What happens when Jacob meets Edward in the battle against the newborns and imprints on him, I don't own these characters, and in this au, Bella is Alice's girlfriend and Jasper is single. Also, this is the first time that Jacob has seen Edward. NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME, THEY ARE ALL FROM STEPHANE MEYERS TWILIGHT SAGA
What?! Me, Jacob Black helping vampires kill vampires, what the fuck. I don't even know how the Cullen's decided to brainwash us into helping. The only reason I am helping, is because of Bella, we have been friends since we could remember. Although I'm still trying to find out why she would date one of those blood suckers. Somehow this is able to happen, Bella is not a vampire yet she is still able to date one of those leeches.
The battle was only in three days. Yesterday was the training, but I didn't go to train with the Cullens because the least I have to see them, the better. It's bad enough we have to work together soon. The way I see it though, is that I get to kill some vampires. I would still rather kill the Cullens. I have never met them, but Bella tells me about them every time we hang out.
When it was the day of the battle, we got the pack to the battling grounds. We were all worried, any of us could die today, and no one would now if it were to happen to them until it happend. Although I hated the Cullens, I wanted to say hi to Bella, and she was talking to them. I walked over until I stopped dead in my tracks. There was this guy, obviously he was a Cullen. He looked over in my general direction to see me staring at him. I wasn't meaning to seem creepy, it's just that, I think I imprinted on him.
I saw visions of us together in the forest hugging and talking, I also saw us in future events like our life was flashing before my eyes. He looked at me like he was staring daggers but then looked shocked. I couldn't figure out why he was acting like this but then he dragged me over in the middle of the forest we were in so no one could see us. He told me that he read my mind and asked me why the hell I was thinking about him in a different way than an enemy. I wanted to explain that it wasn't a thought I was having, it was just that I met my Soulmate. So I did, I told him about the history of imprinting in the tribe, and explained to him that he was my Soulmate. He was shocked at first but then a few minutes later he was being extremely flirtatious.
"Be safe during the fight my pup, I don't want you to be hurt to badly," he said. I took a few moments to process what he said until it hit me. He called me a fucking pup, more specific HIS pup. Is he trying to be a top because he sure as hell isn't. I could easily top him and show him who's boss. So, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him, letting my tongue explore all of his mouth and even bitting his tongue with my teeth. We stopped with whatever the hell we were doing and walked back to the battling grounds.
"Where the hell were you Jacob," Leah asked, obviously being her nosy self. I didn't know how to respond so I just stayed quiet, which made her extremely angry. I did not want to tell anyone about what happened between me and... Shit! I didn't even ask for his name. But as I was saying, I want whatever happened back there to stay between me and that Cullen. If anyone were to know what happened, I would have been a disgrace to the pack.
I stopped thinking about all of this when the vampires came to the battle field. Everyone here was nervous but they weren't showing it. We knew that they were most likely to win but we shouldn't doubt ourselves. Although many of us will die today, I still couldn't get over that Cullen. How the hell did he know I imprinted on him.
I must have made it a little too obvious for my liking, but I didn't want him to know that I imprinted on him because imprinting is kind of like finding your soulmate. Now since he knows I have the urge to protect him from any danger this work has to throw at us. The battle started and it was very hard. We all had to attack beings who were stronger than us. When we were all done with the newborns we found out we were all okay, just a few bruises, cuts, scrapes, or maybe a few broken bones. All that mattered though was that I was okay, he was okay.
"Edward," one of those Cullen said, I looked towards who they were shouting at, and it was the guy who kissed me. When I noticed what was happening I found out that one of the newborns was fighting him and the man from earlier looked he was gonna lose. In order to attempt to save him, I jumped on the newborn but he was stronger than me, so he grabbed me and tried to squeeze me. The next thing I hear is a crack, this dude fractured my ribs. The 'Edward' guy ran towards the newborn and killed him, basically finishing him off.
After that, he ran to me to see if I was okay. It luckily wasn't obvious to others that something happened between us because there were other people checking up on me as well. The pack then picked me up and carried me back to the cabin. Thoughts were flowing through my mind, wondering if I was okay, and if I'd ever see him again. Next thing I know, the doctor vampire dude help with the bones so they could heal properly and so I'd feel no pain for it.