
I transmigrated in Pokemon

A 16-year-old boy, Roland Moris suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar place looking like Zhongli of Genshin Impact. At first, he thought he was in Genshin Impact and despaired thinking about all the Gods and monsters. However, he was soon proven wrong by the sight of a shiny Magikarp drowning in the lake. This situation made him realized that he wasn't in Genshin Impact but in Pokemon!! Come follow Roland's journey in this vast world filled with wonderful Pokemon. Will he reach the top and catch this favourite Pokemon that he always wanted? Read to find out! Now, he won't catch real Legendaries not the likes of Dialga and Palkia at least. But, Mythicals are open game and he will catch the ones he can. Harem? Well I plan to make it, but the members aren't decided yet. You can suggest names however the girls must be proper adults (18+) As for Pokemon moves? This fic is based on the anime so there is no 4 moves limitation. Well, that's all there is to it. For more details, read the damn thing! Now the main topic, this is wish-fullfilment, there is not proper undate shedule. Also, don't expect regular updates I'll post when I can. This is my hobby not a job and if you want me to get more serious then support me. My paypal link is down below: paypal.me/pratik359 There is also a DxD fic I'm writing you can read that too. Join my discord if you wanna talk: https://discord.gg/hpe4SqYZKv

TheMilflover · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


The next morning Roland woke up and performed all the necessities. Before heading out to grab his breakfast, and fed his Pokemon. After that, he departed from the Pokemon center in order to issue a challenge to the gym.

It took him about half an hour or so to reach the Cerulean gym. He directly went inside, he immediately caught sight of three stunning beauties laying next to the pool wearing revealing bikinis. It would seem the sisters were sun bathing.

They too noticed Roland's arrival. But, they don't seem to be bothered by it. Quite the opposite actually, Daisy stood up and beamed Roland a charming smile.

"Hi cutie~ do you need something?" She asked sweetly.

Roland wasn't taken aback by her flirty attitude. He has the appearance of the most handsome character of Genshin Impact. He already got used to the excessive attention ladies give him, Roland had observed how officer Jannys' and nurse Joys' sneak glances at him.

"Perhaps...you want our autographs right?" Said Violet as she joined her sister.

"But, we don't sign autographs though. However, you can accompany us for a while. How about that?" Offered Lily as she sent him a bright smile that showcased all her pearl white teeth.

Roland stayed silent for a while and let the finish. Seeing that they were waiting for his response, he replied with a levelled tone.

"Umm, I am more than happy to spend time with three lovely ladies such as yourselves. But, I'm here to challenge the gym sorry..."

The three sisters instantly became a little disappointed.

"Awwww~ that's a let down. Regardless, we accept your challenge." Lily said while shaking her head.

Roland was surprised that they agreed to his proposal so readily. In the anime they never accepted challenges from trainers this easily. Nevertheless, he shrugged his shoulders. It was better this way, he didn't have to go through all the hassle.

"Okay, let's move on with the challenge. It will be a three vs three battle, you can use three Pokemon. We on the other hand, will fight you using one Pokemon each. The first to get their three Pokemon eliminated would lose." Explained Daisy. Roland nodded his head in understanding.

The next moment, they moved to the pool side and stood facing each other.

Apparently, Lily was Roland's first opponent.

"Hope you put up a decent fight. Goldeen, go!" Lily chose Goldeen.

"Bring it on! Gyarados let's show them!" Roland said, as he too called out his newly evolved Gyarados.

When Lily and her sisters heard the name 'Gyarados' they were quite startled. However, after witnessing the overgrown red monster of a Gyarados their faces pale.

"Wait, wait, wait...! You can't use Gyarados! this is unfair!" Lily rapidly shook her hands in disagreement. Roland has a fully evolved Pokemon, this fight would be a total one-sided whitewash.

"Why…? There wasn't a rule stating you can't use Gyarados." Roland was trying hard not to smirk and respond with a cheeky smile. But, ultimately held himself back. The lady was already distressed.

"Th-That's t-true…b-but..." Lily murmured in a voice as low as a mosquito. Regardless, Roland heard her loud and clear.

"I thought the same. So, shall we start?"

"…Ugh…whatever, do not get complacent. Size isn't the only deciding factor. Goldeen, Horn attack!" Goldeen did as she was told but her attack didn't bother Gyarados at all.

Gyarados's defence was way higher compared to Goldeen's attack power. Therefore, her attacks weren't effective in the least.

"What the…? That's impossible!!" Lily's mouth was wide open. She couldn't believe her Goldeen's move wouldn't even sting Gyarados one bit.

"Gyarados, finish this with a Dragon Tail." Gyarados waved his tail coated in draconic energy and sent Goldeen flying out of the water, she fainted instantly.

"Goldeen is unable to battle Gyarados wins." Daisy announced the victor.

Next Violet came forward and replaced Lily.

"I'll be your next opponent. Seaking, go!"

"I look forward to our fight." Said Roland with a smile.

"Seaking, Water pulse."

"Gyarados counter with a Water Gun."

As the water gun and water pulse clashed against each other underwater, they caused great waves. Because, the water was churning non-stop which left Seaking confused.

Roland seeing this as an opportunity, didn't waste time. He urgently commanded Gyarados.

"Gyarados now, use Iron Head!"

The next moment, a bright metallic hue covered Gyarados's head as he headbutted Seaking. Seaking flew through the water and crashed hard against the wall.

"Noo… Seaking—!"

Violet was helpless as she saw Seaking sent flying. She bolted toward Seaking and picked him up.

Immediately after, Seaking lost consciousness.

"Seaking fainted, the winner is Gyarados." Daisy declared the winner. Before, walking Roland.

"Let's stop here. The next round will be meaningless, you already won two out of three matches. It's your win." Daisy surrendered.

She then stretched out her hand which was holding a water-drop shaped badge. Roland silently accepted the cascade badge.

This kind of situation was well within Roland's expectations. He knew these sisters hated losing in battles so they would directly admit defeat than lose in a Pokemon battle that's why they stopped accepting challenges after Gary and the other two trainers from the Pallet Town defeated them in anime.

This event was all seen by misty who was at the corner of the gym as she held her hands tightly and now was determined that she will become stronger so that they will not lose again such humiliatingly.

"I'll be going then. Still, I would advise you all to train your Pokemon and yourselves. All of you are gym leaders, don't give up so easily." Leaving those words behind, Roland made his way back to the Pokemon center.

Inside the gym, the three sisters were still silent. Roland's remark was still ringing in their heads. After a while, they looked at each other and nodded at the same time. After today's crushing defeat, they realized how lacking they were. Roland's works lit a fire of motivation inside the sisters to improve themselves and become good gym leaders.

Roland, of course, knew this. He purposely said those words because he wanted them to become stronger and give Gary and others a hard time. Let that arrogant prick taste defeat.

"Professor Oka should reward me. I'm guiding his grandson on the right path." Roland rubbed his chin and snickered in amusement.

"My next destination is Grandpa Canyon!"

[Hello guys, I know it has been a long while since I posted any chapter. But, there is a reason for this. As you may or may not know but it's actually the festival season of India. I've been increasingly busy with IRL stuff and got no time to write much less post a new chapter. I hope you can understand, please enjoy this chapter. Also, I've seen some comments and reviews saying the story is boring and lacks depth. I admit it is true, but I intentionally made it this way. It is just a light read to pass time, initially I had no intentions of uploading this Fic but decided to nonetheless. Because, there are many people like me, who prefer to read simple stories occasionally amidst all these complicated novels. Alright, I won't take more of your time. A word of advice, life is like money no matter how ugly it becomes it has great value.]

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