1 Chapter 1: Let's Get Started, Shall We?

Why the heck is it so dark in here?!

I can't see a thing...

Where am I and what's happened??

Just a minute ago... someone was... talking to me?

Whose voice was that?

With this thought my consciousness has returned.

My name is Gabriela. Gabe or Gabby in short.

I'm just an eleven year old girl from a small town in the north of Moravia (that's in the Czech Republic).

I recall driving my bike.

My German Shepherd Bruno was tied to the handlebars, running by my side.

A car honked behind me and...

It must have startled him. Poor thing!

So he pulled me right in front of the overtaking car.

Cool, my memory is still intact. Check.

Do not loose your cool now.

You would not be having this passionate conversation with yourself if you were dead.

Well, at least I hope so...

Now give it a go and try to open your eyes.


I can't! Either there's complete darkness in here or I can't move my eyelids...

What if it's just a dream?

I would try pinch myself but it seems like my hands are not listening to me either.

All I can do is twitch the muscles in my hand a little bit but even that is draining me off so much I feel like fainting.

Alright, I think it's time...

Time to start panicking, that is!




An hour has passed.

At least I think it was an hour...

Last time I've checked my watch it showed somewhere between dark and complete dark.

Anxiety and frisson start to creep to my heart.

It has just occurred to me that I might be in a hospital, connected to all those beeping machines you see in the movies.

You know... in a vegetative state.

No, no, no, no, no, no! Please tell me it's not true?!

Am I a living vegetable now?

Just when I got relieved they've saved me from the accident...

Like it wouldn't be enough that my classmates were calling me carrot because of my red hair and stuff.

I am not panicking anymore - this is good old despair.

Despair deep like hell.

A smack on my nose just deflected the incoming wave of madness.

Yuck! What's that horrid smell?

Heh, wait a minute... that's not how chlorine smells like!

That's more like a dung... on top of that it's really cold and wet in here!

I'm sure I would be warm if I was in a hospital in the end.

Am I lying in some ditch?!


I exorcised the thought as quick as it came to me.


Something has just stung my ear.

Is it buzzing that I'm hearing?

It is! I can really hear a buzz!

Oh god, I've never been so happy about something so annoying.

A small victory for the humanity, a huge one for Gabby!

Step by step I'm getting my senses back.

That's good.

Now pick up all your strength and try to open your eyes again.


Hmm, still nothing.

And I can't get up either.

If this is going to continue for a little bit longer I'm going to go crazy.

Kind of reminds me of an article from my favourite conspiracy magazine.

It was about a crazy Russian experiment on a dozen of prisoners of the Second World war.

In short... they locked them up in a dark room with no windows for a whole week.

Well, let's say that you could compare those who survived to wild wolves.

Whatever'd used to make them human was gone.


But then.


Wha... what's happening?!

Something has just grabbed me by my nape and it's carrying me away.

Where are you taking me?

I tried to scream but not even a whisper came out of my mouth.


Well, that's lame.

Nächstes Kapitel