
Chapter 2

Strange encounter

Alex opened her eyes with strange howling noise coming from not very far. She slowly opened her eyes'oh my God! who knows where this place is this'. Strangely it was also a forest but different from the forest she came to visit with her friends. It was more dense and Rocky steep. She tried to observe her surrounding without making any move or noise.'Now how could she go home? '. As the bushes and trees were dense she could not get much sunlight to view her surrounding . Carefully she blinked and strained her eyes and now she got a view of what was howling. It was a group of hyenas targeting her. For some seconds she was rendered speechless. When she regained her composure it was already too late and the pack of hyenas has already come near her. As they were getting ready to pounce on her and kill her one and for all. She screamed at the top of her voice "Anyone heee... lp".'oh my God she had no survival skills . She always avoided outdoor activities and scouting as a plague in her school years, untill Bella convinced her for the adventure. She didn't know whom she was asking help from. But she believed in God and miracle so at the mouth of her death she give it her one last shot and screamed at the top of her voice then fainted. As she was too exhausted. When she opened her eyes again she saw no hyenas but a giant wolf standing in front of her whose fur was as black as the night sky and eyes we're two red beads. It gave her a strange feel of extraordinary power of an alpha but she didn't feel intimidated rather secured. This wolf was giving her a strange feel of security.