This is a story about a class of teenagers who randomly got together and got superpowers. Now they will have to fight supervillains and learn to master their powers to save the world and solve teenage problems. It is not known what awaits them ahead, but one thing is for sure - it will be an exciting adventure.
It was a warm sunny day over the small town of Kanakawa. He was full of sluggish life.
In one of the schools there were several senior classes and among them stood out a seemingly inconspicuous, but very entertaining one. In junior and middle grades, he was called "the best", "the most educated", "the most disciplined", but nothing lasts forever and by the beginning of high school, this "A" class had become the most ordinary, rather more boring than before.
And on one completely ordinary day in May, the students studied as if nothing had happened. There was also a class "A" in the biology room, which in theory allowed students to use devices and equipment, but in practice they had many limitations.
At the last lesson, which by coincidence was biology, the teacher was telling a new topic. Tama and Raymond were sitting on the penultimate desk, watching her closely. There were two guys sitting behind them. One of them was asleep, and the other was clearly listening, but did not understand anything, his name was Glory.
The lesson was nearing its end. The teacher continued to tell the topic. Suddenly, a note flew onto Tama and Raymond's desk.
Raymond sighed after reading the note, quickly wrote a reply and threw it back. Immediately, a whisper came from behind.
— Why, this is the sixth time we haven't been able to get out.
There, turning around also in a whisper.
— We said we have business, can we reschedule it for next week?
Glory raised his voice a little.
— No... you and the next one will come up with an excuse not to go to...
— The back desks can be quieter! The teacher screamed.
Glory dropped back, spoke softly.
— Okay... The next one, so the next one...
The rest of the lesson was quiet. The bell rang and the boys began to pack up and leave the classroom. Raymond and Tama also quickly packed up, said goodbye and left.
Glory also wanted to get away faster, but the teacher detained him.
— Glory, could you stay, we need to talk about something...
Glory sighed, but after saying goodbye to his friend, he stayed. He sat down opposite the teacher and asked.
— What did you want to talk about?
The teacher took 3 blue booklets from the bedside table and handed them over. The boy took the sheets and asked.
— San Fenji University?
— Yes, they are recruiting students from schools for an excursion that will last most of the summer.
The kid asked.
— What does it have to do with me? And why three booklets?
The teacher spread her hands.
— You, Raymond and Tama will be the face of our school. Director's order.
Glory reviewed the booklets.
— But wait...
the teacher stood up, and ushering the boy out, she said.
— No "but" you need to obey the director, so tell your friends, pack your things and go. Have a good trip. She closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.
— Finally, peace and quiet...
somewhere inside the park.
Ray and Tama were sitting on a bench and talking quietly. There was a pause. The guy wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone, the ringtone of which resembled the melody of the TV series about werewolves.
Ray took out a cot and said.
— Again, Lo, it's calling...
— Can you answer, suddenly something important?
Ray sighed and picked up the phone.
— Yes, what did you want?
— Where are you now?
— Mmm... In the park near the Christmas trees, we're sitting on a bench...
— Okay, I'll be right there...
Glory hung up.
A few minutes later, the kid ran to the meeting place. Catching his breath, he took out the booklets and spoke.
— University... San Fenji... We're being sent away...
They looked at the booklets, exchanged glances, and Ray asked.
— And why us?
Glory replied.
— Damn thing knows... Director's order.
Ray thought about it.
— In principle, the opportunity to visit San Fenji is not bad, and the hostel is included here... Tama, what do you think?
She thought about it.
— Hmm... I don't mind if you're in favor.
Ray folded the booklet and said.
— Since everything has been decided, then next week we gather at my place in the morning and go to the bus, but for now it's time for us to have a weekend ...
On weekends everyone was doing their own business, along the way learning more about the university and the city itself.
At the moment of collecting things, everyone had difficulties. Glory turned out to be the most efficient, putting a stack of comics, a portable set-top box and a couple of cassettes in his briefcase.
Raymond was not petty and opened a secret drawer and took out all the most valuable things from it.
Tama took a little bit of everything and emptied her entire wardrobe, along with her guitar, she learned three large bags.
A new week has begun.
The guys had to study for a couple more days before departure. All of them passed without routine and somehow boring. And on the last day, the teacher informed the rest of the class about the departure of their classmates to the university. No one really reacted violently, everyone said goodbye and just dispersed.
All three of them were already gathered, getting ready for bed. Ray fell asleep after a long phone conversation. Glory stayed too long at the games, not the first time, but also dozed off. And Tama could only fall asleep late at night.
