
In Game Of Thrones World with LOTR system

MC gets reincarnated into the World of Game fo Thrones with the LOTR system.This is written for pure entertainment purposes and nothing else.

Just_for_fun1997 · Filme
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103 Chs

Chapter 6

While the Alliance and Trade gave Eragon a new Reward it was Orcrist had a beautiful scabbard and jeweled hilt.There were runes on the sword which bore its name and it was enchanted by the system to sharper.

People of the North started to progress more than

the south,with Eragon and Elves help they were able to refine the old Tongue.The second was

introducing the first full writing system.On Eragon's advise they started keeping records of everything,they were writings about Bran the Builder,then description and meeting of Elves with Toric Stark was also recorded.

After that the Old Gods religion slowly started changing and people of the North started praying to the Valar.Which is not really surprise,Eragon remembered how quickly Red Priestess converted people.

The Old Gods of the Forest, or simply the Old Gods, are a pantheon of innumerable and unnamed spirits of nature, which are worshiped by many people of the North.Now people of the North just thought Valar are the Old gods it basically correct,if you look at LOTR legends.

The surprised him,which system notification popped up.

Secret Mission: Making a New religion

The Reward was North now gained slight blessing of the Valar and Eragon got blessing of Yavanna and Orome.

The Valar actually appeared infront of the people(a small number,mostly smallfolk) either through dramatic entry like Ulmo came from the sea, a giant whirlpool began to form, but that was not the most incredible thing, but the water in the whirlpool seemed to shine, it was as if the stars in the sky were spinning in the water ... until it exploded and the water slowly takes the form of a figure of Ulmo.

Same with Yavanna who appears from the Earth itself wearing a dress made of plants itself.As many guessed these things are amazing to mortals and add to the fact they gave small blessing like healing any disease or blessing there land only boosted the people praying to them.The Starks started following them,after a trip to Middle Earth,some of their loyal houses to did the same,not all some like Umber,Kanstark or Bolton didn't do much .

Also Elves and Eragon was seen as emissaries of the Valar,it was amazing some even went to such an extent to ask Stark Lord and thus every 10 years they were allowed to come to Middle Earth it.

Eragon first thought thing was pushing to much,but system explained that Humans always want the best and blessing Valar gave was small and they didn't answer every prayer,so it wasn't anything near the once in Middle Earth.

[A/N:Only the Reach and North will ever get these blessings,the rest wouldn't know much about this.]

Eragon understood that the Valar blessing is basically a carrot and stick thing,this is enticing the people to come to Middle Earth,it was sneaky move.

Eragon was now thinking of who to summon,

First option was Gandalf,who's powers would not be restricted like his movie counterpart atleast from what the system said,because of his deep wisdom and compassion, just as his compassionate nature.Gandalf could be considered one of the greatest scholar,he could be very useful as an advisor and teacher, also Gandalf when pushed could take his spirit form Olorin all his previous powers massively boosted, and the ability to shapeshift.

The second is Saruman was originally one of the powerful Maiar of Aulë the Smith named Curumo 

is man of great knowledge, cunning, and skill

His knowledge of mechanics, and his knowledge enabled him to create great forges and explosives.Also He was well-versed in magic

The last is Galadriel who is also one of the most powerful women in LOTR,her powers of communicating over vast distances, predicting the future, and even cloaking her mind from other tremendously powerful beings