Honetly I loved the idea where he got to wish for 4 things, he was thinking smart with his every wish but then, but there's not a real goal, he was given a mission but all he does is make some impossible things for others by himself and that's the majority of the story, he keeps doing random impressive things for no reason and somehow forgets his mission for who knows how many chapters before doing a thing.
The story goes nowhere and it's very boring because of that.
Writing quality: 3 Stars, there's many grammar mistakes in every chapter, also when you think of escanor you see something powerful but when there is action it's just "He one shot them" and that's all, I'm not joking, everytime there's only 1 to 5 lines of fight(if you can call it that) and that's all until the next chapter, I didn't put 2 stars because I think the author did a great job at writing details
Stability of updates: 3 Stars
Story Development: 3 Stars, there isn't anything interesting happening in the story, no immersion at all, that's just boring, everytime he just does something to shock others and that's all
Character Design: Classic previous life (mc wants to be mangaka but his parents want him to be a doctor, etc...), he goes from 'smart' to show off real fast, he tries to play the role of the classic Escanor but he's just cringy and inconsistent in his thinking (wipes out annoying gangs but when it's females he doesn't do a thing and lets them harrass him) I know escanor is a gentleman in the original story but there it's just ridiculous
World Background: 5 Stars, nothing more to say, it's an interesting world here, partially because of author's talent to write many details