
Gaining Insight.

In the forest we can see a young child hunting and stalking a pack of wolves. The young man had dark black hair and his face was rounded he had brown eyes and his pupils were a dark black.

He wore a purple robe with a fishnet vest underneath. He had black pants and had on the sandals that shinobis like to wear.

His pale skin brought out his features even more as his cute face was enhanced with it. This person was Sato Yuki and at the moment he was training up his battle experience.

Sato was alone and he was stalking a pack of wolves as his prey. He wanted to test himself by taking on a group of animals this time.

Hiding behind some bushes Sato calmly looked at the wolves. They had gray fur and their paws were bigger than an apple.

They were surrounding one particular wolf, his fur was black and he had sharp fangs protruding out his mouth. His eyes were pure black and his pupils were silver.

Sato took notice of this wolf and thought "This guy is the alpha."

He looked towards the rest of the wolves and notice that the alpha was at least more than half a size bigger than the others.

If he charged into them with no planning Sato was sure that he would be in trouble so he tried to utilize whatever he could.

Sato took out some kunai and shuriken and some wire and tied it to the ends of the kunai. He stuck one to a tree and another to a tree opposite it forming a tripping trap.

He then tied more wires to his shurikens and looked at the wolves again. Noticing that nothing had changed and that his battle plan was solid he started walking brazenly towards the wolves.

Getting closer and closer Sato unleashed a barrage of shurikens towards the wolves. He injured a few of the unsuspecting ones and alerted the others.

When the wolves saw their comrades being injured they grew furious. They then stared in the direction of the attack and saw a small child the age of four years who they assumed was the attacker.

Seeing this the wolves grew even more enraged. The alpha wolf howled and immediately the other wolves lunged at Sato.

Sato was calm and sent a few kunai towards the incoming wolves. Some of them got impaled and Sato with a yank on the wires connected to the ends of the kunai to retrieve them.

After this Sato kept the kunai and turned and dashed to a certain direction. The wolves became even more furious and chased after him.

A certain distance away Sato hopped over his trap and kept running and looked back to see the wolves getting closer to him.

When the wolves reach the trap however they started to trip on it. Seeing this Sato knew he could not give up this chance and he threw more shurikens and kunai to the pack of wolves.

With nowhere to dodge the wolves got impaled with the shurikens and kunai. Some of them toppled over from the trap was then trampled on and died regretfully.

Sato had thinned down the numbers pretty well and was now only facing two wolves.

It was at this time however that the alpha wolf caught up with them.

When it saw the others lying either dead or injured it became even more angered. It turned it's head to Sato and howled.

The other two wolves lunged at Sato and then the alpha joined them. Sato using the wire retrieved his shurikens and kunai while jumping backwards.

After that he sent the shurikens and kunai to the alpha wolf while dashing to the wolf to his left and with a kick aim at it's head he lunged at it.

The wolf who was mid air could not evade in time but it had a smirk on it's lips. It thought that a mere child was trying to defeat it with strength.

This wolf would regret this as Sato landed his kick on the wolf's head opening a wound on it that was appalling. A huge hole could be seen in the wolf's head and blood splattered everywhere. Brain matter was scattered and the wolf fell lifeless to the ground.

The other wolf and the alpha seeing this had their eyes widen in shock and the other wolf started fearing Sato.

The alpha wolf however was howling at it's comrade's death and also to intimidate the other wolf should it have any ideas of fleeing. The alpha wolf looked at Sato and snarled.

It was a deep snarl and he circled Sato trying to find an opening to assault him. The other wolf circled him as well. They were planning to strike at the same time.

Sato was calmly assessing the battle and he knew that they would pounce soon. Just as he had thought of it the wolves took action.

When Sato saw that the alpha wolf was faster than the other wolf he decide to intercept the alpha wolf first to be able to dodge the other.

Turning and dashing towards the alpha he took out his elongated kunai and made a slashing motion towards it.

Seeing the incoming attack the alpha had to divert his direction in order to evade Sato's attack. When he saw the alpha move away Sato turned to the other wolf and sent a fist it's way.

The fist strike was fast and heavy. When it connected with the wolf it made the wolf fly backwards from the force.

Sato's aim was not to kill it but only to connect his attack on it to impair it from it's movement. After all a non moving target was no threat to him.

After Sato impaired the wolf he turned back to the alpha. He knew that he would have a hard time dealing with the alpha wolf and that his four year old body was just not ready to take on such an opponent.

After thinking on it further he unleashed his sword will sending a sword qi to the wolf. The sword qi was fast and it produced a blinding light. The temperature in the surrounding radius quickly dropped and clouds quickly started form. The area became uneerily dark. Mists started forming around Sato and then a quickly flash of light swarmed by. Sato had decapitated the head of the alpha without giving it time to react.

The qi energy swirled in the air after the strike and then slowly started dissipating. The wind in the air became violent and slowly calmed down. The other wolf who was injured saw this and was frightened. It's legs gave out under the pressure and did not notice a kunai heading for its head.

When the kunai reached the wolf it struck right in between it's eyebrows killing it. Sato then adjusted his posture and tilt his head up exhaling a deep breathe.

