
Pregnancy saga 1

Jiaying's heart began to beat very fast as panic enveloped her, "What do you mean 'for who'? when you're the ONLY guy I've been with?" Jiaying asked, close to panic when she saw Yong's reaction.

It seemed like Jiaying's worst nightmare was becoming reality as she looked at Yong's face. After sleeping together, he didn't want her anymore?

"Hold on, did you just say me?" Yong asked in confusion. Was this some kind of joke? They only spent one night together and nothing happened so what was she saying? 

"You... aren't planning to deny this right now are you?" She asked carefully as her hand went to rub her belly instinctively. 

Yong didn't know what was happening. He felt something was really wrong somewhere. He only prayed she hadn't been with someone else and wanted to pin it on him. 

"How long has it been?" He asked. 

"I... dont know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?

"You didn't confirm from a doctor?" He asked, raising a brow. 

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