

My school was where it all started.

It was raining that day and ofcourse i was sleeping in class again

You can't blame me it's because all the people in class are all stick in the muds aiming for more grades than more memories.

"Dos De Los Reyes! if you're not going to listen then get out of my class!" said my teacher.

I stood up and saluted "Yes Maam!"

Everyone laughed and i hurriedly left before she had the time to get angry as i left the room she shouted.

"You're parents will be hearing of this!"

Paying her no mind i walked wanting to find a new place to slack off to i decided to go to the infirmary faking that i was not feeling well.

As i lay on the bed i started singing "Love hurts, Love scars, Love wo-"

"Love wounds and marks any heart" another voice sang with me her voice was soft and calming.

We both didn't stop singing until we finished the song. I wanted to know more about her.

So i did, i walked to her curtain i was about to open it but then i remembered i should ask permision first "Miss? can i come in?"

"O-okay i.. i mean yes" she said while stuttering

I laughed "If you're uncomfortable with me it's fine i can just stay outside you know? we can still talk here" i said

"Umm.. okay.." She said while i was making my self comfortable in the floor while leaning to the wall.

"By the way why are you here?" i said

"I'm not feeling well... what about you?"

"To rest from everything..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. i'll get back up in time it's not about how hard you punch after all It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward" I said while visioning one of my favourite character Rocky Balboa.

There was silence and well awkward.. So i decided to leave and said my goodbye just a step out of the doorway i asked

"By the way what's your name"

"Althea, yours?"

I smiled "Dos, I'll see you around then"

As i walked i bumped shoulders with a thug ugh i hate them and thanks to my luck there's an awful lot of them recently. He glared at me as he tried looking as threatening as possible "You have a problem with me?" he bumped his shoulders in me again.

I was nervous no one has really tried to bully me so far in my life mostly because it would be hard to i was slightly taller than average and also pretty sturdy and i could probably take this guy on anyway but the problem was he had three friends with him. While fishing for a solution a plan formed in my head.

observing my surroundings there was rocks and dirt behind that itself is plenty.

Dos glared back there was malice in his eyes and there slowly formed a mischievous grin in Dos' face as he said calmly "Is that all you got? Well that's dissapointment just like how others think of you a pathetic son of a b-"

With my trash talking/taunt interrupted with a punch in the face and i landed on the dirt arms first i grabbed the rock i observed about a sized of a hand and some dirt as well and put it in my pocket it may sound longer but it happened in a time of three seconds

As i stood back up he was already ready for another assault panicking i shouted "Wait! Wait!" and he actually stopped

"Now who is a pathetic loser? not so tough now huh?" he said trying to ridicule me.

I only smiled i have the time i needed now " Nope, have some magic dust!~" i said as i threw the dirt in his eyes he flailed around but i gave him no time i immediately kicked his groin as he bended over i grabbed the rock in my pocket and bashed it in his head.

His head bled and he was knocked out his friends looked at me i laughed maniacally and as creepy as i could with wild abandon i stared them in the eyes as i said "Now who is next? kukukukukuku"

I licked the blood in the stone trying to intimidate them that i was a fucking lunatic and that they should back away. It didn't work out so well they immediately surrounded me cutting off any escape route.

Shit shit shit how do i get out of this panic swelled over me but i didn't dare to let it show in me then poof~. Meh I'll just give up and bullshit this guys atleast I'll have some fun.

i saw a very big guy approaching probably 6'5 foot then imagination came over teehee~

"Oh my god~ is that you junjun? Wow you're so big now, Oh? you don't remember me? aw how could you? it's me! your second cousin jongga! your breaking my heart man"

The thugs look at him frightened. Wow can't believe that actually worked. The thugs said stuttering

"B-boss! is this guy really your cousin?!"

Shit they know each other welp I'll just continue with it how worse can it get.

"Ofcourse i am i might be a lot of things but a liar is not one of them!" putting my hand on his shoulder looking as resolute as ever and as if trying to say 'everything will be alright'

I thought this was the end of the show and I'll get beaten up but that was when an asshole interrupted even if you were blind i guarantee you you'll still know this guy is an asshole he wore an expensive watch,shoes,pants etc. he turned to my cousin yes JUNJUN he kicked junjun's knee and said with a very annoying high pitch voice

"Hey what's going on here i thought i told you not to mess around in my fucking territory"

Junjun just looked him in the eye saying nothing. The asshole just continued and his kicking intensified.

"Huh? can you explain this huh?! get on your knees and lick my shoe and maybe just maybe i won't tell my father"

My eyebrow was already twitching in annoyance but a smirk was on my face waiting to see this guy getting his ass whooped but on the contrary surprised i stood there empty minded when junjun's knee actually buckled. Not willing to see junjun do anything disgraceful i stopped him. Looking at this asshole saying to myself that i can take on this wimp.

He looked at me with ridicule in his face

"Hey bitch what are you looking at huh? don't you know who i am?"

"Nope don't know don't care"

He laughed "Well I'll make this simple that even you can understand-" he continued

Paying him no mind i did a pitching stance trying a test drive first hmm satisfied with results i walked in front of the wimp.

He laughed more "Hahahaha what are you doing have you lost sanity with that miniscule brain of yours?"

Meh still paying him no mind i did my pitching again i rotated my knee and lunged it forward gaining momentum i pushed hard with my back foot for more force as i reared back my arm and did an overhead swing i pushed my shoulder,feet, wrist,forearm,chest and wing muscles gaining more momentum and converging it into one point.. my fist. This idiot didn't even realize it till the last second my fist hit his chin full force.

A satisfying sound sounded out knocked out cold his body on the ground and missing a front teeth i approached.

I put my hands on my waist grinning ear to ear and admiring my work. Just then junjun stood next to me his face also grinning.

"Junjun what's wrong?"

Junjun pointing at the knocked out body and putting his other hand in my shoulder and looking at me with an amused expression

"Well done this guy is the only son of the head of Wheel Triad"

My mind kicked out full force but there was only one outcome... Shit.

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