
Maybe a dream

I keep hearing this voice inside my head that keeps telling me to let go. I wish I could but I can't. I was engulfed in this miserable life.

I had dark hair and eyes. Everything about me is normal except I get bullied by people from school and at home. I try to be as optimistic as I can but theirs a limit to that.

On my way back home I came across something that looked weird. Little did I know my life was going to change. I walked toward this weird rock but discovered that it wasn't a rock. I saw a person who was just sleeping there. I went closer but suddenly It grabbed my hand. It wasn't letting me go it kept saying "why did you betray me, I always loved you so why"?

Suddenly the floor started disappearing I thought it was someone shooting a film or a prank but it wasn't. I went into a deep sleep but I suddenly woke up in a place that I wouldn't call home.

I woke and saw I was in a jail cell I was wondering whether what I was seeing was real or not. I tried to wake myself up from this but it hard because it was real. what did I ever do?

I have been mistreated all my life but why am I here in this jail cell. I try to think of a way to escape but I couldn't think of anything. I started hearing footsteps that were slowly coming by. Looks like I'm going to die again hopefully this time I get transported to somewhere better.

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