
Bad New Life Start, Sadistic Girl In Blue, Citizen Bane, I'm the monster you made, Once The Morality Dies The Killing Starts!"


Chapter 4

"Bad New Life Start, Sadistic Girl In Blue, Citizen Bane, I'm the monster you made, Once The Morality Dies The Killing Starts!"


 Gotham City...

  In the earlier evening time, barely hours after sundown, the primetime for nightlife period begins in this complicated Urban city...

 In the center of a congested downtown Gotham sidewalk, full of civilians traveling hurriedly to their destinations, bright light particles abruptly fall from the sky!

 In the center of that sidewalk, in an open space, 

the light quickly rearranged and converged into the figure of a 6-foot 2 inch in height masked man dressed in skin-tight clothing with body armor, and a dark cape draped over the shoulders similar to what a medieval knight would be dressed in.

 After the light curtain completely evaporated, the newly formed figure unleashed a harsh voice full of foul-mouthed tirades, clearly audible to all present nearby and with corresponding obscene gestures to the sky above!





 That figure that had been dropped off here, now cursing and denouncing the Justice League to the night sky was the fresh new soul in this D.C. Universe!

 Obviously not reconciled with the situation of just being thrown & ousted out of the Justice League Unlimited recruit program on flimsy evidence, & shallow grounds.

This dissatisfied 4th dimension soul was now in possession of the body and inherited the good or bad of the prior existence known as;

Robert Beck, A.k.a. Hero "Tonks".


 After I released the accumulated breath of anger I held in till now, I scanned the area & looked at the surroundings I was transported to.

 It turns out that it was the same random location I beamed up to the watchtower space station from previously.

I look at the device resembling a smartwatch on my wrist.

It's a teleportation port point/ GPS position marker & Justice League closed channel communicator band called save point.

However, it's powered off now, gone dead as soon as I safely arrived back here on earth.

As I look at it, I sighed and remove it placing it on my open palm & raising it to the sky; as I was previously instructed by the Martian Man Hunter to do.

Immediately, the silver wristband lights up into particles, and disappears back to the Watch Tower much in the same way I appeared here.

That was the last connection severed so cleanly between us, and in such a matter-of-fact way.

Going forward, regardless of the cause for it, I & the Justice League now have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I withdraw from my reflections & finally notice the frozen crowd staring at me.

Of course, they would stare, I just fuckin popped out of nowhere dressed like this and cursed up a storm.


The crowd is still looking at me skeptically.

While simultaneously marveling at me, as they still avoid me examining me.

Probably contemplating things like; if maybe I am some kind of robber, an escaped lunatic from Arkham Asylum, or an unspecified villain who was about to go on a killing spree as a debut in Gotham City.

While the old & young ladies alike are clutching their purses tightly, and mothers pull their kids closer to themselves; while the rest were pointing fingers at me from further away, all in confusion about my motive & existence...

Not once was there a look in their expression establishing they know who I am.

No muttering of "Hey it's that such & such."

Maybe A classic  "Can I get your autograph?"


"How about a selfie together for the gram?"

 but I got nothing!

 Seeing that all the work "Original Tonks" did as a Hero for the past year plus didn't give him any significant notoriety or fame recognition at all, I mourned for old Robert Beck for the umpteenth time since overtaking his legacy.

Well, obviously those he had helped, and saved personally will surely remember his heroic achievements, right?


 I somehow feel even worse for old Robert & I myself feel like a cosplaying goon dressed up like this in public.

The Crowd is still frozen in place staring at me, it's as if they seem to be waiting for me to address their concerns, and my motives towards them for them to proceed with their night or something.

So I say:

"Um, I come in peace?" 

 I said throwing rabbit ears up with my free hand dismissively to look more laid back and cool.

 After a brief deafening silence, I hardened my heart's resolve, and then start walking away, in what I thought was a smooth fashion.

Despite the absurd situation the mob strangely then relaxed after my actions and announcement, returning to their evening & activities.

I strode away in a nonchalant manner with my gear in one hand ignoring the high levels of cringe squeezing at my heart strings while listening to the crowd's soul-cutting words:

"Oh, so he's just a crazy guy with light effects."

"God Bless his heart."

"What is Arkham doing these days?!"

Hearing similar mumbles & whispers as I pass by I just keep my posture straight & step away.

I'm feeling so embarrassed as I speed walk away.

I'm so glad to have a mask on right now!

But despite this corny masks hiding my features from the filming camera phones in the crowd;

the JL most likely knows who I am under it, for sure The main Justice League core members do by now if they didn't before.

Despite the claims they made about our anonymous and anonymity rights, 

we are all surely saved in a database with a threat evaluation; at least Batman surely does, as he's well known for his paranoia.

 Do they want to preach the gospel to others, not follow it, but still keep their own private lives & civilian names a secret?


 Knowing about the existence of such Hypocrisy in my heart from the present situation and past life dc comprehensive data, I made a risky move earlier.

That '7-grade syndrome' flex at the end when leaving the Watch Tower was to plant seeds in various people's minds.

 It was all to leave Impressions that I'm not just a chess piece on their board game to be moved & removed by their whims.

 The conspiracy against me was likely to be for accumulating shallow achievements to influence politics in a faction squabble of some sort for resources, influence, or power that I'm not even involved in.

 So I didn't want those who have ill will towards me for my past self's records and accomplishments to make any more sort of moves against me in the meantime without having some form of hesitation for my other 'possibly allies' hidden in the darkness.

I want them to be in deep thoughts or over ponder consequences for my immediate safety.

Why do all this?

Because before that sham of a proceeding, I was still just a neutral force among various factions, a loner.

 At this time, I have no connection to the League any longer or substantial backing to make others second guess their actions against me.

  So thinking again about me having no backing, I reacted quickly and thought to muddy the clear waters in their minds just a bit.

  Classified information dump, along with some misdirection for the greater, smarter characters to overthink the entire situation.

 As for the smaller, dumber 'hero' characters, 

 It's not hard to think of some arrogant or jealous low-rankers who can bribe some things from underpaid, disgruntled staff or jaded instructors to gain access to my personal hero trial data and make trouble with me later on.

As they were not my match, much less true opponent's for me back then or even in the future, so I'm not too worried about it.

I'm mentally prepared for such foolishness, as Heroes are human STILL!

This incident proved that to me as well as others very significantly in 4k.

 as clearly there is an internal struggle or disconnect that is going on in the Justice League of all places.

 Something like that is way higher than my own pay grade & I was just a pawn piece to make a cruel example of, caught in the crossfire.

 I take breaths to calm down my reignited resentment boiling up, then switch my attention to some things more pressing, like the cutoff of the previously steady capital chain.

