
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Dead End

Since then Clare has been researching the ashes she picked up and finding out many things. The ashes he encounters when mixed with blood can change color to black blood, it takes her surprise. Clare examined the blood mixed with the ashes and saw the blackened blood cells, nothing happened except blackening.

Blaire was also researching the ashes and trying to figure out how a hand could turn to ashes like this. The ashes had a burning smell like charcoal, it confused her.

As for Jules and Zoya, they've only been watching them until they fall asleep from boredom. It really took a lot of time, even Clare was sleepy.


Again Clare hit the table until her two friends were shocked and woke up from their sleep while Blaire glared at Clare who just smirked.

"It doesn't look like it's going to work, I only know that the ashes are poisonous." Clare muttered.

"That means, anyone who touches it will be poisoned," continued Blaire.

"Not necessarily, I'll have to test it again"

"Clare, you've been in trouble by Luke, don't do it again. Don't throw yourself into a deeper abyss of trouble." Jules growled.

"Then what should i do? I wouldn't be able to sleep well if I didn't know. All I found was the ashes, why not all of it!" Clare whined.

Suddenly the ashes moved making them all fall and widen their eyes. Clare immediately stood away from the table where the gray was moving and starting to coalesce.

"Water water, just wash it away." Zoya said panicked.

"You thought it was fire!" Blair snapped.

"Clare, you have to take responsibility," demanded Jules, looking at Clare sharply.

Clare watched the process of forming the hand. It was getting clearer and clearer, a black hand was seen moving, making them scared like in a horror movie.

They all hide in their chosen place while Clare doesn't know where to go. The hand continued to move and flew to strangle Clare until it hit the door.

Clare coughed and tried to fight the living hand, slowly the choke released and Clare waved the hand still holding it.

"Help...." Clare whispered weakly. Jules immediately hit the hand with a broom until it fell.

Jules keeps beating that hand like a naughty insect. The hand stopped moving, the four of them watched the hand lying on the floor, suddenly the index finger moved again. Immediately Jules hit it one last time and the hand didn't move anymore.

They breathed a sigh of relief, Clare worked up the courage to grab the severed hand with her claws. Suddenly the hand moved again, Clare immediately stopped it with her strength in the air. Through her mind, Clare tries to destroy the hand so it doesn't come back to life and succeeds. The hand shattered into pieces and spit out a lot of mucus on the floor, it was disgusting.

They looked at it in disgust, then together wiped the blood and mucus on the floor with a rag and then collected it into a chemical container as Clare requested.

"Clare, don't you have any other toys? You're so scary." Zoya said weakly seeing a carcass that was so disgusting.

"I have no other choice. The smell makes me sick." Clare mumbled covering her mouth and nose with a mask.

Clare and Blaire went back to researching while Jules and Zoya's job was to wash the tools they used and put them back.

Clare used a microscope on this monster's blood cells. She bit her hand and spat out blood, Clare immediately dripped it and then mixed it with the monster's blood to see through the microscope.

Apparently Clare's mixed blood cells, instantly turned into this monster's blood cells which were blackish red in color. That confused Clare.

As for Blaire, she researched the part of this monster's skin that could get sunburned easily, it's like a vampire but not a vampire.

"Why do you think it's called the rain monster?" Jules asked.

"Maybe it can make a rain." Blaire replied.

"How does it create rain? You know something?" Jules asked again.

Blaire shook her head "Everything's normal in the skin, it's just that the skin gets sunburned as well as the flesh"

"What if our blood was contaminated with this blood, would it be like it?" asked Clare.

"There is no such case, they are purely born not transformed." Blaire replied.

"Why do you think they didn't research it further?"

"I don't know, maybe it's hidden. It can't be researched"

"That's true, but for what? No one knows." Clare was surprised.

"Let's just ask Prof. Armstrong." Blaire said.

"You want to get into trouble with him? I really don't want to." Zoya said lazily.

"Then, how? I'm running out of ways." Clare said massaging her forehead.

"Clare, what do you want to know about this creature? You're so curious." Jules still didn't understand.

