
The night after

Waking up in his bed wasn't something he expected would happen after falling asleep at the front door; rolling over, he sees the clock reads 10:44 PM. The digital display glows in the dim light of his room, casting an eerie blue hue on the walls. The room is quiet, save for the gentle hum of the air conditioning unit outside. The silence is broken only by the occasional creak of the old house settling.

"Well, shit, what a waste of a day," he thinks as he gets up and heads to his bathroom. The floorboards groan under his weight as he walks, and he can't help but feel a sense of unease. It's as if the house itself is alive, watching him with unseen eyes.

Taking a quick shower, he notices his knuckles are bruised and still red. He winces as the water hits them, the pain a reminder of the events of the previous night.

After getting out, he heads to the kitchen to get a snack, grabbing a box of Cheerios. The kitchen is small and cluttered, the countertops covered in dirty dishes and empty beer bottles. The fridge hums softly in the corner, its contents a sad collection of half-empty condiment bottles and wilted vegetables.

He heads towards the living room, where he puts on the news and watches it while he eats the dry cereal. The TV is an old model, its screen flickering with static. The news anchor's voice is tinny and distorted, but he can still make out the words.

"On today's news, Batman stopped the Joker again, who once again planted bombs around the city," the news caster said in a tired voice.

"On other news, Poison Ivy is finally in jail for terrorism, as last week she attacked the Department of Agriculture's head building in Gotham. But in some bad news, Bane has once again broken out of Arkham and has gone into hiding or something," the news caster says.

"This guy must hate living here," Chris thinks, munching on his cereal before getting a notification on his phone.

Opening his phone, he realizes it's a crisis alert reading, "Bane was last seen 3 miles from your location. Please be prepared to hide or escape your location."

"Well, shit, this isn't good," Chris thinks as he quickly puts his cereal back into the cabinet.

"I think I saw a basement under the stairs," Chris thinks, opening the door under the stairs to find a small wooden staircase down to a concrete basement around 10 feet wide, but half of it full of boxes of different sizes.

After making himself at home in the basement, Chris sits there on his phone watching the live helicopter camera feed of Batman fighting Bane, when suddenly he hears glass shattering upstairs. As he quickly swaps to his house cameras, he sees several men dressed in all black breaking down his door.


Eight men pile into the house as a voice rings out over the radio, "Find the man who beat Charles up and do it quick. We have a few more hits tonight while the bat is distracted," the voice chirps as the men start to search the big house.


"Well, shit, this isn't good," Chris thinks as he watches the men ravage the first floor of his house.

Looking around the basement, he checks the boxes, only to find that they are full of nothing. So, using his ability, he starts to plan.

"Let's start by cutting any communication they have when they enter the basement," Chris thinks, pulling out mute jammers and setting them up at the bottom and top of the stairs.

Quickly looking back at the cameras, he sees that almost half of the men are searching the upstairs. So, quickly grabbing another box and pulling out three gou mines, he places them along the stairs and so on and so forth.

Twenty minutes later, the stairs were set at the top entrance to the basement. There's a mute jammer and two EDDs on the bottom frame of the door. When going down the stairs, there are gou mines every other step placed in different spots, along with two dread mines on the roof. Chris is sitting behind a deployable shield with Echo's Yokai spying on the men in the house, with Tachanka's DP27 LMG sitting ready for them to come down the stairs.

"This might have been overkill," Chris thinks, controlling a Yokai to shoot at one of the men, causing them to scream in pain, holding their ears

What the fuck was that?" a tall man in a trench coat yells as everyone stops moving, only for the man already crying in pain to be hit again by a Yokai.

Falling to the ground, the man clutches his ears as one of his teammates spots the drone. "The little shit has been watching us this entire time, guys," the man yells, pulling out a pistol and shooting at the drone, only for it to descend from the roof and speed off down the stairs. "John, you stay with Greg. Boys, follow me. We got a kid to punish."

Ok so his house is a slightly modified version of the map house just without the kids rooms and no garage just a basment

Kaguya_otsutsukiicreators' thoughts
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