 I take out an old, outdated phone to check on 'old' Robert Beck's bank account status.

  I quickly input the password stored in my inherited memories and do some rough calculations.

 In a year plus or so, of grinding as a tower hero & overtime at my civilian jobs, after daily bills and orphanage donations, almost two hundred thousand dollars has been saved to 'old' Roberts account!

 Not bad.

Anyone can guess which of these paid more between the civilian worker or private Hero contractor gigs.

I don't have to worry about food clothing or shelter in the meantime.

 In this world, in this chaotic DC Universe where I'm alone, I really don't know what to do next or how to begin to survive from now on.

 But, what I do know is that payback is coming to my bullies, my foes!

 I owe it to my predecessor for both these second life prospects given to me indirectly, as well as for his silence and wrongful death at the hands of those with Petty schemes;

Whose reckless in nature plots involuntarily led to the 'old' Robert's death,

 and my resurrection here in Beck's body is incidentally absolving them of the crime, getting away with murder essentially because in the world's eyes it never happened because Robert beck never died 'technically'.

 But mostly for my own pride & discontent with such a delusion-shattering affair.

I remember the looks of scorn, laughter, and the callous nature of those supposed to be 'good' guys.

This leaves a sour taste in my mouth, the thought of those aberrations getting off too easy for their duplicitous transgressions.

Goosebumps rise as my hairs stand on end in agitation; 

as I try to continue to hold down the swelling, festering frustrations of anger and helplessness I've been suppressing since the beginning.

I tried so hard to be stoic & unaffected by the circumstance in front of me at the time, to not let them see me sweat, to realize they got to me.

I hold gently my other hand which was glowing techno colors as its trembling with my power!

I try to calm down, and unlock my frowning brows to relax my face and loosen my aggressive body gestures that are alarming passers-by, much more than the actions of a guy who's suddenly made an appearance out of nowhere, in this bizarre attire, making unbalanced movements.

 I breathe out slowly, and open my previously closed eyes thinking;

 I'm not a man or a human being if I let this go!

 But I won't give them justification to ruin my life or impact my freedom either in the process by killing recklessly.

 Retaliation will be something short of death, but still, the stuff nightmares are made up of.

 Committing something too dangerous against them with my knowledge is feasible to achieve, but it's dangerous to implement.

 I don't want to spark an Evil Justice League, a rogue Superman, or who else is going to be able to deal with those nuisances outside earths weight class, or hidden otherworldly threats to the planet who take advantage of the Justice League's disharmony.

  Sadly, the earth still needs a Justice League to deal with, and, or to solve extinction-level existences or plot events such as world invasions.

The Justice League is the front & last line defense in a D.C universe.

 If it's not them, then who would safeguard the peace of the planet and my soon-to-come prosperous future, while I'm living a lofty, slow pace life, in the lap of luxury?

  If it's not the goodie two shoes, virtue-signaling posers freely volunteering for heroic points amongst themselves then Who else will?

...surely not me right?

 However, if others are counting on me to make the first move then the earth is fucked, cause I sure as hell am not going to be a martyr for this place, it is not even my world.

...not my earth, not my problem.

 Well, if I can help it that is, not many humanoid-friendly places are in D.C. like earth, especially for meta-humans.

The planet has reached a level of ecology codependents, a "Bees go, we go" scenario with the Justice League if you will.

 Just like if the bee population on earth 'suddenly' disappears, the chain reactions would most likely bring down the civilizations ecology,

as constant invasion both by foreign aliens and domestic villain terrorists globally has now reached beyond the nations of the world's ability to handle without the Justice League & similar organizations who are now essential to solving the various catastrophe-level threats to the planet.

 Now both bees and superpowers are woven into their respective ecosystem.

The difference is the justice league in time could be 'Eventually' replaced with something else; however, the bee population, for now, can't be.

So as to not affect the defenders of my seconds life's peace, a specific surgical retaliation campaign will be enacted to those who deserve it, the retribution!

Retribution, I like the sound of that word a lot.

  As for my previous lowest level detractors inside the league who have a hot head then...

 I welcome their visit if they want to rush to reincarnate, then I have no qualms about killing them to send them on their way in an express line fashion.

 Those scum-level hero detractors are Unlike those who are bigger picture players who can't die, as those guys who are essential to the world peace and are too big to fail or kill entities that the planet needs protection from, for now.

But, Static Shock?

Yeah, hell naw, he can get these techno-colored hands.

As well Aqua Lad and those bastards involved in this conspiracy against 'Old Tonks', have all made my list as well. I thought deeply to myself as I entered a nearby abandoned alleyway.




 I exit an alleyway in my now changed clothes and backpack of stuff.

Tossing the worn-out hero gear into a nearby dumpster at the alleyway entrance with zero nostalgia!

I think to myself:

'Just like my relationship with the League; the hero known as 'Tonks' is also now dead!

I'm Tonks no more ...


'This is too much stimulus for my first day here in a new world and universe, I need and deserve a drink!'

I Step into the crowd gathered at the nearest crosswalk, waiting for the light to change like everyone else.

  In this prime-time nightlife hour.

I am just one among a sea of people, blending in as one of the multitudes-

  Suddenly, pulling me out of epiphany and reconnecting me with modern society are the Police sirens & gunshots in the distance getting closer!

A Police Chase is in progress, surprise, surprise!

   Well, not really a surprise by the reaction of the surrounding crowd around me;

 whom I see is barely flinching in the least at the social unrest.

 to them, it seems it's a Standard night in Gotham City, full of these local customs and exciting traditions like tainted tap water, they are used to the corrupted taste by now.





 We all see a swerving Armored bank truck smashing through the stationary cars that were waiting for the light to turn green, demolishing obstacles like a runaway tank!

 Smart drivers see the skirmish from their rearview mirrors & start fleeing the scene in their vehicles, red light or not be damned!

The fleeing cars open the route for the banged-up, but resilient armored bank truck to pass through.

 The Armored truck stops briefly in the middle of the intersection and then opens machine gun fire at the tailing police who are forced to stop advancing.

 And another window is rolled down from the now fleeing away again vehicle as a masked figure in dark clothes grabs a fist full of random denomination dollar bills, & hurls the cash money out the window!

The bills fly, twirl, float & fall to the ground now ownerless.

After a brief silence...

Then the crowd erupts in exclamation;


"Free money"


"Wow, It's not all small bills!"

"Hurry, before the cops seize it back!"

 Everyone runs into the street to grab at the 'free' cash flowing out of the burlap sacks with a classic $ sign on it, while half hanging out of the getaway truck window as it escapes! 

The police giving chase must stop short as a flash mob rushed into the street & is catching & grabbing loose flying money in the intersection now.

