8 Sorry, I promised a fight...

"We better get back on the way soon, if we don't, reach Bikura before the night will be impossible and I don't want to spend the night in this forest with Miss."

"Bernard is right, let's go, mister ..." Nimeria indicated to Shin the carriage door with her hand and a beautiful smile on her face.

"Shin, Shin Michaelis, thank you Miss Nimeria." He walked and entered the carriage, the interior seems really comfortable and welcoming, drinks and different dishes could be seen. Shortly after, Nimeria also entered the carriage, smiled and invited Shin to sit down.

"I hope the coach fits your comfort, don't hesitate to serve you as a drink and food."

"Thank you but it's not necessary to worry so much about my comfort, I am stranger to so much luxury, I spent a week in this forest without anything and it didn't bother me in the least." The smile on his face when he said this sentence sent the young woman in her dreams where she imagined herself in his arm in a ballroom under the eyes filled with envy and jealousy of her friends and rivals...

The two young people began to talk and to get to know each other better, so he learned that her name is Nimeria Gallad, from a noble family of first rank with very close ties to the royalties of this kingdom called Leinstadt, she returns from the city of Mirach where she visited her paternal uncle. She now travels incognito to Bikura under the request of her uncle to investigate the mayor who would be according to his information would be involved in the disappearance of many orphans for the purpose to develop a new magic, so it's in order to find evidence of such accusations or evidence that the mayor would be framed by one or more of his rivals.

"I must say that you trust others too easily Miss Nimeria, this is our first meeting and yet you invite me to travel with you in your coach, you share with me some confidential information while you don't know me at all, I could have been sent by your enemies to assassinate you and yet you trust me without asking me anything, I confess that I am quite perplexed, you seem very intelligent and you don't give an air of someone who trusts pthers easily, sure appearances are misleading, you should pay more attention and be more suspicious of the people around you, especially when you have no information about them."

"You'r right, I usually don't trust others easily but I don't know why I feel that I can trust you completely and that letting you down on the road without get acquainted with you would be the biggest mistake of my life, I feel that you will play a very important role in my family in a very near future, it's very strange to feel this for someone I don't know but I decided to follow my instinct, it never let me down."

As the conversation between the two was going well the carriage suddenly slowed down and stopped. A look is exchanged between the two where clearly doubt and questioning can be seen, Nimeria because it's the second time today and probably Bernard will not stop without reason and the absence of greeting coming from him let her very suspicious, Shin knows that something was going wrong, he knew something will went wrong due to the mission he received and it seems that is happening now.

"Let's go see, I doubt that Bernard has stopped again to greet and ask someone if he wants to travel with us."

"Yes I have a bad feeling about this, be careful Miss, it could be dangerous."

"Thank you but I'm not as defenseless as I look, I'm a pretty powerful magician given my age and Bernard is also a powerful mage." The smile and the confident air that emanates from her being clearly shows that she is not your ordinary girl.

"Nice to hear it but I already knew that you two wouldn't be weak, travel without any power would be unconscious, and even more with such a beauty like you."

The words and the devastating smile made the young woman blush again. 'I've seen many men of great beauty and some of them are actively trying to woo me and I've never felt or shown appreciation for them but a few words and a smile from this man is enough to make me blush, dream and act like a little girl ... ahhh, I think I can also change my panties too... '

"Anyway let's see why Bernard stopped."

After the two finally came down, Nimeria began to question Bernard.

"What's going on Bernard?"

"Look Miss, the road is blocked by several trees, we can't continue, be careful and get ready to fight, I doubt these trees came there by chance."

"It looks like a trap made by low-level bandits, it's so cliché," Shin said, sighing and shaking his head softly.

Before other words can be exchanged, several figures slowly emerge from the forest with ominous smiles and others of lust when directed towards Nimeria.

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