
In Game of Thrones before Red Wedding

In Game of Thrones a Day before the Red Wedding as a Frey boy of 16 name days

Avengers40090 · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I was dead and i died because the shock came from one of the most spectacles of the history in Tv cinema you all know it is known as THE RED WEDDING.So, i was in so much shock after seeing that gut wrenching shit.Then i suddenly hear some one clear throat i turned to see a big man standing infront of me.The first thing he said

"Mortal you will be transported to the Game of Thrones universe which is tv series because they made the ending much shittier than i can say about its first episode"

To which i said

"What no i can't go to that world. That world is so cruel that after watching full third season i died please i will not even be able to stay alive for a day there.Please tell me it has happy ending"

To which man said

"Well No! it does not meet the standard it has put into so i will give you two wish and randomly transport you to Game of Thrones in the body of any noble house"

So I replied

"You are making me go there because you do not like it's ending then you can't do that someone stop him"

The man said

"Well all other people who work with me want to see how interesting it would be to transport you there so choose your one wish but it should not be overpowered"

From the looks of it i have to find one wish so i asked

"Give me power of Spiderman"

The man said no.So i asked

"What about sixth sense"

The man again said no

"What about give me power of by combining my blood with a weapon it can kill anyone"

Then man said

"I can give you that but the weapon should be in hand of someone who possess your blood"

To which i said

"Ok grant me that wish and other wish to have power of snake but their poison are on my skin they will release when I want them to"

The man said

"Granted, but for all that you have to pay a price."

I said that to him

"Ok I am ready"

To which the man claps his hands then the world changes for me. I am standing on a big tower from here i can see another tower and river beneath that i am suddenly bombarded by memories of all of this body.After a few minutes i saw my memories i shouted


I was just one day away from The Red Wedding. So, This is what the man said about punishment then this is some biggest sin of my life.

Then few more curses i started to choose if i should inferfere in this or not. but, i obviously knew the answer from the beginning that i cannot see a child die before it's even born. I cannot see that shit again so, I started to make a plan to make me lord of The Crossing and kill Walder Frey & Roose Bolton.so to do that i got to my room till it comes to night from the looks of it it will be dark on one and half hour. So i went into my room and started a smart plan whiout too many holes. After the dark i went to Walder Frey's study room where i retrieved all the message between Lannister and Walder Frey and made duplicate for Walder to see that there are all the messages are there so he does not get suspicions. Then I go to nearest brothel and find a whore to whom this body used to have s*x.and tell her that

"Rylla I have a job for you and you will do it descreditly i can not trust other people so will you do it?"

To which Rylla replies

"Well my lord Geralt you give me enough money i will do it very descreditly"

I gave Rylla a bag of coins and a message and said to her

"You will take a message to blackfish if anyone stops you tell them you were hired for blackfish by one of his friends and do not let this message fall into anyone's hand"

Blackfish POV

Brynden Tully was going to the crossing to sleep in his quarters then a whore came to him and grabs his hand puts on her breast then says that to him

"The famous Blackfish you know you are one of the legend in our brothel our owner talked a lot about your adventures with her"

Brynden lets go of her breast and tells the whore

"I am not interested right now"

Rylla gives Brynden a seductive posture and says

"Are you sure m'lord?"

To which he nods.Then Rylla suddenly comes close to him and gives him a kiss on the right cheek and slides a paper to him and says

"Do not open that here m'lord"

Then Brynden goes to his room and opens the message and reads

'Lord Brynden Tully I ask you alone to meet me at midnight at directly under the bridge because if you do not you all may die tomorrow. I do not believe in gods but i swear upon my and my sister's life that no harm will come to you. Also, please burn this message'

After reading the message Brynden reads it again then he finally decides that he will go there alone to see the truth.

Geralt POV

Geralt was waiting for Blackfish he was first unsure of this plan but he thinks this is the best bet he has right now if he wants to achieve the end where there is no Red Wedding.After some time Blackfish finally arrives to which Geralt says

"It's finally a pleasure to meet you Brynden 'Blackfish' Tully.I am Walder Frey's son Geralt Frey"

To which Blackfish replies

"So what news you might have that can kill us all lad"

To which Geralt replied by looking into his eyes

"So, Straight to point then i should tell you Walder Frey is going to kill you all after Edmure Tully is off to bedding seremony"

To which Blackfish replies

"Why should I trust you do you have proof of that"

To which Geralt replies

"Well my lord i have proof but i will show proof to only King Robb so please tell him to come"

To which Blackfish replies

"Why should I do that if i can get my answers from you?"

To which Geralt replies

"Well my lord I have already left a letter in my room about me meeting you if i am dead then all blame will come to King Robb"

Brynden Clenches his fists at that and says

"I will get King Robb here so you can talk to him"