Young & old, male or female alike are stuffing their pants pockets, and purses frantically.

 The smarter ones covered their face while grabbing cash quickly and fleeing before officers could ask for the cashback!

The police are Yelling in frustration at pedestrians that block the way of their pursuit of the fugitives!

 One cop repeatedly bangs on top of the cop car hoods, screaming & threatening to open cases or open fire on all of them;

but the crowd couldn't care less about their feelings, some even are daring them to act out in provocation so they can sue the GCPD for damages!

I see and hear cops shout & rush to restrain unsuccessfully a heavy-bodied officer by the name of Bullock, so he doesn't actually really shoot into the crowd of people in his anger, and rage.

I watched greed take over these people's common sense with a shake of my head while thinking to myself:

'Really poverty can make the desperate act shamelessly...'

I suddenly notice there is a 100-dollar bill twirling & fluttering in the air in front of me...

I let it land in my open palm of my subconsciously outstretched hand as if it's providence;


I stuff that bill in my pants like the rest of them while thinking to myself:

' The Shameless are Invincible!'

As the truck passes my crosswalk section, I glance over at it, thinking they are going to be Scott free to escape with the loot tonight...

But then I notice A petite figure dressed in dark blue on top of the armored truck!

As the vehicle swerves from lane to lane Dodging vehicles as it's going down the wrong side of the traffic lane to evade the lagging behind authorities.

Even while the armored vehicle does these motion sickness-inducing movements, 

the Blue outfitted vigilante on top of the truck hangs on for dear life!

I *Sigh!* to myself.

" Old habits die hard I guess..." I say to myself out loud as I fade into the background away from the commotion.

In the nearest secluded alleyway, I grabbed a spare mask from my duffel bag of belongings, 

 it was a darker color Inverted version of my old mask with Lucha libre decorations making it impossible to draw inferences from his traditional mask.

The 'old' Robert Beck had a thing for mask collecting, he liked variety I guess?

 When ousted from the league, this was what was in 'my' Justice League locker & I stuffed it in my duffel bag I was carrying, never thought I would need a mask again so soon!

I don the mask with the seam stitch with the tag,  'May fifth one-off customs set!

I shove on spare tactical gloves, press a signal blocker for cameras, and I lift up the jacket hoodie to further obstruct my head & face, then dash & pounce towards the fire escape ladder!

I parkour till I leap to the top of the building, 

Then proceeded in disappearing towards this night's lively stage event!

Sometime Later...

I arrived in a usually sparsely traffic area, probably made an unoccupied street intersection by people taking cover from the commotion of a gun firefight taking place.

From the cover of darkness, I watched the battle scene already in progress.

I followed the sounds of Dozens of bullets firing from a distance to get here.

But when I arrived I discern these guys haven't been hitting anything at all.

As I hear the ricochet of bullets as the vigilante narrowly escapes the barrage of gunfire, while she was counter-attacking with her own boomerang-like projectiles in return!

The heroine dodged in & out of view with obstructions & safeguards between them as barriers,

smoke bombs are thrown out by her into the center of the battlefield to provide her cover as well.

then she proceeded in taking each criminal out one by one within the smoky field as her camouflage is established!

Dragging confused gunman into the fog kicking and screaming, then suddenly silenced...

'I can guess who she learned this engagement style from.' I guess it all, watching in the distance.

 After dealing with those caught within the smoke, she turns her attention to the thugs just outside of the murky fog as she Pulls a Shotgun from her back holster which held it, and proceeded to openly firing a shot out, a buck round!

When the shell impacts the assailant,


A crackling noise & blue lights flood his body as he shakes in place violently until he collapsed, while still visibly twitching on the ground!


It turns out the shotgun she uses shoots out a bundle of spherical bullets of electrically charged shells of none lethal rounds to mark the dead center of the fleeing away assailant's chest & back one after the next!

She quickly dodged to the side as a hand iron like a crowbar passed where she previously stood!

The two exchange quick blows!

the skilled thug begins landing punches on her, she tries to give counter strikes, but her feminine force is losing out slowly to his innate manly brute strength.

so in response instead of dodging the latest punch, she allowed it to enter inside her field of range, tilting her head to the side at the last second, now the crooks swinging left arm rested over on her right shoulder,

the crook is thinking she would fall back again to get socked from his heavy punches, 


however, in a surprise move, she came inside the crook's personal space instead

she raised her left hand grasping at his throat

and she suddenly clasps his throat at the first opportunity!?

the man just looks at her weirdly, her small hand isn't big enough to even fit around his burly neck to choke him out. 

What's she thinking?-was his last thoughts...

She looks back at him and his questioning gaze, and just smiles back sadistically behind the half-face mask!


She applied her Taser gloved fist to the crook's throat and proceeded in electro-shocking him till foamed sprays out of his mouth, only then did she release him and coldly watched him falling slumped over!

She showed No Mercy for he who tried to stab her with a knife when her back was turned, while she was shooting at the other fleeing criminals!

Finally, the last big man, a 6'8 in height with a full-figured but muscle man body is left behind.

He was the driver who witnessed her fighting style earlier from the side and now is both knowledgeable and wary of her tactics.

After a brief standoff...

She ran at him & he rushed at her as well!

The two dashed at each other, they both throw heavy haymakers with force you feel & hear wind behind them!

While dodging and escaping the last blow by a hair;

She instantly slipped into a gap between his swinging arms, during one of the behemoth's punches, she grips at the shotgun from her back, and she jumps on him using his own stretched-out knee as a springboard to get air born like a gymnastics routine!

Twisting in the air to gain some traction on her way down as she fell from the air, she ruthlessly smashed the shotgun butt to the face of the behemoth of a man,

-knocking out his teeth and caving in his nose as he falls to the ground!

As he is rolling around in pain, She slowly walked over and leaned over his groaning body and grabbed at his head lifting it up so his criminal eyes look into hers as she licked her lips seductively like a hunter who found its prey!

Now with A claw-like vice grip mostly near his two temples and she then with her Taser gloves, 

 once again proceeded to give a quick knock-out shock of electricity directly to his cranium with enough force to cause a blackout in someone of his size quickly.

Only when she saw his eyes roll back white in the back of his head did she stop.

She rises and scans the field, admiring her own handy work.

After the young Justice league hero is sure she subdued the last criminal and is about to lift her wrist to touch a silver band save point, she was about to contact the mission center of the watch tower!

"Hey blue girl, thanks for your hard work." a voice said from her blind spot!



She moans in pain as an axe handle fist came down on her head knocking her to the ground!

The sudden headshot assault sent shock waves to her brain!

