do you ask, it's because I won't be worried about carrying water everywhere, although we have seal scrolls, but who knows, I might encounter some unfortunate events and require them, as for the earth, they can help me with creating shelters for getting a good sleep. Ah, fire for roasting meat also.'

'Well, that's all for learning those Justus and chakra training. Now the most important part, do I go into the seas in search of treasure? It is said that there is only this continent in this world, but there might be some possibility of some hidden land, right? And the search for this unknown is what we pirates do, yup the great adventure with your friends. Well, I am not a pirate but still, I believe the Shinobi world must witness this Emperor of the sea. So it decided, after this whole Kaguya and Madara mess is over, I am gonna go on this adventure, and start the age of Red Haired Pirates.'

'Yup, this is as stupid as it sounds, still, I am gonna do it. Now enough about the future let's see what I can do today, I have been training for the last 30 years, and although the psychological burden was negated with the help of the system, still I feel quite estranged from the world. Now I guess I am talking like Marx, might as well introduce communism here, hehe. So it is decided, I am gonna train for like 12 hours each day, rest is for sleeping and enjoying life, but first let's enjoy a month of vacation before resuming the training.'

With this, Naruto decided to head out, but when he got out of his way, he noticed his sword, Gryphon, which came along with him from the system space. He carefully stored it in his cupboard and decided to move out, he would think about buying a storage seal later for his sword which is almost as long as his height currently.

As soon as he moved out, he started taking in the serene atmosphere, which could have been disturbed by the malicious and vicious gazes and words from the passing strangers, but for Naruto, they were strangers, they didn't matter now. He doesn't long for anyone's recognition now so there was a happy and genuine smile there, which seemed to tick off those strangers, as for Anbu, they were used to this guy's pranks and antiques, so they didn't mind, still they were quite perplexed about naruto's buffed body, but that could be attributed to nine tails, at least in their minds.

'Now where should I go first?' pondered Naruto as he started walking.

'Let's see, let's walk to my first crew member and give a hello to him, yup our resident emo of Konoha, a brother from Indra's mother, Uchiha Suske, hahaha' decided Naruto as he started walking towards the Uchiha compound to recruit his first crew member, well not to recruit but to at least say hello.