
Impaired Heart

Young and wild. They both explore their carnal desires until the inevitable. At sixteen she was pregnant with the MC child. A poor lad with a humble background. She was forced to abort the abomination while the MC was made to flee for his life. They both escape their hometown with an impaired heart. Will time repair the hearts. Bringing back the teen couple to each other embrace. Sit tight and enjoy how fate toys with the young teenagers in love until all puzzles are fixed.

Whi_s_per · Teenager
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36 Chs

Saphila south region


Meanwhile, Elaine was flexing the limit of her muscle car speed. She had calculated the number of kilometers needed to top up her ride with gasoline. She made provision for the stop in her long journey, both for her rest and meal. Though she would travel out of her father's influence district. She will take a plane to finish the remainder of her journey.

The journey from east to south is roughly 12,000km. This type of journey is usually done through aircraft because they are quick. Approximately 12 hours are needed for a private jet or 16–24 hours for a commercial jet, which travels at 500–600 km/h. This time frame should be correct if it was a direct flight. But for non-direct flights, which required the passengers to stop at a specific airport terminal to refresh and refuel before continuing with the journey. The most time wasted will be 72 hours. This should be a reasonable time, unless problems arise.

In this scene, Elaine was cruising in a muscle car. Where traffic laws are being observed. A 12,000-kilometer ride should take her weeks to complete, but would Elaine be stupid to try such an insane plan? No! She needed to escape her father's area of influence. She will book a flight with her fake identity card. Hola! She will be at South in a day. For her muscle car, let the delivery company take their sweet time to ferry it south. That's the least of her troubles.

Eight hours later,

Elaine had almost escaped her father's areas of influence. She was currently at the delivery company. She had commissioned her ride to be sent to the south. An address she wrote down. That was her city. The city she burned a lot of her savings to buy out. She doesn't have a full description of the place. Only hearsay or internet descriptions that show lakes, streams, wild forests, mountains, and others.

Well, she will find out after the full survey is done. The survey plan will have detailed markings of her territory.

Right now, she arrived at an airport that seriously required a maintenance service. This airport was a perfect find. Most of its CCTV needed repair or change. In fact, the whole system needed urgent repair. The planes should also require some repair, but such repair would not happen because Elaine was their passenger.

She had to take the flight from this dangerous-looking airport and plane, believing wholeheartedly in all gods to grant her a safe journey. Damn! The masses are really taking some big risks.

Elaine had always flown with her dad's high-class jets. An ultra-safe super jet. She never for once thought she would use the services of an almost-dead airport with its suicide planes. She dares not use the famous airport because all of it will fall under the scrutiny of her father's goon. A CCTV shot of her will fix all the puzzles. A total game over. When she is caught, there won't be a second chance to pull off an escape.

Her flight was leaving in 20 minutes. Passengers had almost boarded the plane. They carefully place their travelling luggage in the luggage hold.

Elaine has no luggage. She quietly sat in her seat beside the plane window.

The usual protocol of fastening a seat belt and a departure reminder were given to the passengers. The plane finally took off.

After roughly 12 hours of flight, the passengers on board finally arrived in the south region of Blue Planet. A planet similar to the beauty of Earth but ten times the size of Earth. It is also a technological world. They are a bit advanced when compared to the level of Earth's technology. This world is way ahead. They are at the entry level of an interstellar age. However, the world's exploration of its surrounding universe is so-so, and it is not yet open to the masses. 

The same is true of their exploration of their world. Many years of exploration of the blue planet. They can only boast of covering approximately 37% of their planet. The other region is still uncharted.

Elaine has finally touched down at Miko International Airport. It is among the famous airports on Blue Planet. A well-sophisticated and well-maintained international airport. The security of this airport is tight. It will be difficult for her father's goons of hackers to break into the network firewall, except if her father gains powerful political power or rank to command the international airport to do his bidding. This rank will not guarantee that the airport will entertain any mischief with their network security. The human alliance leader might have difficulties with some of her requests - Oh, yeah, humans are led by a female. Hell! The stubborn airport leaders might not give such a request much thought.

After all, they all had their financial and political backers.

Therefore, Elaine was safe and sound upon landing at this airport. She was heading to the Saphila south region. Her city is the entirety of Saphila. Both the lands, mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, forests, or other geographic terrains. They all belong to her.

She will take her sweet time to help transform her territory into the greatest region of the blue planet. At the same time, she would be a loving mother, taking care of her soon-to-be born child. Both mother and child will diligently wait for their love or father.

There are at least eight months to welcome a baby. She will use this precious time to build her territory. She will turn the whole of Saphila into an entertainment and grain reserve city with the highest number of classical restaurants and hotels that are specialized in all manner of mouth-watering dishes.

Where there is meat, there must be hyenas hanging around. The greatest crime for anyone is having wealth and not protecting it. Well, others will protect it for you. Although her father has become annoying recently. It was because he was dealt a heavy blow from his trusted aide. He learned the jungle way.

Elaine won't make such a rookie mistake. She will set her standards straight. She will establish the greatest underground information network and also the greatest assassin organization. Far greater than that of her dad. The only eligible members of these two organizations will be orphans. Why? The orphans don't have any affiliations or loved ones. Taking them in will mean gaining their unrivaled loyalty. Just like the orphanage home she owns. She will begin with the orphanage home. Train the kids into unbreakable weapons to protect her territory and its businesses.

Okay, now, how does she transport herself to Saphila? Her ride was on the way. Wait! Saphila should have their region mansion with its ride. She will have to contact them to pick her up. Then, she will finalize the handover. No! She will go there unannounced. She will secretly survey her territory and understand it more. If she had an entourage escorting her, she would miss some critical regions that needed urgent development.

She hailed a taxi driver.

"Where to, miss? You are new here, right? Are you here for a holiday? I have plenty of interesting outlets." The middle-aged driver was definitely a chatterbox.

Elaine planned to juice out all the needed information to upgrade her understanding of her newly owned region.


"Ah! The Saphila south region. That is my place of birth."

Elaine's interest was piqued. The middle-aged driver went on with his rambling. He looked like someone who had a lot to say. Of course, there are a lot of his narrative tales coming later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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