She is now Dizzy, Disoriented, and Befuddled!

looking at the dazed & confused hero I proceeded to bend down... to retrieve the money bags of cash around the floor near the stolen bank armored vehicles while thinking:

'You guys owe me a severance package' it's only fair.

picks up a bag

this one is for pain & this one is for grief

picks up another bag

'and this...well, I just downright want this!'

I grab another bag leaving behind most of the spoils.

'aren't I merciful leaving most of the loot behind' I thought to myself, but suddenly a gloved hand gripped my ankle, I look down to see a set of fierce eyes of heroine starting back at me.

" Return the stolen goods, or... else"

she said to me as she the dizzy hero was struggling to even stand and raise up to stay on her two feet.

I scoffed, not giving her time to lecture me, I step in and...

gave her an open palm strike to her throat!


a fast knee to her face, impacting on the bridge of her nose!

 blood sprayed out and I step back to avoid the splatter.

she is now rolling on the floor, coughing for air, and gripping her face in a painful moan.

 she looks up at the figure whose shadow is looming over between her fingers with fear through her half-closed teary eyes!

In a heavy-toned voice, I said to her:

"Hard S blue girl, Think of this as a luxury tax! or more like a lesson fee!"

"You see this blue girl!" I held up a black Beretta gun held with a handkerchief napkin.

"That bank heist crook was still awake!

it was your wrong assumption thinking otherwise then and just now you also when you turned back to contact support, to call in for these thieves, you left your back wide open!"

Flashback to minutes ago


While an original thought to be incapacitated black masked criminal body moves slowly for his gun and points it unsteadily, aiming at the heroine who was distracted in a standoff with the crafty driver in the distance with fury in his eyes, thinking he's about to kill her!


Suddenly a hulking tall and sturdy figure grips his hand breaking his wrist and retrieves the gun, examining it casually.

the hard-boiled criminal swallowed his screams and identified his attacker, only to widen his eyes in surprise, because...

"B-bane? " 

the hoodlum asked in both affirmation and confusion but then recalled his boss's cold and cruel words before the mission and said in a threatening way:

"Do you know who we represent?

how dare you meddle in black mask business, Bane?"

The masked figure tilted his head in question and said:

"Do I look like Bane, motherfuc-"

I stop myself mid-sentence and glanced at myself in the nearby window reflection full of cracks from stray bullets and lament secretly.

A luchador-type mask, tactical gloves, black coat cloak covering an obviously big muscular fit body, etc...

'Yeah, I kind of do look like...damn it.

 it's not villain appropriation, right?'

Well, it's concealed enough to do 'somethings.'

So I resigned myself and decided to roll on with it.

 I cleared my throat then said in an octave or 2 higher voice:

"Do you feel, your boss  "black mask",

 is in charge, right here, right now, criminal?"


Not waiting for a response, I had pistol slapped him with his own confiscated firearm, knocking him out, then looked towards the main event to highlight the night, the fight with the last big guy and the blue heroine.

Back To Present...

"You, my friend are too eager for success, not focused on the true purpose of the job at all." I said in best Bane impression partly hidden in the shadows.

After a moment she goes to tries to speak:



but before she got her words out completely, I had already soccer kicked her in the cluster of nerves in her chin, knocking her out completely this time like a true villain I posed as would do, probably.

"That's how you knock someone out, fucking noob!" I said in my normal voice.

I drop the hidden gun that was aimed at the recruit hero before, it was wrapped tighter in a handkerchief napkin & thrown into my duffel bag on my back as well as all the other firearms and ammunition in the field.

These things are useless for some meta-humans but not all of these meta-humans are bulletproof.


I bend down toward my pants leg and pull off a small tracker sticker placed on by her earlier in a very slick and stealthy way when she grab my leg earlier.

"I was trained by the best in what is now "two" different worlds in counter reconnaissance, your amateur efforts are all just cute in front of me."

I reflect slightly in a daze about my past life, but sirens in the back direction awakened me.

I leave the scene unhurriedly using the back alleys I used to arrive at this confrontation.





 While jumping from building to building using parkour, I glanced at the bags of cash that are in mostly small bills, & the satchel bags of bank customers' vault locked item boxes. 

The cash bags we're heavy despite mostly having only paper in them.

Based on eye estimation, the cash and saving item boxes in the 3 sacks, should be worth at least just under 2.5 to 3 million dollars give or take a million dollars.

 If we're talking about banks, I had worked in a bank as one of my many jobs before waking up in DC, so I learn a thing or two.

like the weight of certain denominations of cash


like for instance where's the most common place they stuff die packs in the money in case of robbery?

As well as a few ways to neutralize the trip wires to explode dye packs.

The most effective is just got to freeze the money sack in sub-zero temperature before I remove the cash or dye pack between the money or that's attached to the sack.

However, even if I did trip the trap, I know from experience what chemicals they use to clean the cash when the banks recovered from the robber's stolen money.

most people don't even consider that aspect, do they?

most people think banks just throw the cash money away after it's recovered from a robbery or something.

 That's ludicrous as it's a federal crime to unauthorized destroy the currency, bank aren't above "most'' laws in the world.

Trade secrets are always up for sale, as long as you got a disgruntled employee & enough cash to tip their ethical scales towards greed, more than their allegiance.

After some detours, I finally arrive home.

As I toss my backpack on my twin-sized bed, I take in the charming sounds of the baby crying next door, the wholesome, families or couples fighting or playing loud music this late into the night.


Most of the noise came from the Street traffic outside invading my apartment from my open window; that my predecessor left cracked open.

As For the reason for it being left open; I had nothing to steal and it was for fresh air to get the mold smell out of the apartment a little, from the wet carpet the superintendent was supposed to replace when the sprinklers accidentally went off!

Yeah, it's time to move on from here. 

 In financial saving to buy a house for himself, and saving for marriage life, 'Old' beck did well enough for an orphan without connections.

I realized it's to save for his future but, is this the life a Ranked 1 truly deserves, a selfless hero should be living like this, is this even living?!

but now I have a lot of cash severance package.

I sighed,

'It's not been even a day, and I've already committed 'involuntary' unarmed robbery, or does this count as a bank heist as I am an accessory after the fact now?

Before they shadow this back to me,

I need quick access to a deep freezer, and I must purchase numerous chemicals to mix to create a solvent solution for tidying up the money if, the dye packs still explode!

The Solvent solution will be effective In case I fail, then I'll be spending a week cleaning nearly two million in cash by hand, laundering money literally.

I'll go to the underground casino to exchange bills for house chips during multiple trips and lose a few thousand each time so as to not discourage the casino from allowing me to gamble.

