

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The cover are not mine. It’s from original author. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · Geschichte
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134 Chs


"You're not someone who would do something like this, are you?"

"I treat her like a human being, not like an animal."

"I'm-I'm relieved it's not you, but what happened to make her look like this?"

"Don't try to ask the whole story. You must still value your life."

"Uh, yeah. . . . "

The congressman who was shocked sat down right away and examine Edith's body.

"Thankfully, I don't think her bones are broken. Please apply the warm compress often from now on, and apply the ointment that i will prepare and sending it to you in the morning and evening."

"Is that okay? Shouldn't you give her something like medicine?"

"I'll decide it later whether she needs to take the medicine or not after i examine the lady when she wakes up. It's looks like she haven't been able to rest or eat properly, so she have to be absolutely rest for the time being."

"I got it."

Although he had been told many times that the bruises only looked bad from the outside and it's not a serious problem. However, Killian still asked the doctor to wait at the mansion. Then he sighed, but after a while, Duke Ludwig called Killian and Cliff to confirm what had happened inside the prison. Killian gritted his teeth and got up from his seat.

"Please take care of Edith, while I'm away, Anna."

"Don't worry and go. If you need my testimony, i can tell him. Please call me anytime."

"Thank you."

Killian heads to the duke's office, feeling a sense of camaraderie with a maid he's had never interested in before. When he entered the office, the Duke was wiping his hands with a wet towel. It seemed that all of Rigelhoff's bastrad had been executed.

"Seat down."

As Killian took his seat, Cliff arrived. Feeling the cold atmosphere between of his two sons, the duke sighed deeply and sat in his seat.

"Who should I ask. . . ."

When the duke muttered as if he was in trouble, Killian spoke without even looking at his brother side.

"Do you have anything to say about what happened earlier brother?"

". . . . . "

"Then let me tell you, Father. I'm a little annoyed now, so I might say something harsh words, but let my brother correct it later."

"I got it."

For the first time, the Duke allowed Killian, speak first not Cliff. That day, in the duke's office, the story about the truth they didn't know about continued for long time.

* * *

It's so warm. I no longer felt the chill and cold that chilling me to the bone. Which I felt sick of it even though i had experienced it for a while.

"I'm. . . . I'm alive. . . ."

I slowly opened my eyes, sweeping the soft bedding surface under my palm. As my blurred vision became clearly, I was stiff for a moment at the unfamiliar surroundings, although I felt like I had seen it somewhere before, but then, I immediately realized that this is Killian's room.

'But where's Killian?'

I lifted my body that felt like it was creaking with a little movement and looked around. But no one was there, including Killian.

'I'm afraid . . . .'

Suddenly, I got goosebumps because I wondered if I was dead. I whined and come down from the bed slowly. It was cold because I had nothing to wear, but I wanted to find someone else beside me here in this room.

"Killian. . . . ."

I called Killian's name in an uncertain voice and opened the door that connected the bedroom and the living room. The eyes of the three people who sitting together at the table in the living room turned toward me at the same time. Killian, Anna and the man who sitting together with them, apparently he is the congressman.


A startled Killian got up and walked over to me. But he paused his hand in the middle. He hesitated for a moment, not knowing where he should put his hand.

"Why did you wake up? Your body hasn't recovered yet."

Then, Killian carefully hugged my shoulder and said in a low voice, while examining my complexion. Only then, my anxiety that happened to rose up inside me earlier had softened.

"I was scared because there was no one there. I-l thought I was dead."

At those words, Killian hardened like stone and only looking down at me without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, I should have been stay by your side. . . ."

"No. I just had a weird thought because I was less awake."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

Killian gave me a little hug and comfort me. I felt like Killain was being extremely careful because he seems afraid that he might press my body to hardly.

I wondered why he was so affectionate all of a sudden, but then I realized that he didn't dare to touch my body casually, especially my forearm. He must have seen my condition and all the wounds on my body. It must have been quite a shocking.

When I changed my clothes for the first after the incident, it was so bad that I was shocked too because it was so unfamiliar to me, even though it was my own body. Just looking at the purple color bruises attached on my forearms and thighs, I was so worried it's going to turn into my flesh-colored skin.

"First please lie down again. I'll be stay by your side."

Killian soothed me with a voice so friendly it was enough to make me feel stunned. Then turned towards Anna who was left behind, asked her to take care all the rest well and led me back into the bedroom.

