
Illegal love

darabianca1008 · Fantasie
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Warning: This story will and must have mature language and pervertish memes, I tried to warn you. ( sexual memes)

Hewo my name is Bebe Heart life has has been an awesome adventure when I an living with the prince even though he actually "stole" me from another world more like, nevermind.... Here's how it started.

" Where are you going ? " Mom asked.

" Oh.. I'm just going to get some fresh air because yesterday was the last day of school and I have an entire summer to spend at home" " I'm trying to find somewhere to come every now-and-then or someone or a bf. " I exclaimed honestly !

" Ok hunny just be safe " My mom exclaimed worriedly.

The sun was shining like 101⁰ farenheit I think I'm sweating already. Anyways I was telling the truth I have two and 1/2 months ahead of me just to do whatever I want. It's an adventure of a lifetime every summer, last summer I went camping and I got to see a bear cave when the bear was sleeping.

Then my stupid brother decided to wake up the ducking bear and we had to run litterly 2 miles. I ran at the speed of light. Seriously I couldn't even see my mom or dad after 14 minutes of running.

I'm trying to forget that moment last year about the bear even though I'm not really scared of bears but my brother took a stick whoop the bear's *ss, like he was whooping his gf's *ss. If you know what I mean!!( when he puts the stick in the hole). Don't tell noone I said that.

My point is that I want to try to find a boyfriend that cares about me and calls me "Babe". All my friends have bfs and I want to know what it feels like to have one. Don't mind me winning that I want a bf. I think it's nice to have somebody next to you when you need them, my parents won't be there forever. I will miss them though.

To be continued...

See you next story...