Tama opened her eyes and found herself on a street where there was not a soul. Suddenly, a shock wave passed and the sky turned red. Some small creatures began to fly through the air, and giant demons began to walk on the ground.
Tama was running down the street in search of shelter. By chance, she noticed something shining and ran there. There the girl saw a silhouette. It was a woman who took off her glasses after looking at Tama. Suddenly, the ground collapsed under the girl and she began to fall. Almost reaching the bottom, Tama jumped away from him as if on jelly and flew high up...
Tama woke up from falling out of bed. She got up hurriedly and, disheveled, went to wash her face. While brushing her teeth, the girl took the phone to check the messages.
From Ray: Good morning, are you awake?
From Tama: Good morning... I had a strange dream again.
From Tama: I found myself on the street in it, and the sky suddenly turned red and there were some monsters everywhere... And there was also a beautiful woman.
From Ray: The main thing is that everything is fine right now, right? By the way, did Lo write to you? Because I called, he's not answering.
From Tama: I'll take a look now...
Tama finished brushing her teeth and started packing, typing Glory along the way.
From Tama: Morning! You haven't forgotten that we're leaving today, have you?
From Glory: Of course I didn't forget. Now I'm going to sing for you.
From Tama: Let's be quick. Otherwise you'll walk to the city.
From Glory: :'(
It's been a while.
Glory was running towards the bus stop. When they reached her, Ray and Tama were waiting for the boy on the bench with a Jack Russell terrier.
Glory spoke out of breath.
— Hello... And why did you bring the dog?
Tama took the dog in his hands.
— Will Rapi come with me?
Glory asked.
— And will they let her on the bus and dorm? And who's going to look after her?
The girl thought about it.
— Hmm... Let me think about it... You!
After handing the dog over to the boy, she walked into the bus with a smile. And Glory was indignant.
— Wait, why me!? You know I'm afraid of dogs!
Glory looked at Raymond, who just spread his hands. After Glory sighed, they boarded the bus.
The car was already half full. The guys went to the very back seats. Raymond sat down with Tama, and Glory took Rapi. The bus started moving. While driving near some stops, more people of the same age as our heroes got into the car.
Some more time passed. The bus was moving through a field area. Suddenly, a cloud gathered in the sky. No one paid attention to this.
Somewhere in an unknown laboratory.
A man's voice rang out among several scientists sitting at a panel
— Set the power to full and redirect it to the ejectors, then start the reactor at the signal...
A couple of scientists switched the switches and pressed the lever...
at that time, thunder rang out from the cloud in the field. Rapi on the bus, scared, jumped on Tama's lap. Glory shouted after him.
— Ungrateful!
There was a louder rumble, from which Glory himself huddled in a corner...
There was a flash and a colored lightning struck the bus, which someone immediately passed through the cabin and touched everyone. The driver stopped and checked everyone's health status. Apart from the shock, no one got anything.
The rest of the road passed without incident. In the evening, on the outskirts of the city, the children were settled into a hostel. Glory and Ray got caught in the same room. When Tama was moved to another floor.
Glory saw the condition of the room and said.
— It was better in the pictures... Yes, in general, I don't care anymore.
The kid collapsed on the bed. Ray went for a walk. After a while, Glory fell asleep, but because of loud conversations, he gradually opened his eyes. But at the same moment he realized that he was levitating and at the same time glowing with green energy. The boy wanted to turn around, but immediately fell on the bed and fell to the floor by inertia.
Glory began to loom around the room and try to repeat what he saw. He began to evoke the green glow in all ways, going through hand combinations. Suddenly, his fist caught fire and he couldn't think of anything better than to hit the wall with all his might. After that, he blushed and screamed so loudly that the whole building heard him.
At that time, Ray and Tama and Rapi were walking in the park near the hostel. The guy sometimes held his head, but didn't say anything.
Glory ran up to them with a bandaged arm and immediately said.
— I know that I'm not at the right time, but look what I can do.
The kid tried to summon the green glow again. Ray holding his head said.
— If your hand lights up, then it is not necessary to immediately hit it against the wall.
Glory asked.
— How did you know? Hmm... What number did I make up?
Ray looked at Glory blankly.
— Uh... -6?
— Right. And now?
Ray clutched his head.
— Hey! What are you doing?
Glory laughed.
— But we checked it out.
They looked at Tama, who was talking to Rapi.
— Do you hear? She's talking, really talking!
The guys exchanged glances. Glory asked.
— So, there's some kind of shit going fu...
He was interrupted by a woman who came out of an invisible token
— Guys, I need to have a serious talk with you..
Glory finished.
— fuck...