When the operation is done, my stolen small bills cash exchanged for house chips, gamble lose a little, then exchange house chips for their large unmarked bills when I cash out of the casino...

Then I walk out with my remaining money making the potentially marked bills a problem for those underworld professionals.

The tricky part comes after, the source of all the cash.

The IRS and the tax enforcement teams are the real true villains in all worlds it seems.

Anyway, the many perks of being a hero who was associated with the Justice League is I have a lot of information on or about such black cash casino places, like their locations, backgrounds, backers & potential secret backers.

I also have some secret knowledge like the underground auction houses frequently visited by villains of this world.

Imagine the commotion caused by auctioning a hero's secret identity to the world at that time.

I have payback to give, and the underground auction will give me an appetizer to quell the hunger for retaliation for my pride.

 But that way is too great a high-profile move and sloppy if it's done right now.

However, I have a vendetta that Must be paid.

The highest on the list is Wonder Woman!

But she's too elevated a figure and the situation is too fresh in people's minds.

If anything happens, they will guess it's me first, as I'm of no doubt I'm on the watch list!

Not to mention she's too damn strong!

Even if I want to beat her down within an inch of her life by way of a fair one-on-one duel in accordance with her Amazon customs;

Dealing With her is difficult, after all, She is a demigod!

 So I wouldn't be able to do it as I am right now!

With my eyes narrowed in thought & I say out loud as if an oath to myself:

'I don't want Diana to worry about any of my statements earlier, I will DEFINITELY visit Themyscira one day to convey my thanks to her & her home on behalf of the world of Man!"

But in the meantime, I'll go with success as the best revenge!

As I gaze at the money bags, foolishly placed in the kitchen on the old breakfast table openly and brazenly as if daring someone to make a move on me to take them away.

As for them becoming suspicious of me for spewing nonsense earlier, or taking this stolen cash, I say bring it on!

I wish they would, 'cause I'm right here in the clear light of day waiting for it, as it's not me who is going anywhere, but them!

Honestly, it would make my retaliation against them much more simpler.

 We live in a country of laws and they are, at the end of the day still 'law breaking' vigilantes.

 No legal authority to make a move on me, especially without evidence, not 'planted by themselves in advance' is what my lawyer will ask the courts.

It's my word versus a caped intruder in the house, who will the courts' side with?

Also over the past year plus, because of rank prizes, I got access to various resources, and as the primo, I liked to accompany the top figures out on missions.

 I spar with and against the world's finest in combat and discuss combat theories of engagement.

I know their systems, codes, and tactics.

 Not just gaining incites on criminal minds, but also first-hand experience on the relations and the fragile minds of these heroes as well.

I can use my past life knowledge to unnerve the future relationships of heroes, making them eliminate each other.

They taught me well, they will find out later a little too well.

I could even go to the media as a former hero, selling weakness to people, and underlining the vast army of metahumans they have constructed to the world, putting the social media machine on alert, and wary of them.

So many ways for a forth wall soul like me to dismantle them if I truly wanted.

In any case,

 "I'll demonstrate to them a truth that provoking the wrong folk in life, can bring your personal worlds to their knees."

Part of me wants to make them physically, mentally, and emotionally injured.

I want to bestow on them something worst than their own deaths, because death is too easy a release for them.

Having to live on in the results of your own actions had set in motion previously, is truly what is a tough and difficult thing to do.

It's arduous to live on, death is easy, and life is hard!

I rise up to place the sacks of cash and safety boxes in a hidden compartment where 'I' hide a safe because of this neighborhood's crime issues.

Knowing full well that If superman or green lantern arrives I'm screwed, but regardless I won't let this money out of my sight till it's laundered correctly, it's important for moving forward in this life!

As a wise man once said, First you get the Money, then you get the Power, then I will TAKE BACK MY RESPECT!

One way or an erotic other...

I smile thinking of Diana's dynamic body bending to my will.

I shake my head of these distractions, and then I close my eyes recalling some strange things about 'old Robert becks past,

 While I do so, I'm taking in the unique ambiance of Gotham city as my lullaby to sleep off my first-day fatigue of living in a D.C. Universe...

.....end chapter.


...Else Where, Same Time...

Watch Tower Security:Recognized- Unlimited HERO Recruit: Blue Bird!

Onlookers watched as a hero known as Bluebird warps teleports into the Watch tower late at night, but they are shocked at the usually well-put-together heroine materializing having so much of a devolved appearance!

After the third-party interference, the heroine Bluebird enters the watchtower in a huff hunched over holding a bloody nose, and a scowling face full of pain and anger!

"Do you require medical attention?" asked the Martian man hunter with concern.

She just stares at Martian Man Hunter in disbelief asking such a stupid question, just by looking at her appearance you should already know the answer.

Bluebird: "..."

The crowd of onlookers: "..."

Martian Man Hunter: "?"

"What Do You Think?" She said with sarcasm, rudely passing by him, while holding her injured ribs, still drinking in her own plasma with every sniffle from the fresh bloody nose, to go to the medical bay.

The Martian man hunter looked on as one of the League legendary 7, scratched his bald green head and whispered:

" Teenagers." shrugged and went back to his work.


 In the medical bay, as bluebird has her ribs being taped by the attending doctor, as she recounts the evening in a muffled voice as her nose is stuffed with cotton to stop the bloodied nose.

"...then after that, I was knocked out when I awoke it was police sirens were approaching.

I made a quick report telling them about the third party that got the drop on me, they only needed to gaze at my injuries to know it was true."

the third party left with at least three sacks of cash & left the rest behind."

"What did he say? Did you get a look at his face or his attire?"  Night Wing asked from behind the privacy dress curtain.

She recited his appearance and behavior in detail.

Frowning a little, and bluebird repeated his last words:

"He said this was a luxury tax for him and I could take it as a 'paid lessons'." Said Bluebird adjusting fresh clothes again, now fully tapped up and redressed.

"Lessons?" Asked The Veteran hero & former Robin, sidekick to Batman.

Coming from behind the privacy curtain, and looking away Bluebird reluctantly, said the embarrassing truth:

"One of the robbers woke up or was playing possum, h-he had a black 9mm gun pointed at me during the engagement and as I had my back turn to check in with mission Tower he struck me down and took the cash!

Narrowing his eyes Nightwing said:

"So he saved your life from your own negligence, then he proceeded to charge you for his services, by robbing the armored car banknotes, that you had just helped recover, is that about right?"

Sighing she said:


"I see." Night Wing said while Drifting through some papers in his hands.

"Based on your and one of the arrested criminal's descriptions, it seems to be the previously silent Bane, is the one who got the drop on you. After almost a year or so of silence, he's back in Gotham city."