"I don't know, I don't know myself. My mind can never be calm if I haven't answered something." replied Clare confused

"We're at a stalemate, what should we do next?" Blaire said.

"I don't know," said Clare, shaking her head slowly.

As Blaire said, they were at an impasse and didn't know what to do next. They tidied up all the tools and materials used for the inspection and returned to their respective dormitories because the sun had also set.


The day went by as usual, the four of them looked very bored and all they did was eat school and sleep, that's all they did every day until the exams arrived. The four of them studied hard in the library and carried out the exams smoothly and got good results.

At the moment Clare is really in a bad mood, she is walking around the field glumly, even Chasper and Thumbelina can't cheer her up. The cheerful Clare was asleep and was replaced by the gloomy Clare simply because her curiosity didn't go away.

In the middle he ducked and stepped, he kicked a ball hard. The ball flew and hit the head of the man who was training his strength, Louis.

Seeing that, Clare panicked and immediately ran away hoping Louis didn't know that was her behavior. But it's useless for Clare to hope, Louis already knows when he sees Clare running away. Louis quickly chased after him with annoyance.

They were chasing each other, Clare really panicked and didn't want to be punished. It wasn't intentional, Clare didn't know if the ball picked up Louis' head and caused Clare new problems.

The students watched Clare and Louis chase, Clare really didn't like this. Even though Clare was hiding, Louis was still caught even though she was hiding in the women's restroom. This time Louis would not spare Clare.

"Mianhaeeee...." shouted Clare still running after Louis no matter who bumped into anyone - and she didn't care that her Korean came out now.

(Mianhae is Korean which means sorry. Clare said it because she is fluent in Korean.)

Clare ran into the park and saw Luke standing there. Clare quickly hid behind him asking for cover making Luke feel annoyed with this fussy girl.

"Luke, please help me. That monster is after me, he's scarier than the rain monster!" Clare's whining behind her made the elves blush and feel ashamed to have such a master, even the excesses were embarrassed.

"You should have stopped him." Luke said lazily.

"Then he will know my strength, it can be dangerous." Clare denied unreasonably.

Louis ran up to Luke, he looked at Luke sharply and found the girl he was chasing hiding behind Luke.

"You're working with him apparently," said Louis crossing his arms across his chest.

"If you want to catch, just catch. There's no need to connect it to me." Luke said flatly making Clare's eyes widen, it's useless for him to ask for help. She should be looking for Jules et al, not stop here.

Clare raised her hand and came out of hiding looking at Louis in panic.

"Sorry I did not mean it. Who told the ball to land on your head," said Clare as if she was joking even though she didn't mean to.

"It's wrong to dare to tease, here you are!"

"Sorry...." Clare crouched down and looked down not daring to look at Louis.

Louis stopped when he saw Luke who was staring at him and blocking his path from approaching Clare.

"She already apologized." Luke said flatly.

"Sorry isn't enough," said Louis annoyed.

"Then how do you want to punish her?" said Luke sharply.

"It's none of your business, there's no need to meddle in other people's business." Louis said looking at Luke sharply.

His words had a point, but Luke couldn't let Clare be over-coerced by Louis. He knew very well the kinds of punishments that Louis gave to everyone.

"Clare already apologized, but you forced her instead. Is that good?"

Louis snorted, "Since when did you defend this little girl? Do you feel sorry for her or something?"

"No matter how much you talk, it's useless." Luke said flatly then pulled Clare away from there.

Louis saw that he didn't like it, he grunted in annoyance and left but still he would never stop chasing Clare.

Luke stopped right in front of the elevator leading to the dormitory, Clare had been silent for a while again lost in thought. When Luke was about to leave Clare alone, Clare grabbed his sleeve causing Luke to turn towards her.

"What else?" Luke asked coldly.

"Thanks, you know I was wrong but still saved me." Clare said glumly.

Luke ignored it and left immediately, there's still something else to do. Clare just stared at Luke's back as he slowly walked away into the elevator, feeling guilty and annoyed at the same time. But not knowing what to do, her mind was empty and too bored.

She walked back to dormitory and did activities like the previous day like bathing and doing schoolwork until nightfall.