
Welcome To Tus Urnua(1)

As usual another day passes on earth, everyone's time spent following the same pattern. Work, eat, shit, go home, complain, sleep, and repeat. If some are lucky they can spend their free time, if they have any, mindlessly enjoying themselves. Unfortunately most people aren't lucky.

Some people are doomed to wander the streets, despairing, regretting their past decisions as they wonder whether their life was ever really under their control. Even those with a roof over their head and with companions wonder the same thing. Both struggle to rise to the top, some giving up and entering an eternal sleep, some continue to live while accepting their daily routine without thoughts of change, and some rise to what they think will bring them joy.

George Monroe is just another 30 year old white American retail worker. He works 9 hour shifts, often working well past his set hours with little breaks allowed. On weekends, assuming his asshole boss doesn't call him in, spends his day watching anime and reading web novels.

He's never been very social, causing to have only 1 friend and no experience with girls. He and his friend, Joshua Smathers will occasionally meet up at his place to get drunk and watch bad anime together. Tonight is just another Saturday. As usual they're both hanging out.

Joshua sits on the couch with his bare feet on the glass table top, his beer on the small table in front of the wide brown leather couch. As he picks up his beer to take a sip he remembers that he has plans for tomorrow. "Hey man! Jul wants to eat lunch out tomorrow so I'll have to head home early."

Joshua usually stays until around midnight but tonight he needs to cut back on the beer. Tomorrow is his marriage anniversary and his wife wants to spend the day relaxing instead of being a full time house keeper. George peeks his head from the kitchen. "Go ahead."

As he goes back to the living room he wonders how his friend managed to get married. He's pretty average looking, albeit a tad short. His short brown hair is always a mess and his skin is a pale white. He also has a beer belly and no fashion sense. Over all he's just another relaxed schmuck.

Compared to Joshua, George is quite handsome. He stands at an whopping 5 feet 11 inches with shoulder length golden blonde hair. His eyes are a bright ocean blue, clearer than any gem and full of life. Just like Joshua his skin is a pale white but unlike Joshua his skin is smooth all throughout. If it weren't for his social anxiety he would've gotten married in his early 20s.

Despite Joshua's looks he got married around the age of 22 after dating his girlfriend for 5 years. Of course George is jealous. Even so the both of them are good friends. Hell, Joshua will occasionally introduce George to some of his wife's friends.

"So what are we going to watch today. I recommend we change things up a bit and watch some killer classroom." George goes silent after hearing Joshua. Maybe watching something good drunk will be more fun. Ah, but watching killer classroom is goanna make me cry. Poor Koroko sensei. Eh, fuck it.


And so the two spend the next 4 hours crying and laughing. Since both of them have seen the show to the end seeing koroko sensei help his students and seeing Nagisasa being so innocent they can't help but remember the bittersweet ending. Of course George ended up crying more than Joshua since he drank several more beers.

Joshua looks at his sobbing friend and sighs. "I told you ya should've held back a bit." George just looks at him and sniffles, taking a sip from the glass of water Joshua brought him earlier. "Alright, well I'll see ya Friday."

Joshua stands up after patting George's shoulder and leaves. Hearing his friend's car engine rumble as he drive's off a feeling of loneliness suddenly fills George. He looks at the shining TV and the various beer cans sprawled across the table and sighs. As usual he cleans up and goes back to his room.

It's relatively empty with only a large shelf, a small bed, and a couple of posters hanging on the walls. Looking at the Mikuku poster above his bed he gives himself a self-deprecating smile. As he looks around his hollow house he begins feel a strong emptiness.

Ignoring his growing feelings he lays down on his bed, resting his head against on one of the 3 pillows. He begins to read the same stupid power fantasy harem novels. The more he reads the more he begins to hate his life. Soon enough he begins to imagine what it would be like the protagonist of these novels. He wonders what it would be like to be special. To be blessed by god.

Shortly after he pulls out his anxiety pills from under his bed and prepares to sleep forever. Suddenly, as if responding to his prayers a robotic voice fills his head. Holographic screens fill his vision as the voice grows louder.

[Beginning Awakening]





[Beginning Fusion]





[Scanning Host]



Immediately a wide smile fills George's face. "Fuck Yeah!" He screams while imagines his future life as an OP god. After a few seconds of silence the holographic screens disappear. Immediately George investigates. "Status!"


[Host-George Monroe]


[Age-32] . [Height-5 ft, 11 inch] . [Mother Planet-Earth] . [Level-0]


[Strength=Base x 1.0] . [Speed=Base x 1.0] . [Stamina=Base x 1.0]

[Life Energy=Base x 1.0] . [Spiritual Energy=Base x 1.0]


[??????] . [??????] . [??????] . [??????] . [??????]




