

Azalea, grew up with no parents. The only family she had was her brother, Chase. Chase had been her father and father figure ever since she was five. He thought her how to fight and defend herself. This was because her father was the wealthiest mafia drug lord that ever existed, but he was killed by a known enemy who pretended to be friends with her brother. Azalea was totally unaware of the deep enmity between her brother and the his treacherous friend until the day Chase was attacked by Bethany and his group. Her world crashed as she was kidnapped by the same man who killed her brother, and requested to own ownership of everything her brother had worked hard for. Whilein his grasp, Azalea decided to escape by every means but Bethany wasn't a man that she could easily run away from. There was something about him that kept her in chains no matter how she tried to escape and avenge her brother's death. What could this be? Her doom or her liberation.

Proudwriter · Urban
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9 Chs


Back in the city, Nathaniel the rest of the survivor's from the attack all searched for their Alex, but he was never found. They had gone gone to the sea and searched bit he was no where yo be found.

Alonso became very distressed at the thought that Alex might have died. If he was still alive, he woujd have shown himself a Long tine ago, when he knew that they have a lot of businesses to attend to.

The club was still functioning as it was supposed to, but the fact that the boss was not there made everyone's feel very sad. It was so heart wrenching that something bad had happened to him after he had warned him to be careful.

Alonso had sent his men to locate where Ryan was, he wanted to face him head on.

All Alex's men mourned his disappearance. But ad the saying goes, no news was still good news. He really hoped that Alex would still be alive. He cannot die now. He was the hope of their group. If he died, then he cannot trustbthat the club will stand tall as ot used to. Alonso knew that once the disappearance of Alex was leaked, they would come after them in fill force. So therefore, he made all of Alex's men to keep shut about his disappearance.

"Uncle Alonso, you think something bad happened to brother?" Rohan .asked with tears in her eyes.

He felt so pitiful towards the girl. Alex was her only family. How will she feel if it was true thst Alex was dead.

"I don't know, Rohan. We can only hope that he's still alive for our own sake as well." He had to tell her the truth, in order not to get her hopes up. For the fact that Alex was not aroumd, he decided to help manage the club.

Suddenly, Alonso noticed some strange looking people, walk into the club. He could tell that he had not seen them. At first, he decided to just wactch them, but then, he saw them paving a way for someone whom he suspects to be their leader.

Just as he thiught about the words, the so called elder walked into the bar.

To Alonso's utter shock, it was none other than Ryan he knew it will come to this. Well, there's no need getting scared now. He quickly called Tuner, and told him to send Rohan away through the back door. He could tell that there was going to be trouble very sooner or later. Alonsi brought out his gun from his pocket. Preparing for all out war just incase thst was what he wanted.

Alonso came down from the elevator to meet Ryan.

Ryan, on the other hand, sat down on the bar, sopping his wine with legs crossed.

"What are you doing here!?" Ryan took a glance at him from his wine glass which was placed on his lips. He slowly put the glass down, without taking a sip.

"Long time no see uncle Alonso."

"Don't you dare call me that! I'm not your uncle," Alonso yelled at Ryan.

That's not the way to greet yur guest, old man Alonso, don't you think?"

Alonso bursts into feats of laughter..

"Hoemw can you be a guest when you are clearly am enemy!"

Ryan walked slowly towards him. When he was close enough, he stared into Alonso's eyes.

"I'm sure this was not the expressing you normally give to Alex."

"Well Alex I'd not a traitor like you. He's a good boy."

"Oh, I see. He's the good boy.m, and I'm not. Since I'm a bead boy, why don't you give me the club?"

Alonso glared at him.

"You must be very sick, if yiu think yiunwill very able to get the club. Is all you do try to steal things from people?"

"Of course not, what do you take me for? I'm in the position I'm in today all because of my hardwork. Its just that Alex's stuff are the things I like best, that's why I always want to have them, that's not stealing."

"You think i don't know you are the one responsible for Alex's disappearance, don't you?" Ryan walked back to the bar, and signaled the bartender to put him more wine.

"Actually I know yiu are aware. I've worked under you before, so I can tell how smart you are."

"Let's notvware too much time old man. Give ne the club abd I won't show my face in front of you anymore."

"Then yiu would have to get rid of all us, became no one working fir Alex will let you steal what belongs to him." Ryan heaved a long sigh.

"You know, I never really wanted to argue with you because I respect the fact that you are old now, and not someone I should have problems with, but you are giving me no choice here, do you know that?

Alonso did not say anything word but rather stood on his words.

"Okay, remember it is your choice! Send her in."

"Let me go! I said let me go!" Teo of Ryan's men dragged Rohan in, while she struggled to set herself free from their hands.

"Rohan! How dare you, Ryan!"

"No, no. This was your choice not mine."

"I will give you time to think about it bit until the, the little pet of Alex would be in my custody."

"Don't you dare take her away, she had nothing to do with this."

"Well, everyone associated with Alex, is sadly, my enemy," Ryan immediately stood up from his chair and walked towards Rohan. He tried to place his hands on her but she glared at him like some lion.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Ryan put his hands in the air in surrender.

"I won't touch you. You are slowly turning to Alex."

"Don't you see call my brother's name. I'm sure he would deal with you when he comes back," Rohan said, still struggling to free herself from Ryan's men.

"Then I'm sorry to break your litte heart, little pet, I'm not sure your brother will be coming back, because he's dead!"

Rohan gasped upon hearing that.

"No! You are lying."

"I shot him when he dove into the water, and kept shooting him until his blood covered the whole water."