
In Another World as the Boss Monster, Time to Change That!

Zachary Rosenberg was an Average man working an average job when his life was taken. Follow Zach as he Explores a forgotten world.

NocturneKingIgnis · Fantasie
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Character's Bio

Bladestorm: The Hundred Year War/Nightmare-

The Kingdom of France: The King of France, King Charles VII of France, Charles Le Victorieux or Charles le Bien Servi

The Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc, or Jeanne d'Arc

La Hire, or The Fury, Etienne de Vignolles

The Original Bluebeard, Gilles de Rais, or Gilles de Montmorency-Laval

Philip III or Philip the Good, Philippe le Bon

Le Justicer, Arthur de Richemont

Black Bulldog of Broceliande, Bertrand du Guesclin

Proto-Feminist, Christine de Pizan

Jean de Nouillonpont, Jean de Metz

Original Character; Marie, Assistant of Philippe le Bon; You Ji, Assistant, and Bodyguard of Arthur de Richemont

The Kingdom of England: King of England, Edward III or Edward of Windsor

Edward the Black Prince, Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Prince of Aquitaine

Philippa, Philippa of Hainault, Mother of the Black Prince

Sir John Chandos, Viscourt of Saint-Sauveur in Cotentin, Constable of Aquitaine, And Seneschal of Poitou

The Earl of Shrewsbury, Old Talbot, John Talbot

John Fastolf

Henry "Hotspur" Percy

Hal, or Henry V, or Henry of Monmouth, Lord of Ireland

Richard Beauchamp, Richard de Beauchamp, 13th Earl of Warwick

Original Character; Iamarl the Assassin, Branwyn the Archer

Mercenaries: Mercenary General the Hero/Heroine (Protagonist)

Sir John Hawkwood, or Haccoude, and Giovanni Acuto

Origin Characters; Magnus the Rival; The Brothers Marc the Iron Wall, Georges The Sudden Death; Karen the Cutthroat, Greedy Motherfigure; Diane the Long-Lost daughter of the Duke of Orleans; Naran the Smooth-Talking Mongolian; Yoshimasa the Ronin Samurai; Shakti the Misunderstood Witch Destroyer; and William the Young Cowardly Knight

Diabolus, the Dragon of Death and Despair and the Main Antagonist

I'll at more in the future

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