Sato did another short prayer and came back to the cottage. Upon arriving he saw Midori eating her favorite dango and sitting on a rock nearby.

"Where did you go?" asked Midori.

"To the forest for tempering" replied Sato.

Midori wanted to ask more from sato but he quickly dismiss her with a wave of his hand and said

"I'm tired now. I will wash up and meditate. Do not disturb me".

And with that Sato entered the cottage and disappeared from Midori's sight.

"Arrogant child" remarked Midori who then went back to eating her dango.

After washing up Sato came to his room and started meditating on his actions from his fight. This was something he started doing to enhance his understanding of the techniques he could've implemented during combat.

With this he was able to gleam insight into techniques for which he could perform and create for when he is able to utilize qi in battle.

After sometime Sato started cultivating his qi to increase his cultivation. There is yang qi in abundance in the air here but there was enough yin qi as well. It was just harder for Sato to accumulate it and so it took some time before he could breakthrough to the next realm. Sato had to tough it out and slowly increase his qi before breaking through.

Midori and Sato spent most of their time in the cottage but they would go out to the village every now and then.

Midori went to buy dango mostly but sometimes she would come across interesting characters.

She never bothered with them though she was only interested in them.

Sato would also come across the popular characters from the anime. He did his very best not to affect them in anyway and mostly stayed away from them.

There was one person he had not met yet. This person was Hatake Kakashi. Sato knew of the events to come. When team seven took on their C- ranked mission they would meet Zabuza and Haku.

Haku would sacrifice himself for Zabuza and die. But it was Kakashi who killed him. Sato don't know what he would do if this actually came to pass.

He did not want to think about it. Sato starting thinking about what he had to do before the time came that Kakashi would meet Zabuza and Haku.

What he needed was strength to prevent his big brother's death. He started increasing his training and tried to implement some new techniques to his taijutsu training.

Sato had started comprehending more about Futon and Suiton. He wanted to master these two elements before applying them with his qi when he is able to use them. He studied very often and pondered deeply about the two elements.

Not making any gains from the two elements Sato decided to take a walk through the forest to clear his mind.

He had too much thoughts in his head that he was not able to comprehend more about his cultivation on the dao.

Taking a walk through the forest was able to put his mind at ease. He enjoyed the serenity of the plants and the calmness of nature.

As he was walking Sato's mind became clearer and his soul felt jubilation. Sato felt this and a thought immediately struck him.

"Could this be plant qi?" questioned Sato who felt nature all around him.

Sato quickly closed his eyes to feel the qi around him.

"This is definitely plant qi. But the only thing that would produce such qi from plants could only be the Mythical Parasol Tree." felt Sato.

Sato then spread his spiritual awareness in order to find this legendary tree but he was to only be disappointed.

The Mythical Parasol Tree was hidden and could not be found in this world. It was only a leaf that had descended to this world and its form had already dissipated from this world leaving only its qi in this forest.

Sato did not let this bother him though as he knew once he gets stronger he would be able to travel beyond this realm and locate such treasures.

Sato, clearing his mind once more entered a state of fusion with the forest and realized that plants was also a type of element in this world.

He came near a tree whose trunks needed more than five people to surround it while holding each others hand.

Then he sat down and took up a meditation position and started meditating. As he started cultivating there sato felt an enormous amount of plant qi in the surroundings and it gushed into him.

Sato started cultivating this plant qi and soon found that it was able to interact with his yin and yang type qi and also his sword qi.

This plant qi boosted Sato's qi and drastically improved his physique. Sato was only a hair's breadth away from the next level of his cultivation after absorbing this qi.

"This qi is definitely the qi from the mythical parasol tree" exclaimed Sato.

Exuberance shone on his face as he gained a new insight towards his cultivation.

"I can absorb elemental qi along with my yin and yang qi and sword qi." remarked Sato.

"With this I can be affirmed that i'm one step closer to discovering the true mysteries of the elements and then I will finally be able to cultivate the next chapter of my meditation technique." pondered Sato.

Finally he had a breakthrough with his goals. Sato obtained a precious knowledge which will help him further down the path of cultivation towards becoming an immortal in this world.

Sato was elated to know that his journey has not ended yet but has only begun. His next goal is to find the true elements and obtain them. Once he has done so he will be able to create his very own techniques.

This was a huge and shocking discovery and Sato could not be more pleased. He meditated more out in the forest to absorb as much qi as he could before returning to his residence.

When he returned he took a shower and went to rest. After figuring out what his future goals were Sato had to plan for his future. Sato also needed time to digest the qi from the Mythical Parasol Tree leaf that was located in the forest.

He would also have to make trips back to that location to absorb the rest of the qi once he gained more mastery with his cultivation of the dao.

Sato planned to rest up and then he would start the day fresh tomorrow. Just like this, this year came and passes quickly. Sato would follow his strict plan for training and cultivating.

Both Midori and Sato would also set off to tour around the village. After a year had pass in the busy village Sato grew one more year older making him six years old now.

He had heard information from the village and he lined it up with the timeline he knew from the anime.

Sato pondered for a bit then thought, "The time has come. The Uchiha clan will be annihilated soon....".

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