Immediately after George finishes reading he notices his surrounding begin to blur and bend. His begins to flatten fusing into the floor as the walls and roof begin to dissolve. The ground begins to turn green as trees begin to sprout from the ground. Within a few seconds George finds himself in a massive forest.

The dirt is a light brown, various multi-colored flowers line the root filled dirt. Light red lights dance as the trees fiery red canopy shakes with the wind, the sparkling leaves dancing in the sky. Each tree is as wide as a medium sized house with large roots peeking out their sides.

In between each tree is enough room for well over 13 people to walk together without issue, even with the various roots and bushes lining the edges of the trees. Small bugs walk across the leaves sprawled across the ground, the gentle tweeting of birds filling this forest heaven.

After enjoying the few for a few minutes George begins to play with the system. "Hey system can you answer questions." No response. After a few seconds George sighs. Suddenly as he begins to relax a familiar holographic screen pops up.

[System Is Capable Of Answering Host Questions.]

"Cool. So where am I? How do I level up? Can I become OP?"

[Host Has Been Transferred To Tus Urnua, A Fantasy World Reminiscent Of Medieval Europe With The Common Beast And People Being A Kind Of Fae. Host Can Level Up By Hunting Any Sentient Or Semi-Sentient Living Creature On This Planet. As For Host Last Question. Yes You Can Become OP.]

"Fuck Yeah!"

"Oh Hell Yeah!"

"The fuck?!"

Immediately George looks around. Almost immediately he sees a small crowd of people clearly from earth. Seeing them he feels a little disappointed and confused. They both stop, the crowd staring George down. In response he puts his arms up. "I mean no harm."

As the crowd examines him he examines them. There seems to be all kinds of people there. I see children and elderly people as well as women and men. Most people seem confused and their clearly on guard. Several people are grabbing onto what's likely their kids. For now I should assume their friendly.

Suddenly one of the elderly men walks out of the crowd. "Hello there young man. My name is Micheal Stamps. Are also from earth?" He's short with white hair, wearing a blue electricians jumper.

George hesitates but still ends up speaking in the end. "Yes. I'm guessing you also got isekai'd?" Hearing George's response Micheal tilts his head in confusion. George looks to the crowd and sees them doing the same. Without hesitation he begins to explain. "Alright, so basically we're in another world that follows game rules. I'm guessing that asking the system didn't give you enough info?"

Knowing full well that at least one person would've asked the system questions he looks at them. Micheal hesitates before another elderly man walks out of the crowd. "It seems we're to low level to get proper information. Tell me what do you think this forest is?" This one is rather tall with a stiff face, his eyes stuck in eternal glare. His hair is a clean black and he's wearing a blue suit with matching shoes.

Immediately George goes silent.

Hey system where is this forest?

[Host Is To Low Level To Know]

Shit. And here I thought I was special. Alright well let's looks at the information. My level is to low what this forest is so chances are whatever's here is well beyond my level. Could this be some kind of holy land of the Elves? For now I should stick with the group.

"Unfortunately I don't."

The new elder looks to Micheal. He smiles and nods in response. "My name is Richard Draeyers. Can you tell me why what an Isekai is?"

George immediately smiles. I knew watching so much anime wasn't worthless.

"In most anime's and novels I read when this happens it means that we were either given a second chance by god or this is purely coincidence. Considering how the system said it was awakening and how we were sent here shortly after it finished I'm going to assume we were blessed by a higher being."

Immediately after George finishes speaking several members of the crowd begin to kneel and pray. Clearly exhausted both of the old men sigh. They smack their foreheads before giving George an annoyed glance. They walk back to the crowd after.

As the old men begin talking to the crowd everyone begins to hear a faint sizzling. Suddenly the ground begins to take on a purple tint. As the crowd gets stunned George moves out of the way. "Move!" Some people manage to move in time. Unfortunately several more don't.

Suddenly a massive slime the size of a single story house falls from the tree's canopy directly above them. Instantly those that didn't move in time break past its thick protective membrane, directly fusing with the slime. Instantly they all begin to try to scream but the moment they open their mouth purple acid pours inside them.

Everyone looks though the slimes clear membrane as the eyes of those it devoured begin to pop out of their skulls, their skin melting off. Seeing this George wakes up. This world is not the happy go lucky isekai he knows. He falls backwards the though of what will happen to him filling his head.

He think of what it will feel like to choke on acid. Will it burn? How long will it hurt. What will death be like? While George panics the slime begins to reform. At first it turns into a giant ball before transforming into a deformed snake. Without even a moments warning it pounces at the small crowd, completely ignoring George.

Its sunken eyes and flat mouth begin to melt as its body slams into the crowd, instantly absorbing another half of it. At this point the first people absorbed have become skeletons. As it's body flattens it begins to reform, its core turning into a small adult male sized ball.

