
In marvel as Aquaman

Arthur was accidentally thrown into the chaos of the Titanic, believing he only had to survive the shipwreck. However, it became apparent that escaping the sinking ship was not his sole challenge. Something far more daunting awaited him. Hey guys, I'm back with another fanfic that won't end after just a few chapters. Just a reminder, English isn't my first language.I'll be posting two to three chapters a week, but mostly two chapters."

Great_Sage_5302 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 4: The Titanic's Descent into Chaos

Chapter 4: The Titanic's Descent into Chaos

As Arthur and Godzilla navigated their newfound alliance and moved to assist the ill-fated Titanic, Arthur couldn't help but ponder the different versions of Godzilla he had encountered in various stories and films. The uncertainty regarding which Godzilla he was dealing with filled him with doubts and unease. There were tales of the monstrous Godzilla from the monster planet that drove humanity to extinction due to their disruption of the natural balance.

"I don't know if Godzilla will always see me as an ally, or if there's a hidden agenda behind his actions," Arthur contemplated. He wondered whether Godzilla's involvement was driven by mere boredom or a genuine intention to assist.

Intriguingly, when Arthur attempted to read Godzilla's thoughts through his telepathic ability, he found his mind impenetrable. The inability to connect with the colossal beast's thoughts perplexed him. "How am I communicating with Godzilla if I can't read his mind?" Arthur questioned. Godzilla, unaware of Arthur's attempt, continued to focus on their imminent mission.

For the time being, Arthur accepted the beneficial partnership with Godzilla. However, he understood that only time would reveal the true nature of their alliance. In the face of uncertainty, he resolved to grow stronger and remain prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Back on the Titanic, chaos and despair reigned. Passengers and crew faced an imminent catastrophe as the ship continued its descent into the icy depths of the Atlantic. Panic and fear gripped the hearts of those aboard.

The Titanic's deck, already under tremendous strain, could no longer bear the load of passengers. The ship tilted ominously as seawater poured into its breached hull. People rushed to the deck in a frenzied attempt to escape the disaster. Amid the chaos, the ship's band played on, their music adding to the cacophony of fear and desperation.

A distress signal had been sent to nearby vessels, but the Titanic was running out of time. Captain Smith received a report from his crew, indicating that passengers were attempting to overcrowd the lifeboats.

"Sir, there might be a problem," the crew member warned.

"What is it?"

"People are trying to force their way into the lifeboats," he reported.

Smith, fully aware of the dire situation, responded with concern. "We're sinking fast, and nobody in their right mind will behave gently in such circumstances. We can't wait for help; we must act now."

As Captain Smith contemplated the impending crisis, he noticed Godzilla making a movement. Something was being released from the colossal beast's massive hand. However, the distance between the ship and Godzilla obscured the nature of the object.

"Sir, the monster is on the move," another crew member urgently reported.

"It's heading toward our position," Captain Smith realized.

Faced with the uncertainty of the approaching behemoth, panic surged among the ship's passengers and crew. The realization of impending doom intensified the chaotic scramble to reach the lifeboats.

Seeing that the giant monster was drawing closer, people grew even more frantic. The musicians on board played on, oblivious to the impending disaster, and the screams of terrified passengers echoed in the night.

Back in the depths of the ocean, Arthur swiftly approached Godzilla, who was moving closer to the Titanic. As Arthur neared the colossal beast, he noticed that his presence went largely unnoticed, for all eyes were on the radiant blue luminescence emanating from Godzilla.

Close to the ship, Arthur observed a grim scene. Lifeless bodies floated in the frigid sea, some struggling to stay afloat, others clutching debris. The water was treacherous, and for those not already in the lifeboats, survival seemed increasingly unlikely.

The deck of the Titanic was already under immense strain as the ship continued to tilt dangerously, allowing seawater to flow into its breached hull. Panic spread among the passengers and crew, with the realization that their fate hung in the balance.

As the ship's distress signal echoed into the night, Captain Smith and his crew members attempted to maintain order among the panicked passengers. The idea of waiting for another ship to arrive within hours was no longer a viable option. The Titanic was sinking rapidly, and action needed to be taken immediately to ensure the safety of those on board.

A particular concern that Captain Smith had was the chaotic scramble among the passengers for the lifeboats. Fear and desperation had overwhelmed many, leading to a frenzied rush to secure a spot in the limited number of lifeboats available.

"Sir, there might be a problem," one of the crew members approached the captain, his voice reflecting his deep concern.

Captain Smith inquired, "What is it?"

"People are trying to force their way into the lifeboats," the crew member reported, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

The captain, well aware of the dire situation, knew that a more immediate plan was necessary. "We're sinking fast, and in this situation, we can't afford to wait for help to arrive," he declared.

The sight of Godzilla approaching further fueled the chaos on board. Godzilla, bathed in a radiant blue light, was an awe-inspiring but terrifying presence. People on the ship gazed in awe at the colossal creature that had emerged from the depths of the sea.

"Sir, the monster is on the move," another crew member urgently reported.

"It's heading right for us!" Captain Smith realized, his voice betraying a mix of fear and astonishment.

As the situation grew increasingly dire, passengers and crew frantically sought ways to escape the monstrous oncoming threat. Panic and despair set in as the Titanic continued to sink, its deck tilting dangerously.

Meanwhile, on top of Godzilla's head, Arthur sought to reassure the survivors of the impending disaster. He shouted, "Everyone, help has arrived! Stay where you are!"

The presence of Arthur atop Godzilla's head left those on the Titanic both bewildered and relieved. Captain Smith, curious and cautious, asked the pivotal question, "Who are you?"

Arthur responded with an air of authority and comfort, "I am called the Master of the Seven Seas. Stay put and don't move. This colossal ally of mine will take you to safety."

The radiant blue luminescence emanating from Godzilla added to the otherworldly spectacle that had unfolded before the passengers and crew. Amid the chaos and the relentless sinking of the Titanic, Arthur and Godzilla, two beings from different worlds, worked together to save as many lives as they could.

To be continued...

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