After a moment of silence he continues:

"Blue Bird, a piece of advice, it's not a good thing to owe favors, or to draw the attention of any particular villain, trust me I know." the former Robin reflected internally, then said:

"Anyway, You have gotten a bit cocky & complacent lately bluebird, 

it's all good then, your off the streets till you recover. then after that, it's a restart of training from the beginning."

So inclusion, your officially benched till further notice." Said NightWing.


" But sir, the leaderboards?" 

"I gonna snowball down the mountain if I cease all hero action now." Said Bluebird In Disgrace.

Nightwing just looks at her silently and neutral-faced.


"I get it, I'll just make up my rank later on." bluebird said reluctantly to comply with the new orders.

"...I wouldn't be so sure about that," The former said mysteriously.


Narrowing her eyes she asked:

"What's happened with the leaders' boards?"

Nightwing opens his mouth to talk, but just stays silent, shakes his head, and leaves the ward.

She jumps to her feet quickly aggregating her wounds.


She hissed in pain as she started to speed walk, that quickly became a lite jog toward the tower mission hall.

Trained by the bat family, she noticed the oddness of the atmosphere right when she first arrived at the tower, plus night-wings no answers just now, something strange seemed to be going on.

Then she saw the most unbelievable thing today, more shocking than her own incident.



The Former Named RANK 1 Of The Leaders Board was completely GONE!

In its place, with far fewer points than the former number 1 Rank, is WONDER GIRL!

Mr. Consistent Consistency, Excellence Of Execution, many nicknames given by others, both good and bad that we're way better than his actual hero name TONKS!

But despite his stupid Hero name he was the immovable 1st Rank, and his name held weight that pressured from above to those underneath the Rank 1!

The pressure even might have snapped some people into complacency.

Maybe even I myself would be among the demoralized in the league ranking system; that is if I hadn't met him, talked to Tonks himself briefly.

After discussing it, I realized he wasn't doing it for the perks or reputation, but because:

 "I'm just trying to use my Ability to prove that I was needed by helping others, I'm actually quite selfish." Said Tonks

Thinking about how that answer had inspired her further, she continued limping to the nearest Hero recruit with shock in her eyes and disbelief on her face, the recently joined hero named Bluebird asked the random hero hanging out by the ranking board:

"Where is Hero Tonks?"

"His name isn't on the top of the leaderboards anymore, I don't see it even on the top 50?

it's completely gone.

What's going on?!"

The young hero who was mid-drink after training stops gulping the water down and just shakes his head with audible *sighs* before saying:

"Hero Tonks... has been expelled from the Justice League Unlimited initiative, he was kicked out."

"WHAT?! Him? Kicked Out??

Quickly tell me what the hell happened?

What exactly happened while I was gone?"

Bluebird asked frantically grabbing this fellow hero by his tailored collar. Her attitude has always been unrestrained.

It's not surprising to the roughed-up hero, he's seen this kind of reaction to these events several times now since then, so explained carefully what he knows or what he saw with his two eyes, even playing the recording secretly making waves in the underbelly of the League.




After listening to the complete story, and seeing the lonely back of someone she genuinely respected exit the tower in a disgraceful manner on video, she stayed dreadfully quiet and motionlessly in place.

Surprisingly out of character for the typically brash, and opinionated Blue Bird, she just said nothing as she preceded over towards the watch tower teleportation machine with slow but hard steps.

She was In disbelief that such a political thing that usually trends at those Ivy League Schools; such as power dynamic struggles concerning seniority or alumni squabbles could actually happen here, in the halls of the Justice League of all places.

Is this organization destined to become like those corrupt from the top systems, beholden to those with power and influence?

Then what's the higher standard they preach we should aspire to here?

What's the use of the A ranked spot if they didn't earn it?

Bragging rights, prestige, honors?

These accolades are shallow and tainted now by those who compromised solely wishing to grandstand and wield powerful influence in an organization of super-powered people, guiding it for their own interests.

Now to Bluebird those chasing this rank system now seemed selfish & petty.

What's her motivation to continue to be here?

Maybe that is the problem, we are gathered here to aid others, not jocking for a position in this community of super-powered meta-humans.

After the machine finished warming up it illuminated the area.

Now Exiting Tower: Hero: Bluebird!




 From atop, from an onlooker balcony in a private room above, Batman watches,  as bluebird the latest addition to his Bat-family left with a head down seemingly in deep contemplation, drowned out in the bright transportation lights.

 Arriving from behind Batman was Night-wing, returning from the infirmary, also looking in the same direction as Batman.

"Do you think she is alright?" Asked Night Wing, breaking the quiet.

"No, she's not okay. 


She likely has many concerns as this is a blow to her idealistic view of the Justice League."

"She is questioning her purpose now, as well as the League's purpose, as we all are right now!" Batman said thoughtfully gazing into outer space beyond the two-way observation window glass.

Nightwing nods then said:

"She'll come to learn from this that,

at the end of the day the Justice League it's just a collection of like-minded people,

 And People are inherently flawed beings, who can change without notice." Said Nightwing leaning his back against the railing with a distant look in his eyes.

Having gotten over his idealistic views on heroics long ago, he could relate to Bluebird's feeling of world-shattering disappointment.

But he then looks towards the biggest idealistic person he's ever met in his lifetime. Someone iron minded and who didn't give in even now to the weight of his beliefs!

Night wing thought to himself that it's good at least he's never changed, he's still a Stoic hard ass slave driv-

"Dick? Have you seen to the Diana & Arthur task as I asked of you? Did you discover If they left again...together?" Questioned Batman interrupting The former Robins grievances of his mentor in his heart.

"Ah, Jealousy is it?" Smirks Nightwing with a teasing smile.

" That's a new look on ya, too bad you already had your shot, bru-

He's cut off by Batman's deadpan stare at him...

Batman: "_"

Nightwing gulped audibly and shivered slightly at the thought of what such a gaze meant for him in a past life as a Robin! 

Which was Hell mode marathon training, with 'sparring' matches ( ruthless beat downs) to start & end each day!

Night wing starts *Coughing* into his fisted hands*

Then Putting on a serious face, Richard 'Dick' Grayson A.K.A, Night-wing said:

"Mmh...yes, they did."

"They seem to be...um, very 'close in nature' as of late." Said Nightwing *making air quotes*.

"So, Any real reason you can give me now for you turning me into a voyeur for hire?" Asked Nightwing in a half-joking around tone that turned extremely serious.

  His actions can be considered a huge breach of trust and privacy which is an impeachable offense in the Justice Leagues guidelines. 

But out of blind faith in his mentor, Nightwing still did it, but he needs an answer now...