"Killian. What day is it today? how long did I sleep?"

"Don't worry. You've just barely slept for about three days."

"It's 'barely'?"

"You woke up in the middle of night sometimes too. but looking at you like this it's seem like you didn't remember."

"Uh? Is that so?"

As Killian said, I don't remember waking up in the middle of the night.

"You ate some soup once in the middle, drank water a few times and you went to the bathroom once, too."

"I don't remember."

"I thought so too, because you look half-conscious at the times."

I nodded blankly.

"Can I. . . . lie down here?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's because I thought you taking me out of prison without permission. I wonder if your father is angry. . . ."

I was really worried, so I asked, and Killian's expression seemed to hold back his anger.

"You don't have to worry about my father or my brother anymore. Instead, those people need to pay attention to you."

"What happened?"

Killian looked into my eyes for a long time, then let out a long sigh and told me what had happened.

* * *

When Edith was imprisoned in the dungeon, the execution of the Rigelhoff family began, Count Rigelhoff was the first to be brought out and kneeled.

"Do you have any last words?"

Duke Ludwig asked as a final act of mercy. However, Count Riegelhoff, who was already captivated by anger, fear, and madness, glared at Duke Ludwig with bloodshot eyes and grinned.

"If I die, please kill my daughter Edith too. It's a bit of a shame for her to survive alone while we all die."

It was Killian who answered.

"That's funny. She's not your daughter, she's my wife."

"Puffhaha! When did you say that you were so in love with that child, that enough to make you doing this now?"

"I don't know why now, you're looking for the daughter you already abandoned in the first place."

"When did I abandon her?"

"If you don't remember since when you abandoned her, it means you've never considered her as your daughter in the first place."

Count Riegelhoff's expression hardened strangely at the words. Killian felt more angrier when he realized that words stabbed him once. As if he was close to the right answer.

"As a traitor of Riegelhoff, she shouldn't be spared. That's the law of the Riegelhoff family!"

When Count Riegelhoff screamed. Duke Ludwig, who was listening beside him, looked at him with disgust gaze and said as if he was fed up with him.

"That is a matter between your families."

"You don't even know how to respect other families' traditions. . . .!"

"Your last words are too long. Execute his punishment."

Then the knight who acted as executioner step forward and raised the sharp axe.

"Wahhhh! Honey!"


The screams of the Riegelhoff family echoed loudly inside the execution site. The moment the sharp axe cut through the freezing cold air, the two person who was staring at Duke Ludwig went blank and hot blood sprayed into the air. In the end, a person who let his envy and jealousy consume his life, leads him to die in misery. After Count Riegelhoff was executed, the executions of other family members took place in turn. Then, Cliff executes Shane by cut his neck 'slowly' with his own hands. Although the execution site was filled with horrible death screams, Killian's thoughts were still focused on Edith, who was shivering in the prison underground.

'I must take Edith to the mansion! But does my father still suspicious towards Edith? Or he didn't believe me?'

Even though i told him Edith was trapped in the basement of Wellesley vila and almost died, but i still couldn't understand my father who told them to put Edith in the prison. While he was getting more anxious, the time passed so fast. Sophia turn take place, the person who assault and abuse Edith.

"That's woman. . . . !"

Killian took a step forward with a light on his eyes.But at that time, a soldier who was guarding the entrance of the execution hall ran and approaching the duke.

"Your Excellency! Sir Linan Filch has come to see you and he told me that he has something to tell you!"

"Linan? Did he wake up?"

"It seems like he rushed going this way as soon as he woke up."

Linan lost consciousness after being hit on the head by a group of mercenaries while trying to stop the kidnapping incident. However, he was a person with no emotional. But seeing him running here as soon as he woke up it's must be really important information.

"Let him in."

When the Duke allowed him to entered the execution site. Linan who still has a bandage on his head entered and looking around towards the few remaining criminals with urgent expression on his face.

"Linan, what's the matter?"

"Where's young Miss Edith?"

"Edith? Why are you looking for Edith?"

"I heard that the miss Edith was caught and taken to the execution site."


"Miss Edith is innocent! Don't tell me, she already been executed. . . . !"

After making a loud noise, Linan stumbled and touched his temple as if he had a headaches again. Then, Killian approached him and held him up.

"Linan! Do you know something?"

Killian was so glad and desperate seeing the appearance of someone claiming Edith's innocence. When Linan seen Killian still in calm manner, he thought that Edith must be not dead yet.