It's body branches out capturing and collecting everyone. Suddenly only 4 people are left. One of the four, a small boy approximately 10 years old grabs a nearby branch and stabs the approaching tentacle. Before he can smile acid begins to pour out the gap in the membrane. The tentacle becomes visibly smaller as a portion of the membrane melts off but before all its acid can pour out a portion of the membrane connects with the membrane across it, effectively severing the damaged portion of tentacle.

Just as everyone regains some hope they hear a little boys despairing scream. The skin on the boy's face is melting off, his hair falling off, and strands of muscle falling off. Within seconds the bone of his skull is exposed, a portion of it melted off. In the survivors moment of distraction the slime begins to recollect after finishing its meal and jumps at the final three.

Once again it transforms into several snakes connected at the center. Only two people manage to dodge. A young woman and a young man. The third person a well built man gets absorbed into the membrane, his punches seemingly making it harder. Both of them somewhat calmed down immediately pull small roots fro the ground and begin to stab the slimes membrane.

Jets of thick acid continue to explode from its body. George, knowing full well that he'll die if that slime doesn't. He shakily stands up and grabs a nearby branch and begins to slowly move. As he hesitates he notices that the slime doesn't seem to have become any smaller. Immediately he looks around for any severed membrane in the dirt not find any.

Before he can do anything the slime collects itself once again. Suddenly it begins to shrink further and further before disappearing. The two crowd survivors sigh in relief their knees buckling. George instead chooses to look at the ground. Instantly he sees that hidden under the dirt and leaves is an expanding purple. "Shit! Run!"

Unfortunately the two survivors didn't hear him. Before they can even blink the ground explodes. Dirt goes flying into the air as a massive purple slime explodes from the ground. Instantly both of them are absorbed into the slime.

George's mind goes blank as the slime begins to move towards him, clearly relaxed as if the prey in front of it is less than an insect. His life begins to flash before his eyes. His first job, his first crush, and his first anime. Suddenly he remember's his parents. As the slime grows closer he mumbles to himself. "Mom...Dad..." Thinking of them he calms down.

A feeling of warmth fills him. Suddenly the slime jumps at him. He dodges tossing the sharp end of the branch towards the slimes bottom. Immediately acid gushes into the dirt, splashing all over. As the slime separates and collects itself George begins to move away towards the closest tree, grabbing another branch along the way.

As the slime finishes recollecting it's core is exposed. Unfortunately its too far away it hit it. Once it's done reforming it leaps towards George again. Once again George pierces it. Just as it begins to separate George grabs another branch and stabs towards the core. Just before the branch can pierce it the core moves, the acid quickly dissolving. Suddenly a portion of the slime grabs George by the waist.

Immediately his clothes melt and his skin burns. He screams out in pain his mind shattering as his protagonist mindset vanishes. In a moment of desperation he sticks his arms inside the slime right next to the branch. The pain grows more intense as he watches his skin redden and melt.

Out of pure desperation he grabs the still melting branch inside it and stabs it into the corse multiple times. The core originally shaped like a large brain begins to snap as more and more holes are stabbed into it.

Immediately the slimes body begins to wildly rampage. It absorbs George random parts of it separating and reattaching every second. Immediately the pain of his body melting overwhelms George. In a state of pure madness he grabs the struggling core with both arms and begins to wildly bite it, kicking it as soon as his teeth have begun to dissolve and break.

Suddenly the slime completely collapses. The membrane melts and the acid begins to turn into smoke. Just as the final bit of life escapes George he notices a new system prompt.

[Ancient Greater Slime(Acid)=Slain]

[Level+10 (Additional Experience Will Be Given After Class Bestowment) ]

[Healing Host]




Suddenly George's dissolved body begins to transform. The acidic smoke and slime core begin to fuse and melt as strands of muscle of flesh sprout from George's exposed bones. He's semi melted eyes fall off as new ones begin to form. Fleshy granules begin to form on his melted skin, softening and smoothening to replace the damaged skin.

As he heals the slimes now melted body floats towards George a small white flame forms over his heart. Various strange and unknown symbols fill it, appearing as if they're restraining it. The slime begins to burn and fuse with the white flame, the symbols growing as a black ball begins circling the white flame.

As George wakes up and looks around he begins to panic. Suddenly he remembers what happened. He stays silent, a warm wet feeling sliding down his cheeks. ".....I'm sorry." Ignoring George's sadness the system speaks.

[Would Host Like To Receive Class Bestowment Requirement Information?]

Hello hello author senpai here! I'm just here to ask that people please comment and vote if ya like what ya read. I'll be posting once a week ever saturday at 12:00 US time. Thank you for reading and have a good week!

EldritchSenpai_9creators' thoughts