 Batman just glares at night-wing who gazes back at him without dodging his intimidating gaze in the slightest and a standoff ensued.

Batman ("...")

Night wing ("...")

Slowly the firm eyes of Batman softened and he explained to his protege he raised up like a son:

"Dick, you still think too reasonably, all situations should be evaluated from a position of extreme oppositional malignancy."


In your optimistic eyes, they are all just heroes, Battlefield allies, and our teammates, and we shouldn't infringe on their privacy while doubting them.

Night Wing nods those are indeed his thoughts.

"NAIVE!" Said Batman in a deep voice through his gritted teeth with wrath, and fury that couldn't be hidden from anyone listening.

Nightwings heart skipped a beat in response as Batman continued:

"Some members of the Justice League are not just nameless vigilantes!"

"They have extraordinary power, technology, talents, and are carrying deep backgrounds that we can easily forget about over time, because of over-familiarity with them.

Batman taps his embedded smart computer in his arm gauntlets, as a light screen projection starts displaying a slide show different heroes with complicated or powerful backgrounds, they continued talking:

 "But when you view from an outsider's or bird's eye view perspective and look down on the situation as a whole, you'll start to notice the numerous red flags propping up that if you delve deeper or will be enough to block your vision.

"How can you live like that bruce, with everyone's origins and red flags when you look at them?" Asked a rattled night-wing, Because one of the people on the screen was his former girlfriend, a princess of an alien planet!

 During his time together Nightwing indeed forgot her otherworldly origin, never considered her or her people's views on earth at all.

 "I've long since seen this world in red hues of warning flags Dick, and it's what's kept 'both' of us and as well as the world alive."

"as for my surveillance mission, the targets are also not simply heroes, not even just ambassadors of their prospective countries of the world.

 "But leaders of ancient civilizations previously hidden from the world, filled with cultural and traditional heritages vastly much different than our worlds.

Supremacy being one of their core shared beliefs passed down and taught to this day.

"What's so different, the Amazons are just women who want to advocate for equal rights with men and Atlantis kingdom just has issues with the pollution our world throws in the ocean.

they jointly make another two stronger versions of Poison Ivy.

As Ivy is both a feminist like the Amazons, and a environmentalist like Atlantis, except she's more of a green thumb, but even so, what's so bad about it?

"Dick the Amazon position is not just your Poison Ivy brand feminism, and or man hate with her limited strength to change things on a global scale."

But the Amazon's blatantly practice obvious misandry with the strength to enforce those extremely prejudicial beliefs, and values on the outside world.

They regardless of anything else a man has to offer, have a firm belief in supremacy through strength, and any man they fancy is 95% as a breeding mule, and the rest for the resources they can bring paradise island, and that idiot aqua man is too shallow to think so deeply.

The only reason they, the amazons don't dominate earth right now is because they are at a tactical disadvantage to hot weapons, and they can't control the scale of the war with a vast war machine of earthlings which isn't in place to they can counter with god blessed swords and shields.

 But with Atlantis, if an accord is reached secretly then they can bridge the gap between the two countries against the entire world's war machine together by cooperation.

As for the Atlantis population, they are extremely racist against "landlubbers" since the day they were exposed to the surface world through Arthur's coronation.

They are standoffish during any interaction with the surface world while making uncompromising unrealistic demands when we have diplomatic talks.

 Even if we were to withdraw from the sea completely, they would still crave and want more from us surface dwellers to submit to them...

So their possible little private passion affair is not so simple as that as it can veer off the path into a global threat in a heartbeat.

Nodding his head vigorously and then placing his closed right fist into his open left palm Night-wing said in an overly expressive and exaggerated manner:

"so what your saying is, if these two speculated "love birds" true colors turn out to be nothing but 'a couple' of 'war hawks', then this is a deadly union, that's literally flirting with disaster, cause of the married water brain who is thinking with the wrong fish head, Batman!" 


Night wing: "...."

Night wing: "I-I'm sorry, I know it's cringe, but I just couldn't resist it for old times' sake." Nightwing rubbed the back of his head in the embarrassment of his black history flare-up of being pun crazy, just like his phase in his early hero days as the boy wonder sidekick, Robin.

"Anyway, kidding aside, I'm convinced of the quality of your concerns about the effect of this union impact has on the worldwide scale.

"so questions after A. I simulations, how sure are you that these two can have problems." Asked Night-wing.

Batman narrows his eyes beneath the cowl.

" A percentage so high that...For now, I'm hoping, I'm just overthinking things." Batman said.

"Sadly, you tend to do that a lot, but what's even sadder is that 192 IQ of yours tends to be correct most of the time." Sighs Nightwing.

Batman and Nightwing go into a further explanation for a while, after the several plans were settled Dick Grayson suddenly smiled and then says:

"Well Batman, I guess it's back to 'bird watching' again for me." 

"But Don't worry with me watching their 'love birds' 'nest' like a hawk, if these two 'bird brains' are trying to 'Leave the nest' and 'flew the coop' to start a coup, I'll send a message asap!

  Batman: "_"

 "And if their respective 'flocks Fly into a rage' and stage 'A fowling out ' with the justice league, we will show them 'toucan play at that game', and launch our plans secretly, finishing them off  'in one fell swoop'!

Batman: "_"

"After 'owl is said and done' this organization will recover from the black swan event even stronger, so long as they aren't soar losers."

Night-wing says jokingly as he escapes the room, laughing like a mischievous child along the way out.

Batman's stoic face twitched, lips quivered and shoulders slightly trembled, before he quickly, 

Batman *Coughed* then proceeded to review the data on the light screen projector again...

same time, elsewhere...

"where's my USB with the cash?" asked a man in a suit with his back to the crowd of subordinates

"it was all lost boss!" said a thug in a suit wearing a mask on his head and explained further:

 it was going so well we made the robbery look like it was for the cash, not safety deposit boxes hidden in the bank. vault, just you planned boss.

said another thug in a suit and mask.

"the boys ditched the police using the money we didn't suffer much resistance.

 but were suddenly the boys were attacked by the bitch in blue who had been frequently hitting our spots.

then she was attacked from behind after she subdued our boys.

suddenly a man turns around revealing a unique skull mask on his face.

 this person is the famous underground king of Gotham city crime, Black Mask!

Black Mask frowned upon hearing this statement of the subordinates:

"who got the drop on the blue chick? where's my item?" ask a black mask leaning forward on his desk.

we aren't too sure boss" seeing the vicious look in his boss's eyes he continued:

by what the lone eye witness said in the police station holding cell through the families lawyers, was his build, height, attire, and speech patterns all match a certain person"

"Who was it"

 it looks like, it was Bane!


"What does that bastard want to do?"

suddenly black mask had thought:

 'Did he also want that USB drive!' he suddenly screamed and flipped his desk to the side.

the black mask started throwing a tantrum and suddenly stopped again.

no, rather than that how did he know about it in the first place?

"bring them in!

oh, who boss asked the chief thug and generic mask puzzled by his boss's declaration.


 the planted, the informants, spies, bring all of them here, sleep overseas, doesn't matter, bring them here now!"

the goons rush out in panic, then drags back a dehydrated man wearing a white lab coat with a star labs logo into the office who was in isolated confinement till now.

black mask bends down until at eye contact with the disheveled man whom his subordinates brought to him, then asked the broken man in a hushed voice:

"Did you tell anyone, I mean anyone, else about the items and or the USB drives contents." black mask slowly and patiently.

"no God no, I swear, I didn't tell anyone else not even my family and I won't tell anyone else, I promise I told you everything concerning the-

"Shhhh...It's okay" said the black mask cutting him off from spewing things in front of his subordinates 

gripping the sides of his head black mask says:

"I believe you."

then in the next breathe black mask pulled out a golden pistol in one hand towards his temple before the scientist reacts-


Without pause or remorse, Black Mask shot the possible scientist or researcher-dressed man at point-blank range through the heads temple.


 Gripping the half blown away head by the blooded hair, the black mask drags the body and moves forward to throw the body over the railing into the garden below the balcony! 

He then Casually pulled a black handkerchief out of his pocket and he began wiping away the brain chunks and blood splattered off his unique mask he says without looking back:


 "Double-check the police evidence locker with our spies for traces, then take those spies to investigate them."

 "Torture all the inside men for this bogus heist inside the bank, and toss them in Gotham bay regardless of what they say."

"Put out a reward for Bane's whereabouts don't be stingy with the payout."

 "Check the blue bimbo too, see if she pocketed it, set up traps in her known stomping grounds in Gotham, bring her in alive."

"Boys by my reaction you can tell the importance of the items inside the USB are to me."

the crowd nods.

"theirs is much I can't explain now...

"But, I tell you this.

it's important."

 "It's important to you, all as well me, because that USB is a potential source of power, crucial to whether we all go big time or not!"

"No longer mafioso for the true hidden elites of Gotham City, or beholden to the suppression of the fake Saints looking down on us from a fucking space fortress!"


It's OUR chance to become the elite of Gotham city and the world!

looking at the excited faces he continued painting a picture.

" all of you imagine living openly on both bright and dark sides surrounded by wealth, you wanna get rich boys?!"

" YES BOSS!!" the goons synchronized response was full of enthusiasm and dollar symbols in their eyes.

 "Good, this time, no excuses, I want results, you are dismissed."

They all departed from the soundproof office wordlessly, leaving a slightly less deranged black mask alone on the balcony thinking to himself:

 "I can't rely on those scum-bags." after some hesitation then proceeded to making a call.

Click, the call connected after the second ring:

Black Mask: "it's me, Ronan."

Black Mask: "I have a proposal to do some work together, and I'm willing to give you as much as you like for the completion of this task."

Black Mask: "the objective? All you half to do is something your good at, that is terminate people who get in my way that's it."

Black Mask: "Perks of the job? To get it done, I'm willing to provide pay for the prep work intelligence for the task. free casino chips and all 'night lifestyle services' are freely available to you during the mission."

Black Mask: "Okay, the deal is good, I'll send you the information, don't kill the targets until my items are retrieved. as for everyone else, it's at your disposal."

After hanging up he thought to himself with clenched teeth:

a steep price, but worth it for one of the best killers in the Underlife, but for the USB retrieval...' 

Black mask grasp tightly on balcony railings and gazed silently towards the cloudy grey sky of Gotham City.

Black Mask suddenly crossed his hands across his chest, essentially he hugged his own shoulders while rocking back and forth, abruptly he screamed to the heavens above in a gravely hysterical voice:

"I will get what's rightfully mine!






In a hidden site, thousands of miles away from Gotham City.

a figure in head-to-toe body armor destroyed the Internet VPN transmitter and signal scrambled satellite phone in his closed hand easily.


metal shards Cascade down from the figure's reopened palm.

 After stepping on the sim card, the figure gets up to leave the premises.

But as he approached the door another two figures stand in his way to block him.

"Hey, it's a sensitive time for us, don't screw around." said a bulking man with a wearing trench coat, fedora, and a luchador mask adorning his face.

"Hmph, I come and go as I please, then, now, and forever. step aside or I'll give you a new hole." the two-tone masked armored warrior man, responded with an indifferent tone.

the luchador masked man put on a sneering face and then said with an accent:

"You sound just like the clown, both of you think you are more special than the rest of us." he frowned and continued:

"Individual actions are prohibited from when you agreed to join in, are you going to force them to strap you to a hospital bed too?" the burly man points to a gathering crowd of cruel-looking people watching on the sidelines.

a ton of people would be horrified and astonished by the collection of villainous talents assembled here.

the luchador masked man ask while crossing his arms in front of himself, he then said:

"You sure you got enough bullets in those guns to shoot us all, old man?"

without replying to his talking points at all,

The armored warrior goes to Pulling the sword on his back slightly out of sleeve scabbard and cocking back a hammer on a special looking revolver on his side hip, he says as he adjusts to a fighting pose:

"You all can give it a try, my blade doesn't need reloading."

Silence ensues as the standoff began...

Finally, a voice comes from an intercom, breaking the standoff:

"Let him go, Bane, he's careful enough and nobody else would possibly fathom our purpose here or his involvement in it."

"Fine Savage, if you say so." said the luchador masked man, now identified as Gotham Cities Bane said before turning to the two-toned mask armored warrior:

 " That caveman may vouch for you, but you better be careful,...

or else the rest of us will hunt you down forever if things get screwed up because of your negligence!" Growled the first man to stop the armored warrior, Villain Bane!

As he's passing by the goons, the body armored man says to his district's present: 

"And you guys better...stay out my fuckin way...or else...

-you'll intimately find out of my sword's sharpness and its precise reach or my sniper rifle's bullets range...

regardlessly if you make it focus on you, you'll be ducking your head and, or Dodging my bullets forever until death do you depart!" He then proceeds to should check Bane on his way out.

Others hold back the furious untransformed Bane, as the warrior in two-tone colored armored leaves, never looking back once.




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The original written source notes and memos for my uploaded novels on this platform are gone!😑

So, going forward I have to rewrite these novels fresh of the top of my head while remembering some keynote ideas and what I've written about before or from previously posted chapters.🤔

 So, cut me some leeway going forward.😔

I decided to make updates at least monthly.

thanks for reading.🙂